Infernal Blow

lolozori wrote:
-skill need a alternate art mtx
-buff the physical damage> in party, in 75+maps when monsters have increased life infernal blow become really really weak.You can still explode monsters when your allies get them at low life, but downing monsters life on your own is really bad, too much fire res on monsters, too much life.

Infernal Blow is definetely a solo skill. In party, you better use other skills, like Molten Strike.
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lolozori wrote:
-skill need a alternate art mtx
-buff the physical damage> in party, in 75+maps when monsters have increased life infernal blow become really really weak.You can still explode monsters when your allies get them at low life, but downing monsters life on your own is really bad, too much fire res on monsters, too much life.

Thats right, agree.

Buff the physical damage from each level and make Base Damage 140%! Not 125, but 140.
Buff Damage effectiveness to 140%
Quality bonus must be 2% AoE
After 12 Level there must be 1% increased Fire Damage and buff even more increased physical damage.
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lolozori wrote:
-skill need a alternate art mtx
-buff the physical damage> in party, in 75+maps when monsters have increased life infernal blow become really really weak.You can still explode monsters when your allies get them at low life, but downing monsters life on your own is really bad, too much fire res on monsters, too much life.

Thats right, agree.

Buff the physical damage from each level and make Base Damage 140%! Not 125, but 140.
Buff Damage effectiveness to 140%
Quality bonus must be 2% AoE
After 12 Level there must be 1% increased Fire Damage and buff even more increased physical damage.

Also Really BIG (and biggest main) problem is elemental resistance / fire resistance or big life pool monsters/bosses for Infernal Blow Build!!!!1

Infernal Blow MUST get at least 35% fire penetration from quality or level, its NEEDED!
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Last edited by TreeOfDead#4438 on Nov 27, 2014, 1:04:07 AM
I got 15q IB gem so I went to try it on Bloodlines.
Started from Scion to get the Inc. AOE, then travel to Templar and Mara for Life and Blocks.
Walked pass RT, and Crit Circle.
I am using HoA and Hatred.
To Hit is around 89% but going down as I level.

Question is, is it better to take RT or Crit?
Since IB is Fire, it can Ignite, dealing some more damages. Also Hatred can sometimes Freeze/Shatter enemies, even with just 6% crit (atm). There is also add x-y elemental damages, though not much.

So going RT will make it impossible to get status effect on enemies. But HoA has built-in Burning. Htared can still Chill enemies. Also just ONE POINT investments. Very tempting.

Going crit will take a lot of points, and need accuracy as well. But I need some dex anyway, and the accuracy nodes in Templar and Mara also very nice. Seeing enemies Frozen, Shattered, Shocked and Burned also feels nice, aside from extra damage of crit hits. Also could benefit from more items with stats like crit, crit dmg, accuracy.

Second question:
Can Arctic Armor greatly reduce any possible reflect from IB, and its explosions?

I read from the last pages of this thread.
Hopefully I get some answers.
draygourn wrote:
I got 15q IB gem so I went to try it on Bloodlines.
Started from Scion to get the Inc. AOE, then travel to Templar and Mara for Life and Blocks.
Walked pass RT, and Crit Circle.
I am using HoA and Hatred.
To Hit is around 89% but going down as I level.

Question is, is it better to take RT or Crit?
Since IB is Fire, it can Ignite, dealing some more damages. Also Hatred can sometimes Freeze/Shatter enemies, even with just 6% crit (atm). There is also add x-y elemental damages, though not much.

So going RT will make it impossible to get status effect on enemies. But HoA has built-in Burning. Htared can still Chill enemies. Also just ONE POINT investments. Very tempting.

Going crit will take a lot of points, and need accuracy as well. But I need some dex anyway, and the accuracy nodes in Templar and Mara also very nice. Seeing enemies Frozen, Shattered, Shocked and Burned also feels nice, aside from extra damage of crit hits. Also could benefit from more items with stats like crit, crit dmg, accuracy.

Second question:
Can Arctic Armor greatly reduce any possible reflect from IB, and its explosions?

I read from the last pages of this thread.
Hopefully I get some answers.

Crit is a death sentence as IB, the explosion can NOT be spellblocked/dodged. and the explosion has a base 7% crit affected by global crit, which is pretty much all the crit you're going to get. AA will be useless. AA might be ok on noncrit but i doubt it (flask too strong)
In my opinion, being unarmed and using a claw are very similar. In both cases you are punching/slapping/slashing someone in the face. Yet you can't use a claw with infernal blow, but can unarmed. I think the gem should allow both.

