Brace Yourselves: Imbalance May Be Coming

I am not really into lld, only have a few lld pvp characters (not playing melees so they are not very good) (and I am not very informed when it comes to crafting either) so I am far from the most informed on the matter. But I keep hearing other lld players promote lld with it being easier and cheaper to get into then hld (have also heard more balanced but with almost everyone good being either melee with perandus or puncture bow or both with weapon swap I would say hld is way more varied)

But is easier to get into and cheaper really right? I mean to succeed you need really awesome items for both hld and lld and when it comes to crafting items you need item level 36 for lld and crafting on a base like that you risk rolling a mod that ruins the item by rising the level requirement over 28. You don't have that risk when crafting for hld wouldn't that make crafting for lld harder (more expensive) than hld crafting?

Also I really can't see the problem with a crafting bench adding 1 mod to an item. It is not like the benches are handing out gg items like the top lld pvpers already have (and have given examples of in this thread).

(made some edits)
Last edited by Grildrak on Aug 6, 2014, 11:39:26 AM
Grildrak wrote:
I am not really into lld, only have a few lld pvp characters (not playing melees so they are not very good) (and I am not very informed when it comes to crafting either) so I am far from the most informed on the matter. But I keep hearing other lld players promote lld with it being easier and cheaper to get into then hld.

But is that really right? I mean to succeed you need really awesome items for both hld and lld and when it comes to crafting items you need item level 36 for lld and crafting on a base like that you risk rolling a mod that ruins the item by rising the level requirement over 28. You don't have that risk when crafting for hld wouldn't that make crafting for lld harder (more expensive) than hld crafting?

Also I really can't see the problem with a crafting bench adding 1 mod to an item. It is not like the benches are handing out gg items.

It is cheaper. But "cheaper" is relative. You wouldnt mirror an LLD item (yet, maybe one day). There can be some niche items worth a lot in cost like 6L uniques or a rare vaal orb roll. The supply is very low due to low population.
IGN: @GreenDude
Grildrak wrote:
(have also heard more balanced but with almost everyone good being either melee with perandus or puncture bow or both with weapon swap I would say hld is way more varied)

Heyo! We have summoners, poison arrow builds, low life trappers, low life spellcasters, potential EE builds, puncture builds, one handed sword builds, dual dagger/bow crit ele builds, regen life tanks, and a LOT of other stuff that I am interested in building, but cannot simply because of gear restrictions. While HLD may be more varied, I would only say by a slight margin.
Grildrak wrote:

But is easier to get into and cheaper really right? I mean to succeed you need really awesome items for both hld and lld and when it comes to crafting items you need item level 36 for lld and crafting on a base like that you risk rolling a mod that ruins the item by rising the level requirement over 28. You don't have that risk when crafting for hld wouldn't that make crafting for lld harder (more expensive) than hld crafting?

(made some edits)

actually the cool part about ilvl 36 items is that any mod that you roll on them will give you an item not higher than ilvl 28. So its 100% safe to craft ilvl 36 items. Now if you item is higher level...there is a risk of bricking the item.
LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide
But I keep hearing other lld players promote lld with it being easier and cheaper to get into then hld

It always was, when Diablo2 got ruined by 1.10 runewords LLD became quiet popular and you didn't need the best gear to be competive.

9, 12, 14, 18, 29 were the PVP gaps in Diablo 2.

But well while it didn't change much compared to 1.09 6 emerald Crystalswords/Waraxes and Bows weren't competive anymore.

There also were no charm fomats.
But most PVPers still went to PVPGN servers.

PoE suffered problems after CB. The area levels changed and large chests got nerfed to the ground.
CB had 2 really reliable ways to obtain PVP items.
One was to do thicket in Cruel and another was to do merv in Cruel.
After OB there wasn't a single reliable way to obtain LLD items anymore because the required areaslevels only had bad drops, so had to craft high level items and well you know how that goes.

Also I really can't see the problem with a crafting bench adding 1 mod to an item. It is not like the benches are handing out gg items like the top lld pvpers already have (and have given examples of in this thread).

And that's a reason why it won't be popular.
There are still big differences in gear and creating 4 mods you need is already a difficult task.
The art of LLD in D2 was knowing when to attack.
IE an eth honor lance charger was a complete glass cannon, being able to oneshot everything while being fragile.
On barb you needed to know when to leap when he charges towards you.
On characters with shield you made sure he couldn't keep the charge lock distance after a block.
andkamen wrote:

actually the cool part about ilvl 36 items is that any mod that you roll on them will give you an item not higher than ilvl 28. So its 100% safe to craft ilvl 36 items. Now if you item is higher level...there is a risk of bricking the item.

