Infernal Blow

IGN: iAmForiel
I have an idea for a build using Infernal Blow, Avatar of Fire, the Galvanic Hammer passive, and Scepters (Str/Int maces), so I'd like a answers to the following questions:

1) Does the "Increased % Elemental Damage" on Scepters modify the explosion damage of Infernal Blow? What about if you dual wield Scepters?

2) Does the "Increased % Elemental Damage" on Scepters modify the converted physical damage from Avatar of Fire? What about if you dual wield Scepters?

3) Does the Galvanic Hammer on Scepters modify the explosion damage of Infernal Blow? (Probably not, but making sure)

4) Does the Galvanic Hammer on Scepters modify the converted physical damage from Avatar of Fire?

Thanks in advance,
1) the inc % elemental does work on infernal blow's explosion.
1b) dw is simply add the other % to your TOTAL "increased" based boosts.

if you already had 20% increased elemental damage and you have one mace of 10% increased elemental damage. then you have 30% increase elemental damage.
if you already had 20% increased elemental damage and you have two maces of 20% increased elemental damage. then you have 60% increased elemental damage.

2) yes
2b) same as above, only you'd follow converting rules in addition.

3) no

4) yes, you are making physical damage into fire damage. fire damage is elemental. it gets boosted.
Thank you!
Running Infernal blow, plus melee splash, and LL with Avatar of fire.

Going pretty well so far.... Act 3 cruel ATM. Wondering though if LGOH would be better than life leech. Since you dont leech from the explosions and burn damage, I have been wondering if maybe LGOH is the better way to go.

Anyone who has done this build or something similar got any feedback?
In Wraeclast, if someone tries to kill you... you just kill them right back.
Trapperkeeper wrote:
Running Infernal blow, plus melee splash, and LL with Avatar of fire.

Going pretty well so far.... Act 3 cruel ATM. Wondering though if LGOH would be better than life leech. Since you dont leech from the explosions and burn damage, I have been wondering if maybe LGOH is the better way to go.

Anyone who has done this build or something similar got any feedback?
you can't leech from burning as that is a DoT.
the explosions won't trigger life on hit.
i cannot answer fully but it is likely that you are leeching from explosions but it just isn't that much to notice with your build.
Yep, the Explosions will also Leech if you have the Leech support(s).
This skill is bad. Low damage, low explosion damage, small AOE, it does everything wrong. It has no place among the POE active skills. Easy fix, make Infernal Blow a support gem that links to a melee skill. Problem solved.
Kiran04 wrote:
This skill is bad. Low damage, low explosion damage, small AOE, it does everything wrong. It has no place among the POE active skills. Easy fix, make Infernal Blow a support gem that links to a melee skill. Problem solved.
I have a stavewielder scion with this skill plus spectral throw and leap slam, this skill looks pretty fine for me after supporting it with weapon elemental damage and burning chance.
Last edited by PHRandom on Nov 23, 2013, 11:58:00 AM
Kiran04 wrote:
This skill is bad. Low damage, low explosion damage, small AOE, it does everything wrong. It has no place among the POE active skills. Easy fix, make Infernal Blow a support gem that links to a melee skill. Problem solved.

Try to link it to melee splash, then decide, whether it's worthless or not.
IGN: MortalKombat
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