Shock Nova

I would say.

If GGG really wants the deadzone they should add knock back to the skill.

So if an enemy is inside the deadzone he will be pushed to the end of the circle and take damage

That seems to be the best option in witch shock nova remains different from ice nova.

I would dearly love to see shock nova's deadzone create a debuff zone (like shocked ground) which increased damage done by shock nova to enemies on the zone by x%. It would be nice if this could help party members in some way, at maybe a reduced effect? Would take a lot of fine turning, but an easy way to make shocked ground would probably be too strong.

I think this would really give some meaning to the deadzone and give some really active and fun gameplay to this skill. Currently the deadzone makes this ability just miserable to try and clear anything with and there's not really any upside to it (Like, shock nova does not have crazy damage but yet its casting is still horribly awkward).
@Moylin (Beyond)
Last edited by Avelice on Oct 2, 2014, 10:48:29 PM
Avelice wrote:
I would dearly love to see shock nova's deadzone create a debuff zone (like shocked ground) which increased damage done by shock nova to enemies on the zone by x%. It would be nice if this could help party members in some way, at maybe a reduced effect? Would take a lot of fine turning, but an easy way to make shocked ground would probably be too strong.

I think this would really give some meaning to the deadzone and give some really active and fun gameplay to this skill. Currently the deadzone makes this ability just miserable to try and clear anything with and there's not really any upside to it (Like, shock nova has crazy damage but awkward casting).

Technically it doesn't even have the crazy damage anymore. Arc took it over by a mile after the buff.
I was giving an example of a tradeoff, e.g. crazy damage for awkward casting, and meaning to say that shock nova just had mediocre damage and awkward casting.
@Moylin (Beyond)
Last edited by Avelice on Oct 2, 2014, 10:49:20 PM
If i were to use Demigod's Presence & Bounty (30% increased character size) would the increase in character size still sync with the growth of shock nova or would the aoe of shock nova remain the same as if i were normal character size?
I was thinking if i were to increase the size of the character and have shock nova remain the same, then the dead zone should decrease due the my character hit box being larger. Slap conc effect on and hopefully all melee mobs won't be able to squeeze into what little dead zone there is left.
If this doesn't work, then there really isn't any hope to use shock nova as an effective grinding skill :/
Ive always wanted to do a legit shock nova build, but that dead zone man....
+ i would have to be rich to buy demigods + they are only available in standard :/

Please GGG do something with this skill to make it awesome :3
Neither Shock Nova nor your hitbox are affected by Character Size - it's strictly aesthetic.
Vipermagi wrote:
Neither Shock Nova nor your hitbox are affected by Character Size - it's strictly aesthetic.

What a shame, thanks for your reply.
Hey, so i was trying to play with Shock Nova a bit and while it was playable ( dont read good or efficient but playable), the mana cost is really insane, i think it should be decreased to be able to at least spam it
...„kokot“, „piča“ a „jebať“. Tři důvody, proč mám rád slovenštinu. - najlepší český výrok 2014
New lighting skill inc, but shock nova still broke.
A hint, if no one uses a skill it is a broken skill.
JcFreak wrote:
New lighting skill inc, but shock nova still broke.
A hint, if no one uses a skill it is a broken skill.

Inb4 Lighting Tendrils broken.

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