Corona virus

That's pretty cowardly. Glad to know you're proud to be the cowardly guy.
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
The_Impeacher wrote:

Our countries are tracking pretty closely in both infection and government/citizen response. I'm trying to keep up with everything.

Maybe you can get have the doc call in a prescription renewal? I know the blood test will be a different story.

(Confirmation of my suspicions above)^

Nah man, what I'm on requires proof that I still need it, hence the blood test. It's heavily subsidised by what we call the PBS (pharmaceutical benefits scheme), bringing its shelf price down from several thousand USD per injection to $15 USD. It's all good. I have the precautions in place for a doctor's visit if need be.

You know, some of the responses here aren't surprising at all. Those that find Path of Exile genuinely attractive are frequently more selfish and self-motivated than, say, more socially equitable gamers. People whose taste for statistics and calculation far, far outweighs anything more human or socially calibrated. Of course they can talk a big game (which is all any Exile ever does) but were it up to them, would they really be able to consign hundreds of thousands of people to death if it meant an overall eventual gain? Moreover, what if someone they 'loved' was one of those people? I would deem such a person a sociopath, but then again, you probably need to be a bit of a sociopath to lead others during times of crisis anyway.

Talk is cheap, but actions are expensive. Nothing I haven't seen anywhere else though. People are generally full of shit when it comes to saying things that have no real consequence. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Mar 23, 2020, 12:57:53 AM
The_Impeacher wrote:
That's pretty cowardly. Glad to know you're proud to be the cowardly guy.

Cowardly isn't even the word for it. He's terrorising them.

The usual dickhead trolls have arrived, spouting lies and ignorance at each other. Had to happen I guess. I'll be easing off then -- as I predicted, what used to be big news a week ago is just the same old same old now. Good luck, if you choose to stick around trying to argue with idiots. I recommend otherwise. What's there to gain from it?

You know he's lying right? He's basically operating like a bot at this point, sowing discord and bragging about it when there's every chance he's nothing like that which is presented. Anyway, not worth it imo. Ignore and move on. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Mar 23, 2020, 12:08:01 AM
Aim_Deep wrote:
Big Scam IMO. You do not destroy your economy for any reason. For ANY reason. Not for a virus. Not if someone drops a nuclear bomb on 10 of your biggest cities. A great depression will be way worse than even 3% of population dying. OFC democrats and media playng it up like end of the world and shutting down whole states... because it's the only way they can beat Trump taking us into a depression.

I like the way Singapore, South Korea and Denmark is handling it. Business as usual and isolate most vulnerable and infected rather than shut down whole states.

Wait in two-three weeks. You'll be saying Aim was right as riots go down and hospitals are not overwhelmed as they claimed they would be weeks ago.

Not sure what you are on about, but Denmark is in lockdown mode similar to most nations responding to it.

They reacted very quickly though, so numbers are very reasonable similar to singapore and south korea, to nobody's amazement since they where hit with sars a few years back and drastically improved their infectious disease respose strategies and infrastructure.

Only difference is, Amerika is already way to late for the "pre-emptive response" strategie.

You guys are probably looking more at an italy scenario.

The virus has already had a month to spread out in the population.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
The_Impeacher wrote:
That's pretty cowardly. Glad to know you're proud to be the cowardly guy.

Cowardly isn't even the word for it. He's terrorising them.

True. It's a criminal act.
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
The_Impeacher wrote:
That's pretty cowardly. Glad to know you're proud to be the cowardly guy.

I went about my day normally, while people were too scared to leave the house over the news telling them some people died of some new virus. I ended up getting the literal zombie apocalypse strain, and it gave me the sniffles.

I also purchased plenty of toilet paper and hand sanitizer, which I flipped for a profit. As the saying goes, fools and their money are soon parted. I'll take it. Billionaires are taking the biggest cut, but there are some little guys like me who see exactly what's going on, and aim to get some of the scraps at the bottom of the barrel.

If I turned on the news right now, and they told me the zombie apolcalypse was literally happening on the streets right now, I'd turn off the TV and go about my day, as planned. They got zero, and I mean absolute zero credibility with me.
Last edited by MrSmiley21 on Mar 23, 2020, 12:06:27 AM
MrSmiley21 wrote:
The_Impeacher wrote:
Ahh. A reality denier.

No, I'm perfectly aware of the reality. That idiot masses have overreacted led by governments of incompetent assholes who're feeding the panic like farmers feed their sheep. Meanwhile, the global economy has crashed over a virus that's killed less than 15000 people globally. Anyone who sees this as anything more than an orchestrated power grab, is an idiot. When the dust settles, the powerful will be more powerful than they were before.

Werd! the flu kills 30,000 every year in USA alone. And we are shutting down the world for 15,000 now? People need to wake the fuck up. This almost seems like an induced hysteria so they can implement plans they have.

I should run for congress. You know traffic accidents kill 30,000 a year let's ban driving and save lives!
Git R Dun!
Aim_Deep wrote:
MrSmiley21 wrote:
The_Impeacher wrote:
Ahh. A reality denier.

No, I'm perfectly aware of the reality. That idiot masses have overreacted led by governments of incompetent assholes who're feeding the panic like farmers feed their sheep. Meanwhile, the global economy has crashed over a virus that's killed less than 15000 people globally. Anyone who sees this as anything more than an orchestrated power grab, is an idiot. When the dust settles, the powerful will be more powerful than they were before.

Werd! the flu kills 30,000 every year in USA alone. And we are shutting down the world for 15,000 now? People need to wake the fuck up. This almost seems like an induced hysteria so they can implement plans they have.

I should run for congress. You know traffic accidents kill 30,000 a year let's ban driving and save lives!

It looks like we're the only 2 based individuals here. There might be some others. I'm not holding out too much hope. This is a gaming forums.

Don't pretend that your motivated by goodness of your heart and not the selfish motivation to survive please.

This "people being calculated and rational are heartless" strawman is stupid, precisely because it concerns millions of family's not in the fortunate position you are in financially.

Your incapability for empathy beyond your class or intelect is always staggering, but it's shining brightly right about now and its not a good look.

Then again, people in fear-mode never dress well or pull of a good look.



Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Boem wrote:
Aim_Deep wrote:
Big Scam IMO. You do not destroy your economy for any reason. For ANY reason. Not for a virus. Not if someone drops a nuclear bomb on 10 of your biggest cities. A great depression will be way worse than even 3% of population dying. OFC democrats and media playng it up like end of the world and shutting down whole states... because it's the only way they can beat Trump taking us into a depression.

I like the way Singapore, South Korea and Denmark is handling it. Business as usual and isolate most vulnerable and infected rather than shut down whole states.

Wait in two-three weeks. You'll be saying Aim was right as riots go down and hospitals are not overwhelmed as they claimed they would be weeks ago.

Not sure what you are on about, but Denmark is in lockdown mode similar to most nations responding to it.

They reacted very quickly though, so numbers are very reasonable similar to singapore and south korea, to nobody's amazement since they where hit with sars a few years back and drastically improved their infectious disease respose strategies and infrastructure.

Only difference is, Amerika is already way to late for the "pre-emptive response" strategie.

You guys are probably looking more at an italy scenario.

The virus has already had a month to spread out in the population.



We aint no italy

First of all we are not old people like Italy. Second we don't kiss each other greeting. Third of all we don't have 84th worst health care in the world.

Italy is a third world country who exchanges bodily fluids to say hello.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Mar 23, 2020, 12:12:10 AM

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