Infernal Blow

Would the increased Fire Damage of the unique helm Hrimnor's Resolve work towards the explosion fire damage? if so, the build suddenly became a lot closer to viability..

I think it will, but would like to get some more feedback.
Don't Touch my Sweep please GGG!
The explosion is Fire damage, so it benefits from all +%Fire Damage modifiers, yes.
%Elemental damage, too, which the Templar gets quite a bunch of.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Jan 8, 2013, 9:32:49 AM
Thanks for the confirmation, I already though it would, but I have no time anymore to test a build before OB...

now, would Concentrated Area of effect work with the Explosion part of Infernal Blow?

I am not sure if the Explosion part is part of the skill or just an effect "afterwards", thus not effected by skills like Concentrated Area of Effect...

Roy, any light on this?
Don't Touch my Sweep please GGG!
The explosion is still part of the skill, and can be augmented with Support gems.
now that IB has been buffed to do 125% instead of 112% of your wep dmg isnt it much better than GH since you can get so many more fire nodes than you can cold nodes?
its much better because its flat out 125% damage effectiveness instead of just 112% for the melee hit. meaning this skill is for the AoE finisher while glacial hammer is for the freezing proc.
After having made a Infernal Blow character, I will say it really isn't all that viable. This gem along with Glacial Hammer need to be reworked. You will never see someone using Infernal Blow, ever. It just is a gimmicky skill that doesn't work past Cruel.

What I would support is turning Infernal Blow into a melee support gem. You could do this by just keeping the corpse explosion effect and removing anything about the adding fire damage. It would make a good AoE support for Templar's or people using global crit builds such as melee Shadows.

Currently as it stands, the support gems for melee are pathetically boring. There isn't even one support gem for melee skills that changes the behavior of the skill, yet projectiles can choose from 4 different AoE behaviors. Forever waiting change of the melee variety.
what do you mean about not being viable? the only skill that does more dmg is heavy strike or double strike if you got the dex for it. also heavy strike is really bad for team play. if its not viable, which melee skill would you choose over it?
I am trying to work out how this gem works with Life Leech:
-The description states the skill has a 'base duration'. Does this imply that all of the initial AoE damage is DoT and thus doesn't work with LL?
-Does the explosion damage, which appears to be applied instantly, work with LL?

After having made a Infernal Blow character, I will say it really isn't all that viable.

This is not true.

I'm using it on HC lvl 58. So far its not as easy to use as Ground Slam but it works. I'm really looking forward to take a few more fire nodes to Increase actual hit dmg and explosion dmg. Im having a blast using it along with molten shell and i'm curious about discharge dmg (6 charges at least) will turn out.

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