Tempest Shield

*Edit* again

Does not persist through zones other than when traveling to a new act or when traveling through town.
Last edited by Respwner on Oct 21, 2013, 7:13:17 AM
Does the passive Arcing Blows (30% increased lightning damage with weapons) work with TS ?
Tenshin_Kai wrote:
Does the passive Arcing Blows (30% increased lightning damage with weapons) work with TS ?
this is a spell, not a weapon. no
Any reason why Shadow is the only class that doesn't get this gem as a quest reward? It seems strange considering that Ranger, who is pure Dex, gets this gem and Shadow doesn't. It's not like Shadow's intended playstyle doesn't support reflected damage, since int/dex shields come with phys reflect as an intrinsic mod.

I guess I'll have to keep making a throwaway Witch or Templar to run and kill brutus so I can give the gem to my Shadow.
Maybe can use a bigger block%. 8 or 10 mabbe.

Would remove the need to take an entire cluster worth of block to max the stat on the skill tree. Feels like that should be the magnitude of the bonus - 4% is just two mediocre skillpoints. 10% is more like 10 skillpoints, with the entry tax considered.
Last edited by LimitedRooster on Oct 27, 2013, 1:39:25 AM
How does tempest shield interact with the trigger gem cast when damage taken? On the wiki it is not denoted as an aura but has an aura quality in the 25% mana reserve. Would Cast When Damage Taken just cause the spell to toggle every time you are hit and the % chance procs?
does anyone remember if this is cast on the shield or on to you?

i mean does it persists if you switch to a new shield in the alternate set or do you have to recast it?

also can the +4% block take you above cap or if you are at cap it stas there?
Last edited by shroudb on Oct 29, 2013, 3:03:23 PM
any plans to change the % requirement on mana? now that auras got nerfed ,i see noone will be using tempest shield
charmolipi wrote:
any plans to change the % requirement on mana? now that auras got nerfed ,i see noone will be using tempest shield

I have to second this. Maybe change to a flat mana reservation instead of %? Not sure
IGN: Wackadin
I'd still really like to see Chain be usable on Tempest Shield. Reactive chain lightning sounds fun and would be great for spreading shock charges for high block builds.
Talisman softcore IGN:disappointment

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