Item level 35 (you cant see the item level here on the forum but I can link it to you ingame if you want). Edit: ok understand now thank you :)


Heyo! We have summoners, poison arrow builds, low life trappers, low life spellcasters, potential EE builds, puncture builds, one handed sword builds, dual dagger/bow crit ele builds, regen life tanks, and a LOT of other stuff that I am interested in building, but cannot simply because of gear restrictions. While HLD may be more varied, I would only say by a slight margin.

Yea sure have seen some bow builds and I can understand trappers being strong but summoners and casters? Low life casters how? I mean you don't have shavs (and would using solaris lorica really allow you to get enough es?) so how do you survive even a single poison arrow or hell how do you survive taking any damage at all if you are reserving at least 65% hp and only have some extra es on top of that?
Don't take this as me telling you you can't do it I am just asking you how could that be done? I would live to make a low life caster again if it was valid!
Last edited by Grildrak on Aug 6, 2014, 1:11:43 PM
Grildrak wrote:
andkamen wrote:

actually the cool part about ilvl 36 items is that any mod that you roll on them will give you an item not higher than ilvl 28. So its 100% safe to craft ilvl 36 items. Now if you item is higher level...there is a risk of bricking the item.

Item level 35 (you cant see the item level here on the forum but I can link it to you ingame if you want.

there is a difference between level requirement from mods, from item base and ilvl.

In your case the level requirements for the shield are lvl 28 or less from mods but the base is for lvl 33 so the end result is an item with level req 33. However many times your chaos spam it it will always remain level 33 req.

Summoners need good corrupted items like +1 tabula, and items corrupted for 15-20% minion damage. Other stuff to make them better is more curses, possibly EE, minion instability etc. There are many ways in which you can buff minion damage.

You can get about 1k if not more es at lvl 28, and go low life. Poison arrow is gonna ruin your day though.

LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide
Last edited by andkamen on Aug 6, 2014, 1:11:49 PM
Grildrak wrote:

Low life casters how? I mean you don't have shavs (and would using solaris lorica really allow you to get enough es?) so how do you survive even a single poison arrow or hell how do you survive taking any damage at all if you are reserving at least 65% hp and only have some extra es on top of that?

You are indeed vulneable to a poison arrow shot. A good caster can dodge the shot though or kill you before you do it. LLD has match ups just like other games. Some builds are really strong against others and vice versa. Low life caster is great in teams for example. A good team can tank the hits for him too.
IGN: @GreenDude
GreenDude wrote:

You are indeed vulneable to a poison arrow shot. A good caster can dodge the shot though or kill you before you do it. LLD has match ups just like other games. Some builds are really strong against others and vice versa. Low life caster is great in teams for example. A good team can tank the hits for him too.

Played my hld caster low life for a long time before infernal mantle was added to the game and I can say as long as I don't have chaos damage does not bypass energy shield I am not going back. Really it not even a question of match ups as anyone (literary anyone) can just pick up any bow and spam gmp poison arrow and you are sure to kill the low life caster. The only thing needed is that they enter the match with a poison arrow gem and a white bow in the inventory.

And about team matches even in a 3v3 even I would say it is preferable to have an extra person that can do normal damage and also tank a little then have a glass cannon that dies in one shot in the back. Defending him from any one using whirling blades and flicker or just shooting a poison arrow if he cant even take that is just not possible. I am speaking from experience mainly playing an really glassy glass cannon in hld pvp but I can at least tank poison arrow with CI (without CI it will just be worse and wont work against any opponents that knows what they are doing no matter how good you are trying to dodge).

I have a feeling that a lot of people here if they see a build in PvP lets say a low life caster that they can beat kinda easy but they also see the low life caster beat some random other player in the arena they think "well I am good so not that odd he lost to me but he seam to be beating all those other people so his build must be valid in pvp so clearly low life casters are a lld pvp build". Valuing yourself so high (not talking of anyone in particular) that you don't really see it as a problem for that build if it cant beat you. As I see it a build is not really valid if it can't compete in the top and are able to beat anyone (in a 1v1 bo5) if played right with good enough gear.
Could be seen as a fun thing to complain about just after saying that glass cannons are kinda weak in team matches based on my experience assuming it wasn't me playing it poorly..
Last edited by Grildrak on Aug 6, 2014, 3:38:47 PM
If I got it right u can add 1 mod to an item that has room for it? Sounds amazing. Will b great for everyone, specially newcomers. Such a pity for all that almost godly stuff that many of us have thrown away before xD
S1 Europe LLD champion :)

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