New SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 Thread

Last edited by elesham4ever on Mar 30, 2020, 3:08:35 PM
As predicted here come the strikes as you sit at home safe waiting for your food and amazon deliveries those employees are exposed and not taking it anymore. I also predicted hyperinflation on bare necessities... good luck paying for it w your $1200 check which should get there by June...if mailman is still working which I doubt... before this is all over this whole board will agree you never shutter your economy. You do like Singpore and south Korea and safe but work on because cure will be worse than virus

. Strikes
Employees from two essential players in coronavirus commerce are planning strikes today. Workers for the food delivery company Instacart have accused the company of not providing enough protections during the pandemic. They are demanding safety items including hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, and sprays, along with hazard pay and an expansion of coronavirus pay to include those with underlying health conditions. Before the strike, Instacart said it will provide more hand sanitizer to some shoppers and make it easier for customers to set custom tip amounts. Meanwhile, Amazon employees at the company's Staten Island, New York, facility plan to walk off the job after the company kept the location open despite a confirmed case of coronavirus there. The leader of the walkout says more employees have tested positive for the virus at the facility than the company has publicly acknowledged.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Mar 30, 2020, 9:06:30 AM
elesham4ever wrote:
awesome999 wrote:
China given free medical stuff to many countries.

China was buying actual tonnes worth of 'medical stuff' from countries whilst telling the world that the China Virus couldn't be transmitted human-to-human. So lets not spread propaganda about China being magnanimous member of the world community.

So let me get this straight - China bought needed supplies when its epidemic was at its peak, and now that it's getting under control they're giving countries medical equipment for free. How exactly is this supposed to make China look bad? Contrast that with the America trying to get exclusivity for the diseases' vaccine...
Aim_Deep wrote:
You do like Singpore and south Korea and others...

Respond to an emerging public health threat early and aggressively? Well, that sounds great! Now if only all nations had done that. Aww, what do you know, they didn't. Sucks. So what then, huh?
Last edited by Exile009 on Mar 30, 2020, 9:12:33 AM
The hoax didn't end like a miracle as predicted.
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
Haha. We'll see how long their attitude lasts. Brazil is just getting started on the infection.
Brazil will sadly be decimated.
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
Exile009 wrote:
elesham4ever wrote:
awesome999 wrote:
China given free medical stuff to many countries.

China was buying actual tonnes worth of 'medical stuff' from countries whilst telling the world that the China Virus couldn't be transmitted human-to-human. So lets not spread propaganda about China being magnanimous member of the world community.

So let me get this straight - China bought needed supplies when its epidemic was at its peak, and now that it's getting under control they're giving countries medical equipment for free. How exactly is this supposed to make China look bad? Contrast that with the America trying to get exclusivity for the diseases' vaccine...

Watch this video, make it what you want.
Forum pvp
lolozori wrote:
Exile009 wrote:
elesham4ever wrote:
China was buying actual tonnes worth of 'medical stuff' from countries whilst telling the world that the China Virus couldn't be transmitted human-to-human. So lets not spread propaganda about China being magnanimous member of the world community.

So let me get this straight - China bought needed supplies when its epidemic was at its peak, and now that it's getting under control they're giving countries medical equipment for free. How exactly is this supposed to make China look bad? Contrast that with the America trying to get exclusivity for the diseases' vaccine...

Watch this video, make it what you want.

[Removed by Support]

Right about what exactly? It's hard to keep track of *****'s positions on anything, given how often they change. As for the rest of the video, it's just a standard r*g*t w*n* youtube host railing about the same story already linked above. The argument still makes little sense.
Last edited by Lisa_GGG on Mar 30, 2020, 1:00:41 PM
Exile009 wrote:

A silly idea, imo. There's a reason we have the saying, 'the bigger they are, the harder they fall.' Glib proverbs aside, there's evidence for it too - mass extinctions tend to end the stories of the biggest species more than the small. Not that I necessarily think we're heading for a mass extinction, but it is instructive - when things get real bad, the biggest collapse, while it's the small and adaptable that make it through better. Btw, the US' response to this outbreak actually makes for a perfect opportunity for an Izaro quote - "Slowness lends strength to one's enemies." :D

In an effort to be concise, since I yammer too much. :)

There's reality, then there's perception. The Market is a mixture of both. But, regardless of what motivates movement, the actual mechanism that does that is the same. So, addressing the mechanism, moving money contributing to "value" the amount and "mass" of that being done has consistent effect. It doesn't matter why something gains in value, or loses it, only that it does.

The foundations, though, are a bit different. When those are entirely based on perception, things get dangerous just like they did in 2008. I don't think the foundations, the "value," represented in the markets today are based on mostly "perception." I think they're truly, mostly, based on good fundamental value. Some adjustments do need to be made, but I think the base is strong enough to weather those and the current quarantine situations.

But, as I said earlier, I also think that "moving money" is the life-blood of commerce. It's not just the value of something that is important. IF money does not flow, things rapidly... die. IF we get to the point where the moving money from exchanges, investments, sales, loans, general commercial activity is truly lost then it would be a very serious situation. That "moving money" has a positive effect all by itself. Can it compensate for "bad things?" I think so. But, I could be wrong too - If I knew for a fact, I'd likely be smart enough to already be a bajillionaire from armchair trading.

Morkonan wrote:
...Indeed. And that should worry everyone...These guys should really have taken off a lot more, but a quarter of a century later they're still largely unknown -

Ah! I remember those guys. Mostly for their "Clock" which I thought was very awesome. The trouble with planning for 10,000 years though is what happens during the intervening 999 years. But, I've long been of the belief that there should be a Department of Departments somewhere that does nothing but make and implement these sorts of very long-term plans. It's important, IMO.

Unfortunately, the only evidence that can be gained to demonstrate whether or not any 10,000 year plan is conceptually valid is either gained by waiting 10,000 years or "building something." That clock? It's a tangible thing. An idea or a plan that only generates data over a period of time that spans many generation can't prove itself during the time it's being tested. (Enough of these being done, however, yields a shotgun approach who's benefit is... "mass." Somewhere, in some way, that mass-effect is thought to be enough to have a long-term positive outcome if individual projects fail.)
Last edited by Morkonan on Mar 30, 2020, 1:14:14 PM

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