Corona virus

Boem wrote:

Italy has for example some of the best resperator technical skills of the world, you can go read their papers on that stuff from the past couple of years if your interested.

There is a reason why professional people are alarmed by italy's situation, exactly because of their health care state and their proficiency in lung and breathing technique's.

Nobody is served by this spouting of unverified "she said, he said" rhetoric.

A virus doesn't care about your numerical age, it cares about your biological age and americans score piss poor in that department.



edit : it should also be noted how stupid an argument of "having less old people" is when it comes to a pro-healthcare argument.
It only demonstrates the opposite reality, italy has more old people because they have better lifestyles combined with good healthcare systems.

And calling italy a third world country is beyond ignorant when it comes to reality and history.

Sorry, but pardon me while I laugh (again).

Italy is so broke, that they're having to get help from Russia, who's got only a few hundred (known) infections, and only 1 reported death, and their healthcare system isn't even ranked in the top 100 on WHO's list. Ranked 119 out of 188 nations.

WHO is blowing smoke up people's asses.

Russia is dealing with the situation better than Italy is, even though Italy is supposedly better equipped for it. There are some facts for you to contemplate.
Last edited by MrSmiley21 on Mar 23, 2020, 12:38:45 AM
It takes a pretty heartless, selfish person to find Path of Exile genuinely attractive.

I'm not with the trolls you were referring to, but still kindly get off your high horse. You don't like the game - the Wolcen forums are thatta way ->

This isn't helping, and if you expect us to sympathize with your daily reports of your travails in a first world country, try not to come across as a dick yourself.
Last edited by Exile009 on Mar 23, 2020, 12:40:20 AM
The_Impeacher wrote:
The deniers are multiplying. I'm out.

There's still only two of them, so no they haven't multiplied...yet.
Last edited by Exile009 on Mar 23, 2020, 12:51:11 AM
Xavderion wrote:
You know this forum is trash when mods allow such blatant trolling lmao

Well the mods put up with all K*p*g*r*'s bait threads, so...
Yesterday the reported deaths in the US doubled. We are about to see if this trend continues. It is true that so far the deaths are not even close to what is going on in Italy but then again, people in the US are getting sick at a much more rapid rate.

Meanwhile South Korea recorded its lowest amount of new cases since the beginning of March.
Exile009 wrote:
It takes a pretty heartless, selfish person to find Path of Exile genuinely attractive.

I'm not with the trolls you were referring to, but still kindly get off your high horse. You don't like the game - the Wolcen forums are thatta way ->

This isn't helping, and if you expect us to sympathize with your daily reports of your travails in a first world country, try not to come across as a dick yourself.

*shrug* I don't, actually. Expect that. Which is why I've stopped beyond typing a few things.

And no you're not. So why are you acting like you are? You know who I mean.

As for the connection to PoE, I'm happy to elaborate. You know how much experience I have with this game and its players. If there's one commonality I've found in those who stick around, it's that they're very good at taking care of number one. The game encourages this at every level. Every. Level. There is absolutely no incentive to cooperate with PoE. This is hard coded into the foundation of the game; you do remember Cut-Throat right? Fun...if you can keep at as a game. The game itself does its best to be much more than just a game though, doesn't it? The demands it places on its players go far beyond 'casual gaming'. PoE gets under your skin. Into your head.

This has nothing to do with my preference for Wolcen now, and I'm disappointed you think it does. Let's not do that, eh? I never once said that I think Wolcen players are any better. Mind you, that's because I don't have to -- it's a single player game with an offline mode and some token nod to multiplayer. So don't create a dichotomy where one doesn't exist, certainly not as far as I can see.

That said, I've never seen more trolls than in PoE, and they tend to be of a similar flavor across the board.

But alright, I definitely crossed a line by lumping you all together. I'll amend it, but don't expect a full recantation. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Cases in Russia:


There have been 367 cases of coronavirus infections reported in Russia so far and one death.

Looks like they're doing fine. Not all that surprising when you factor in they got the best leader on the face of the planet.

Something else to factor in, is Russian toughness. It's toughness on a level that American plebs who stroke their egos, and get testicular fortitude from objects like guns, couldn't possibly understand.

But, I'll show you what I mean here.

Wrestling with bears in Russia is an actual hobby for normal Russian dudes:

Bear runs up to Russian man sitting down, man literally doesn't give a fuck, and his presence intimidates the bear:

These people are "one with the bear":

Coronavirus has nothing on "Russians".
Last edited by MrSmiley21 on Mar 23, 2020, 1:21:39 AM
You actually believe what the Russian government reports out?

Edit: Of course you do.
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
Last edited by The_Impeacher on Mar 23, 2020, 1:22:14 AM

I love it when analogies speak American. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Mar 23, 2020, 1:23:12 AM
The_Impeacher wrote:
You actually believe what the Russian government reports out?

Nobody has put forth any evidence to contradict them. I'm hearing people accusing them of lying without evidence. But, if you want to prove way more people died in Russia from coronavirus, go for it.

Russians are tougher than Americans or Europeans. They've always been.
Last edited by MrSmiley21 on Mar 23, 2020, 1:25:13 AM

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