Brace Yourselves: Imbalance May Be Coming

Grindcore, you've done some major grinding to get the gear that you have, and its some truly amazing gear. While benches will make it easier to get gear that is close to the level of gear that you have they wont be giving out amazing items for a few chaos left and right. You still need that amazing base of the item on which you can add only 1 mod.

Yes that 1 mod can make a huge difference if its life and can make a meh item really good, but they are also introducing many new mods that you also want to get. So if you just make your item useable you are missing on the new offensive features that they are going to add.

I linked you some of my better non 6 mod items that I have across all leagues right now (page 5). Adding 1 mod to them will just make them better, but none of those will still compare with the best items that you have.

If I've been collecting those items for a while, I dont think that new comers will have a rofltstomp easy of a time getting insane gear. It will just be faster to get those first 1-2 characters that are somewhat competitive.
LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide
Last edited by andkamen on Aug 7, 2014, 5:24:01 AM
andkamen wrote:
Grindcore, you've done some major grinding to get the gear that you have, and its some truly amazing gear. While benches will make it easier to get gear that is close to the level of gear that you have they wont be giving out amazing items for a few chaos left and right. You still need that amazing base of the item on which you can add only 1 mod.

Yes that 1 mod can make a huge difference if its life and can make a meh item really good, but they are also introducing many new mods that you also want to get. So if you just make your item useable you are missing on the new offensive features that they are going to add.

I linked you some of my better non 6 mod items that I have across all leagues right now (page 5). Adding 1 mod to them will just make them better, but none of those will still compare with the best items that you have.

If I've been collecting those items for a while, I dont think that new comers will have a rofltstomp easy of a time getting insane gear. It will just be faster to get those first 1-2 characters that are somewhat competitive.

Ya thats fine with me. 1 Tier 1 mod would be cool. I hope more is released about the mechanics of the bench crafting. I have some insane gear I would like to add a few mods to ; )

also getting a 5 link on crafting bench would be insanely helpful, as well as 6 link ; ). I spent 15 ex on 1 5link for a lvl 28 chest LOL
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre,
Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL on Aug 7, 2014, 5:32:27 AM
People here complaining about it being too hard to break into LLD imo are lazy.

While this would normally fall under the definition of an insult, I'm willing to give you the benefit of doubt. However, I still do not find it fair that you can claim a word in this discussion when you haven't even given the effort to read this thread.

To argue against your claim that we're all "lazy" somehow, though, don't forget that some of us have put in just as much time PvPing and getting better skill-wise as you have grinding. Not necessarily overall time, but in terms of rate of time spent per day, I'd say maybe some of these "whiners" are even more dedicated than you. And you seem to hold some belief that the richer you are, the more dedicated you are. You could not be more wrong. Some of these LLDers have started out rich, and gotten everything through buying and crafting (not to discredit their dedication to PvP, but rather as a point against your statement).

And if you think any one of us are mentally weak after sticking in this game for so long, you are dead wrong.
This is so classic. Grind to the top and no one has the energy or time to do the same so the developers listen to the majority and change the game so its easier for them to compete with the most hardcore players going after the #1 spot.

I think your point of view is great if you only want a small community. A handful of "hardcores" (20-30) that will put the effort in to grinding.

However if you want the community to grow to any appreciable amount (100's/1000's), on a relatively equal playing field (or even not so equal), something needs to be done regarding the current barriers to entry to pvp.

I also think the need for great gear, potentially stifles a lot of innovation in the community. People are less apt to experiment with new builds if they don't have the requisite gear to even attempt to begin it.
IGN: _Firebitch
Last edited by Firebrand76 on Aug 7, 2014, 9:14:32 AM
This is so classic. Grind to the top and no one has the energy or time to do the same so the developers listen to the majority and change the game so its easier for them to compete with the most hardcore players going after the #1 spot. People here complaining about it being too hard to break into LLD imo are lazy. Fightgarr and johnny_annihilation are great examples of how its possible to break into LLD in a short period of time. They joined with very littler lvl 28 oriented gear and grinded for a few months and now are very competitive members of the HC LLD arena. Everyone else acting like its impossible to be competitive is focusing on many other things than pvp, like lord for example.

