Infernal Blow

Infernal Blow needs its own signature animation. Default animation feels weak. Skill itself is good.
If using Infernal Blow with the new Avatar of Fire passive, do 100% of the physical damage get converted to fire?
50% + 50% is 100%, yes :P
What about basicaly Critchance on Infernal Blow. Is it applies to explosions only?
IGN Marvisol/IIQanother/Teleh
The fact that the corpse explosion can reflect elemental damage makes this skill completely unuseable above level 80. Such a shame because I really like this skill.
SoldierLEX wrote:
What about basicaly Critchance on Infernal Blow. Is it applies to explosions only?

The Crit Chance listed on the Skill Gem is for the explosion only, yes.
whenever i think about build i want play with.
someone write, that it sucks :(
will there be changes for infernal blow corpse explosion?
"Brutus transformed himself out of fear. Fidelitas did so out of love."

sdfsdfsdf name already exist O_O
Can Infernal Blow's explosion crit if you have Resolute Technique?
RT simply states "Never Crit". That should tell you what you need to know..
Mark has mentioned that Infernal Blow's corpse explosion is not attack damage and cannot be evaded. I know it can be reflected - can it be blocked? If so, would you have to stack normal block chance, or spell block? I'm guessing you can't block it at all.
Ruby light of Songbird dreaming,
Daring King of Swords deceiving,
Queen of Sirens left in grieving,
Star of Wraeclast evermore.

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