Shock Nova

Shock Nova is by far THE WORST skill in the game. It's utter garbage.

The main problem with Shock Nova is that it mostly doesn't even hit the enemies. The hit box/hit zone is so small and dead zone so big it rarely actually damages the enemies. Concentrated effect doesn't help even a little bit. Still pain in the ass to actually do damage.. it simply doesn't hit the enemies. The hit box/hit area doesn't match the visuals. The are which does the damage should be at least quadrupled.
Last edited by Selanmer on Mar 21, 2013, 1:17:10 PM
Dont understand why the skill still isn't fixed. Even when trying to position perfectly the nova misses very often. Comeon GGG, this should be realy easy to fix and since many people complain that it is just unplayable at the moment it makes no sense to use this skill at the moment. Deadzone ok, makes sense, would be too strong without it, but please make the deadzone reliable so that people have fun with the skill and dont get frustrated.
Please fix this skill,deadzone is way too big.
what is the problem with the deadzone? can i use (add cold damage) to remove the deadzone?

I'm trying to build an templar with shock nova, tempest shield and i really cant use this skill in maps due to the deadzone when im surrounded by mobs, whyyy GGG?
Shock Nove is not have deadzone !
This Shock Nova Skill is real Good !!


But, Now 0.10.4b
Shock Nova is Very Bad !! Very Very Bad !! Very Very Very Bad !!
deadzone is very very very Bad.

Last edited by play2013 on Mar 28, 2013, 9:40:37 AM
Wow ! I've been using shock nova for a week now and I think that it is FANTASTIC ! Using shock nova all depends on how you use it. It is not for every build, but for mine it works great. At level 81, I use shock nova on a totem with faster casting. I have 3 spectres, 11 skeletons and 7 zombies. While my minions are fighting, the enemy is not aware or concerned about my totem that I dropped behind or in the middle of my minion army (not likely that the enemy could get to my totem anyhow). With the minions, shock nova and my arc casts, I melt large mobs in seconds. I used to use spark, and sometimes firestorm, which can be sporatic but not too bad. My problem is which support gem I can use on the 4th linked socket. Added lightning damage, increased area of effect, concentrated effect, added chaos damage... Ive even used blind. All seem to do ok. Using added chaos damage now, but I might switch to added cold damage.
This spell is fine. Stop using it with totems. Use increase area gem with faster casting and lightning penetration (all it needs if 4L) and increase area passives.

If you start using this spell yourself instead of using it with a totem, you will quickly realize that the deadzone has no effect since you will want to stay away from mobs anyway because of how squishy witches tend to be. The key to the skill is faster casting and increased effect with mana regen.


Last edited by MetalGoose on Mar 30, 2013, 12:15:27 PM
MetalGoose wrote:
This spell is fine.

I read the whole thing but i pretty much disagree on that part. The spell is not fine. Don't tell me you've never had a problem of shock nova not hiting when enemies were clearly standing in it?

If you're using it yourself you have to kite all day long unless you're using other totems, using minions or only killing mobs that move super slow so they never reach you.

@play2013: what can i say, one of the dumbest decisions GGG made, that i am now aware of. On thet link that is clearly a shock NOVA, what we have now is a shock RING.

And from my personal experience, i did try to make the shock nova work for me as a caster using lightning spells but i couldn't do it. I had mobs on my ass, in the dead zone, most of the time and relying on other totems/minions wasn't my style and i didn't want to do that since i'm a caster not a support for my totem/minions. If i wanted a totem character i'd make one if i wanted a summoner i'd make one, i wanted a shock nova caster and it sucked.

Now i'll go watch the wideo play2013 posted once more just to enjoy the sheer awesomness the skill named Shock Nova once was.
IGN: FoughtBledAndWeptForGod, WoE_HitoZ

Pivovar wrote:
On thet link that is clearly a shock NOVA, what we have now is a shock RING.

A NOVA is a three-dimensional effect. Without the deadzone, it would be a disc, I guess.
(it's a name, and it's incorrect either way)
I think it would be nice if increased AOE didn't increase the area of the deadzone as well. I think this would be a nice change that would remove a lot of the frustrating play where enemies aren't hit by the (relatively small) shock ring, while also keeping the deadzone gameplay intact.
@Moylin (Beyond)
Last edited by Avelice on Apr 5, 2013, 12:07:50 AM

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