Shock Nova

Make shock nova behave like DotA2 Razor's plasma field Adjust the dmg (maybe halve it or something) and make it's damage and chance to shock apply two times, once while the ring is growing and once while the ring is returning to the character. This way it keeps the dead zone element and it augments its shocking value as a skill. Give some love to shock nova.

Edit : Just had a second idea - make shock nova create an electric wave that makes a full circle around the character

Black dot = character
Red line = shock nova's initial wave aoe (can be bigger or thicker ofcourse)
Blue Arrows = the way nova moves around the character

Damage remains the same and shock chance too. Thanks to my supreme paint skills you can see that the dead zone is still there but the damage is now reliable cause the wave will eventually hit everything in its aoe. Possible problem is that the name might not be so fitting
Inundated with cockroaches, I am - labyrinth rework ideas/suggestions
Last edited by Regulator on Oct 22, 2014, 8:49:31 PM
Or why not make it a channel skill like Flame Blast?
Either channel it to make the aoe bigger or make it similar to what wild captain said except make it so that the shock nova continues to rotate around the character while channeling it?
It could even gain bonuses like damage, aoe or cast speed, ect the longer it is channeled.
I am trying it now with a Vengeance + Knockback trigger setup. to knock monsters on my character out of the deadzone.

This is going to require some heavy tweaking to knockback distances and conc effects and such..

Could be a possible solution. Will report back.
Don't Touch my Sweep please GGG!
Make shock nova behave like DotA2 Razor's plasma field Adjust the dmg (maybe halve it or something) and make it's damage and chance to shock apply two times, once while the ring is growing and once while the ring is returning to the character. This way it keeps the dead zone element and it augments its shocking value as a skill. Give some love to shock nova.

Edit : Just had a second idea - make shock nova create an electric wave that makes a full circle around the character

Black dot = character
Red line = shock nova's initial wave aoe (can be bigger or thicker ofcourse)
Blue Arrows = the way nova moves around the character

Damage remains the same and shock chance too. Thanks to my supreme paint skills you can see that the dead zone is still there but the damage is now reliable cause the wave will eventually hit everything in its aoe. Possible problem is that the name might not be so fitting

The second idea now exists in bloodlines as a type of totem from the Herald of The Obelisk mod. Lets hope shock nove gets reworked for 1.4
Inundated with cockroaches, I am - labyrinth rework ideas/suggestions
just came here to say the same thing, as the last post

Shockwave should work like dota2 razor Q spell!!!!
Been a while since this skill has gotten any attention, so I figured I'd take a poke.

Exact numbers can and should be subject to tuning. The potential to consume multiple power charges per skill use and the cast speed synergizing nicely with Spell Echo would make this Shock Nova a solid self-cast skill and an excellent target for Johnny tinkering.

Some particular interactions I like are Voll's Protector (the increased cast rate is harshly counterbalanced by Protector's reduced maximum mana), Malachai's Loop (providing a way to effectively utilize and manage its power charges), and Occultist's Forbidden Power node (permitting you to gain the benefit constantly given your mana cost is sufficient - pairs nicely with Malachai's Loop as well).
The new shock nova effect is ugly AF. Please bring new mtx or return original style. Original is soooooo much better. Simple and neat.
If I go first, I'll wait for you in the other side of the dark water.
Ukanta wrote:
The new shock nova effect is ugly AF. Please bring new mtx or return original style. Original is soooooo much better. Simple and neat.

I agree. The new graphics is horrible. Why change the design? Just for the sake of novelty? Please revert.
Remove Archnemesis!
Shock Nova Looks Fantastic!
Never gave skill feedback before, not sure what to write exactly.

I have two shock nova characters, a lvl 94 inquisitor and lvl 90 inquisitor. The higher level one is from Legion league where I spent around 6 exalts to get started, mostly on a simple multimodded weapon and spellcrit armour. While my lvl 90 is my current league starter and only character this league.

The main gripe I have with the skill is the damage. This skill is a close-mid range, yet has 0 benefits of getting close. My previous characters are all ED+contagion, cold dot, and self cast freezing pulse. All of them I've never ran into any problems running as a league starter into finishing to complete the entire atlas.

Yet this character is running an
which I got for 15 chaos, and 6 linked in 1 fusing at like tier 3 maps. And then got lucky with 4-6 exalts to get a "decent" watcher's eye(arcane surge when creating consecrated ground, and increased crit when enemy on consecrated ground). And I'm still having issues with killing bosses fast. I am working on a "finished" multi exalt crafted staff, but that shouldn't be expected to complete the atlas? Like the staff on the lvl 94
made boss killing very fun. This league nerfed the extra chaos crafts and removed multimodding, but I do have another staff in the works that does the same dps.

Anyways my point is the damage is lacking. What kind of gear is expected for a character to complete the atlas with shock nova? On freezing pulse, it was 2 10-15c wands in t8s that carried me to kill shaper. Vortex cold snap is very safe boss killing play style, with the freeze and chill of dps and then run and dodge. ED+contagion was farming for the ilvl 50 shortbow 6 linked, using 150 alts for +1 level socketed gems, craft chaos dot multi and that would be enough to kill shaper. Yet Shock nova I'm currently at like 5-7 exalt investment for little damage with no other benefits.

What I mean is, why is there a nova and a ring? Why is shock nova a spell, that can't leech life or offer any defensive mechanic or offensive mechanic. ED heals, vortex is place for constant dps and then run, freezing pulse freezes bosses. Shock nova offers nothing in particular that makes it's worth going melee.

So what I suggest is either an offensive or defensive mechanic added to the gem or just buff the dps. Or perhaps make shocknova a true mid-range spell and just increase the nova% to 75% or just increase the overall aoe of the spell? One of the gripes I have with this spell is that since it's melee range for bossing, it pretty much needs the lightning damage leeched as life which is hard to get/expensive on amulet/ring. If this limitation was somehow removed/alleviated it should open up the amulet for pure dps and fix many issues.

Here's the pob for my character to level 95. It's just missing 1 crafted mod on chest, crafted weapon and an annointment on the amulet.

Apologize if the feedback sucks, not sure how to give proper feedback other than to compare to previous builds/skills I've used. Which consist of using the skill on a character with funding, then league starting it. Which I've only done with freezing pulse, ED, and vortex.

Last edited by Zenos456 on Jan 4, 2020, 2:29:13 PM

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