I just want to start by saying I love 2.0 and ever given the choice to play 1.3 or 2.0, I take 2.0 every time, it just has so many awesome things in it like no more desynic.

I have a lot of time in path trying to make builds with items and gems that other people throw away. Elemental hit, frenzy (Fun fact, the ten frenzy build lost damage in 2.0 with its quality nerf), Arc Mine, to name a few. Most fall flat on there face. A few can run low levels maps. And then there is this, Clearing level 77's in its low 70's.

So I ran this in Torment. My game plan was to stack as much AoE and attack speed as possible. See, if you use the classic "heavy metal marauder" with slow attacks you waste time. If you cast Abyssal Cry at every pack you waste time. The Goal with Infernal Blow is kill one mob as fast as possible because once you do with 100+ AoE the entire screen explodes, if there is a rare in the pack it dies too.

I had 110 movespeed from flask, Vaal haste, movespeed boots and Devoto's Devotion. Destroy the entire screen in under a second with 5000 life, 50% phys reduction and max resists of all the elements including chaos to allow me to run blood rage for even more attack speed. Along with the 50% magic find I somehow got on top of everything else.

I had found a combination of stuff that just killed everything really fast for a few exalt at most. Needless to say I thought I could use this in future leagues to fund even more experiments.

Regardless, I was ready for "Path of "Melee".

And then you made it reflect immune. I didn't care that much my damage was half physical half elemental and with my high life and defense I could survive most of the times. The times I died were okay too though, since I did not need levels or experience since I could slay all content like a joke already.

And than you added Abyssal Cry. Didn't care, I did not need the extra damage. I did not have the Mana to spam it I used leech on gear for my stuff. Lastly, on a build that revolvers around how fast it is, I did not want to waste time casting it at every single pack.

And then you changed auras and blood rage. Without Grace I did not have the armour to run this new blood rage. All that chaos res for nothing.... Oh yeah, did I mention I lost an entire grace?

And than you changed leech, I Math of Exiled the bare minimum mana leech to be able to sustain IB. You then killed mana leech in the processes of fixing life leech. Life leech did need fixing, but there was no reason to remove mana leech as a viable option. Even if I could use mana leech on large packs to sustain, what good is it if I can't hit single targets or small packs? Something was nerffed that literally rendered me unable to attack.

And then you changed the quality of gems. Melee splash is inferior by design. If you are using Melee splash you are giving yourself a tiny AoE and reduced damage. I know, I have played a lot of Melee Splash. Even with 20% quality you are better off in 99% of situations to use a gem with build in AoE. Then you took 10% more off Infernal Blow. In a build that prides itself with blowing up the hole screen losing one fifth of your AoE hurts.

And then you increased monster life. Yes that's bad for this build. Since IB is a percent even if the damage the explosion deals goes up, so does the life of the target resulting in no gain of damage. The only thing that changes is it now takes longer to kill the initial mob it trigger to big kaboom. Not really that big of a deal, just a tiny almost unnoticeable reduction in power.

And then you put the Blows in Infernal Blow. 60% reduction to splash damage. What? Like, a whole three fifths of the damage goes poof. Now rares and bosses do not die. Now only the mobs afflicted with Melee Splash letting the other half of the screen live. Now small packs take forever to kill. In my eyes the only way to make this character usable again would be to take out Infernal blow and replace it with Cyclone, but the hundreds of chromatics I spent getting five red and one green would cry if I did that.

I considered spending the time it would take to figure out how to launch an attack let alone make the character functionable but after getting screwed over no less than eight times I got the message that I should let this skill gem lie.

Have a nice Day.

"ran out of high teir maps to leave on the ground - people kept taking the higher teirs" - Da Pagionator
Does damage conversion apply to the fire damage from the explosion as well as the initial attack?
The explosion only deals Fire Damage, so there's not a whole lot to Convert there! :p It applies, strictly technically, but because there's no Physical Damage it's a moot point.

Oh, another thought after editing: you probably mean Conversion from other sources, duh. Yes, you can Convert the explosion to Chaos Damage.
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Jan 5, 2016, 10:52:12 PM
This skill feels really weak compared to before, even with a high-dps two-hand weapon, and using 5 links. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but the nerf to only 10% of the exploded monster's life applying is definitely contributing.

It never felt overpowered to me, so I'm not sure what the reasoning was for the massive and multifaceted nerf. (Princeofpuddles's post says it all, really.)

Most of Act 4 content is basically out of the question for my IB marauder.
Wash your hands, Exile!

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