There are sooo many things wrong here. The use of "grind to the top" to imply that youre better than other people at pvp for playing an unrelated minigame longer than them. Calling people "lazy" for wanting to play pvp without wasting their time on mindless farming(what?). Using 'grinded for a few months'(!!!) as an acceptable amount of time before you're allowed to play pvp even close to fairly. And finally, implying that to be competitive you should have to focus the majority of your time on getting gear and that that's ok(lol). There's just so many obviously wrong things that it comes off as satire.

I thought I remember you agreeing with me that gear should be easy to get because it's the reason nobody plays pvp, but apparently that's fine with you.
Last edited by MrEnzyme on Aug 7, 2014, 10:00:07 AM


Lord why the hell is there screen shot upload and not just linked through your forum account?
Lordsidro wrote:

is this T1?

Just trying to let john_nova here know what's up

kinda fishy to me man.

It's not my bow, it's Phatdudes I was using it to make a point which is why it's a screenshot and not a link. Glad that's fishy.
Last edited by Lordsidro on Aug 7, 2014, 10:46:16 AM
Firebrand76 wrote:
Someone made a good EK build in LLD... his name is escaping me. I haven't seen it but I've heard about it. I'm trying to make one now, but it needs work. It's low life as well, so poison cloud is a big problem. It's also glass cannon.

mrmagikboy (MineTurtle) is the guy u are talking about imo. His low life ek is insane. I do have a decent one too but non low life. Iirc I did 1k+ dmg with 1.1k+ life, max res and 0,6 aps (didnt check after that apparent buff tho). Definetly one of the strongest casters u can make. I would say its closer to tier 1 than 2.

Btw if u rly have some gear issues I might try to log in for a while and check for soemthing to help u out. Quite sure I have some pretty decent spare stuff to help a buddy out :)

e/Holy shit with that bow :O
S1 Europe LLD champion :)

Last edited by SirEdwards on Aug 7, 2014, 2:24:47 PM
GreenDude wrote:
bigfoot312 wrote:
Those who disagree likely have a personal agenda to remain the only users with that type of gear.

That's an untrue and unfair conclusion to make. You cannot just make such a statement. Again I gave you the real reason for not allowing T1: It will kill the fun for those who 1. Like trying to get perfect gear 2. who like to farm for that lucky drop. No hidden agenda.

Good game mechanics and balance, with a wide variety of competition is a lot more important than the thrill of finding a one of a kind rare.

this is coming from someone who has plenty of one of a kind rares. its awesome, but id trade my best item for a new batch of players to join the scene.

GreenDude wrote:
This is an rpg first and pvp second. If you want pvp with no item randomization then i'd recommend a fighting game like Smash or a moba like dota 2.

Farming should not be required, your all right. I think benches help with that. But for those who enjoy farming, they have nothing to look forward to if its easy to get T1.

The compromise here is to make benches give T2. I still stand by that argument because i think it is rational and does not in anyway mean that new LLDers wont be able to enter the scene. It WILL be easier to join LLD even with my suggested change.

please just stop. pvp is absolutely more important to the pvpers (which is all of us, thats what this subforum is discussing, thats our whole point) than the rpg aspect.

Last edited by Pillowapnts on Aug 7, 2014, 2:30:50 PM
I absolutely welcome this change and the impact it could have on new players trying to break into LLDing. I can only speak for SC but the well of nice LLD items dried up long ago. Occasionally you can find a nice piece here or there, but overall they are too few and too far between. The supply just isn't there.

Sure as a new player you could start small and acquire a handful of decent items. Maybe throw on a goldrim to compensate for your pitiful resistances. But only a handful of builds could actually compete with shitty gear (a puncture build if you had a decent bow, or a build with double ungils). A new player could also start a character in one of the temporary leagues and spend their currency acquiring a set of nice LLD gear and then wait patiently for the league to merge for any real competition.

Any change that helps breach the gear barrier is excellent in my mind. The theory, planning, play, and competition is what makes the PvP so enjoyable, not amassing sets of gear to let rot. I won't deny there's a certain satisfaction acquiring a godly piece of gear that no one has close to, but come on, squashing ants gets old fast. You want an opponent that might actually bloody you.

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