Corona virus

I find his poorly-informed attempts at trolling mildly amusing. Then again, I'm on day 13 of being quarantined alone inside my home so a lot of otherwise moronic things are mildly amusing to me at the moment.
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.
aggromagnet wrote:
I find his poorly-informed attempts at trolling mildly amusing. Then again, I'm on day 13 of being quarantined alone inside my home so a lot of otherwise moronic things are mildly amusing to me at the moment.

I'm...I haven't kept count but it's less than two weeks. And it's going to last months. So far I've managed to make time irrelevant (we sleep when we're tired, game/read/watch when we're not), rinse a soup bowl in the bathroom sink before I realised what I was doing, and learn that adding a little baking soda to food that is too sour due to lemon juice (in this case, lemon and herb dukkah roast vegetables turned into a soup) completely fixes it. Which, frankly, blew my mind but on reflection makes complete sense, given baking soda can do pretty much anything short of curing Covid-19 and even that wouldn't surprise me. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
The Dow Jones having worst month since 1931.
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.

Another: there is absolutely no indication as to who will not suffer from it. That is to say, perfectly healthy people have now died from it. We know conditions that put people at high-risk of serious infection (seniors, weak immune system, lung issues, heart issues, blood pressure issues, etc) but we do not know the opposite. So I hate to say it but whoever is reading this CAN die from it without proper medical attention. You might not, but you might. And are you really willing to fuck with that roll of the dice?

I'm going to need a source for this that isn't just smoke.

Current figures comming in from italy show that 99% of the people that died had high blood pressure conditions.(this isn't age restrictive, but it does imply co-morbidy)

I would need to see your source and verify its accuracy before im willing to adopt your claim, because it isn't remotely backed up by any current conclusions from people going over the reported cases currently.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
You're going to need a lot more than that, and it's not my responsibility to provide any of it. ^_^

Edit: nor my concern whether you get it or not. You forsook that *long* ago. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Mar 23, 2020, 10:11:14 AM
That's fine, my concern is with posting actual facts here that line up with reality so people visiting this thread are actually helped out with solid information.

So im going to go with a "nope" on your claim.



edit : none of this implies regular healthy people aren't disease vektors that spread it and should behave as if they are.

I think that much is obvious for sensible people.

This also doesn't mean healthy people cannot die due to complications because there is no capacity in the health system.
But that isn't a mortality due to the virus directly, but due to lack of care.

One of the main reasons the mortality rate in italy is 8% is because of this later part and its the main reason for lockdown strategies which people should follow if they want their death toll to remain between 1% and 3.4%.
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Last edited by Boem on Mar 23, 2020, 10:19:30 AM
Boem wrote:

Another: there is absolutely no indication as to who will not suffer from it. That is to say, perfectly healthy people have now died from it. We know conditions that put people at high-risk of serious infection (seniors, weak immune system, lung issues, heart issues, blood pressure issues, etc) but we do not know the opposite. So I hate to say it but whoever is reading this CAN die from it without proper medical attention. You might not, but you might. And are you really willing to fuck with that roll of the dice?

I'm going to need a source for this that isn't just smoke.

Current figures comming in from italy show that 99% of the people that died had high blood pressure conditions.(this isn't age restrictive, but it does imply co-morbidy)

I would need to see your source and verify its accuracy before im willing to adopt your claim, because it isn't remotely backed up by any current conclusions from people going over the reported cases currently.



How about this guy here in the UK - 28 year old professional footballer who would have died without hospital treatment
Oh, look, someone who hasn't yet figured out what I have giving it a go. How splendid. :)

And now that he's tried, I'm obliged to provide a little more. Well, luckily this won't take much effort.

First: the crux here is what do we mean by 'perfectly healthy'? Is anyone perfectly healthy? Perfectly 'anything'? Of course not. But in this case, let's go with 'no obvious underlying or chronic health issues'. Plenty of people have been killed by Covid-19 or Covid-19-related complications who fall under that category. Note also that the Covid-19-related complication is probably the bigger threat right now, being pneumonia. And again, we have people who are 'at risk' for a coronavirus developing into pneumonia. No news there. But can our formerly defined people developed pneumonia from a coronavirus? Of course.

So why is this different to normal pneumonia? So glad you asked.

Jenkins says Covid-19 pneumonia is different from the most common cases that people are admitted to hospitals for.

“Most types of pneumonia that we know of and that we admit people to hospital for are bacterial and they respond to an antibiotic.

Wilson says there is evidence that pneumonia caused by Covid-19 may be particularly severe. Wilson says cases of coronavirus pneumonia tend to affect all of the lungs, instead of just small parts.

As for whether 'perfectly healthy' people can develop a life-threatening Covid-19 pneumonia:

“It’s important to remember that no matter how healthy and active you are, your risk for getting pneumonia increases with age. This is because our immune system naturally weakens with age, making it harder for our bodies to fight off infections and diseases.”

And this comes back to the ICU/bed issue. You might develop pneumonia normally and not only will it respond to antibiotics, you'll be able to recover in hospital. Not so in a time of pandemic: those beds are going to be flooded with Covid-19 pneumonia patients needing the exact same thing you will, should you develop Covid-19 pneumonia. Which, as shown above, you can. Do so, fail to get a hospital bed due to overwhelming demand, fail to prevent the pneumonia from damaging your lungs, fail to get onto a ventilator...quite possibly fail to recover, period.

Further reading (rather humorous):

All of the estimates so far remain far above the case fatality rates for seasonal influenza, which tends to be below 0.1%. This new coronavirus may have some similarities to the flu virus in that it is a respiratory virus and can kill you. But it is not the flu. Second verse same as the first, SARS-CoV2 am not the flu. The flu SARS-CoV2 is not. It is indeed something completely new and very different. And that’s the problem.


Bruce Aylward, who led the World Health Organisation's recent mission to assess the pandemic in China, said his team found there had been many deaths in people without other health conditions, and in people decades younger than the groups deemed most at risk.

And my concluding question to anyone still doubting: Just how certain are you that you fall under the low-to-no-risk category, if that category isn't even conclusive yet? Do you get regular thorough physicals? Do you honestly believe your body is working at peak performance at your age, having lived the life you've lived? More power to you if you think so, but that's not a gamble I'd recommend. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Mar 23, 2020, 10:38:10 AM
Were I still playing PoE, I'd be more concerned about the CDN and gateways than anything in the relatively well-contained and led New Zealand. Those are what keep the game up and running, not so much the people developing it. And we've seen both have problems at the best of times...which these times most definitely are not.


LOL at the this ludicrous 'demand return to normal' claim. What are you going to do, go on strike if the pandemic doesn't bend to your will? Sue it? Shoot it with your dazzling excess of lethal weaponry?

Goodness, I don't imagine there'll be much demand for pools given Covid-19 is transmitted via droplets...

Mean, unfair virus is upsetting the delusion cart. Reality deniers are mad.
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
RandallPOE wrote:

How about this guy here in the UK - 28 year old professional footballer who would have died without hospital treatment

Read my edit.

There is a difference between dying due to complications and lack of care and being a "critical corona" patient for which no medical intervention can help you.

Charan for example would fall in that later category and so do co-morbidy elderly people.(going of the current released data)


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes

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