Brace Yourselves: Imbalance May Be Coming

Casters and summoners are pretty much 2nd tier in LLD as far as I've seen. I haven't been playing a lot lately though, so anyone correct me if I'm wrong.

Enzyme I heard made a good summon raging skulls build, although I'm don't know how competitive it is. Mine sucked pretty bad however when playing 3v3's recently with the top tier guys. lol

Skeles and zombies can't really compete in LLD anymore. I made a kickass one a little over a year ago, but the quality in LLD has improved so much, it's pretty obsolete.

Someone made a good EK build in LLD... his name is escaping me. I haven't seen it but I've heard about it. I'm trying to make one now, but it needs work. It's low life as well, so poison cloud is a big problem. It's also glass cannon.

From what I've seen, 95% of the top builds in LLD are melee and/or bow puncture.

I haven't LLD'd much since the winter due to my gear being pretty shitty compared to everyone else's now, and I haven't kept up.

I've never had particularly good gear to begin with actually. I've never had over a 4L on any of my gear save a 6L searing touch that I recently got for my HLD summoner. I have a high ES chest, but it's still not 5L'd. Too lazy.

If my gear is a barrier to playing LLD, and I've been playing since closed beta I can just imagine any new people wanting to LLD would be heavily discouraged.

I'm one of those people that hate grinding and love pvp'ing. I was pvp'ing in Dark Souls 2 a few months ago and the access to great gear is so much easier. It had a gigantic community as well. Not sure if the two are related.
IGN: _Firebitch
Last edited by Firebrand76 on Aug 6, 2014, 6:49:11 PM
One thing raging spirits is amazing at is stalling. You just need to pair up the character with the right teammate, then the build becomes unstoppable. Me and Enzyme pretty much 2v3'd on a regular basis with that setup. Perma curse also hurts along with the stall, but requires you to play in a very specific way. I might be a little bold in saying this, but trying to outlast with perma curse and defensive abilities requires such a specific bait and dodge playstyle that most people (including myself) don't know how to play it to the fullest extent.
Firebrand76 wrote:
I was pvp'ing in Dark Souls 2 a few months ago and the access to great gear is so much easier. It had a gigantic community as well. Not sure if the two are related.

This is another big reason to make the ideal gear accessible; you cannot complain about low player population while supporting a system where new players get locked out from competing until they do the necessary grinding. This gear thing is the #1 reason almost no one plays pvp, and that won't change unless it's addressed.

On the raging spirit build, I would rate it a fine one with no auto-lose matchups. Puncture was the hardest (probably true for most builds) though it varied a lot by map. Overall it was disadvantaged some against puncture/melee and advantaged against everybody else; not god-mode, but solid enough. I havent been on in a while, though the only thing thats changed in the last month or two is the EK buff so this should be roughly accurate.
Last edited by MrEnzyme on Aug 6, 2014, 8:33:06 PM
One thing raging spirits is amazing at is stalling. You just need to pair up the character with the right teammate, then the build becomes unstoppable. Me and Enzyme pretty much 2v3'd on a regular basis with that setup. Perma curse also hurts along with the stall, but requires you to play in a very specific way. I might be a little bold in saying this, but trying to outlast with perma curse and defensive abilities requires such a specific bait and dodge playstyle that most people (including myself) don't know how to play it to the fullest extent.

I wonder how those builds will be affected by the skill tree change. Minion instability is moved probably to templar? And perma curse is MIA. Most MI builds are witches so if MI is too far it might have to be templar but then thats not efficient. Summoner has huge team play and decent 1v1 so i'd hate to see it get negatively affected.

@Firebrand: are u thinking of Lordsibro's ek? His is strong too.
IGN: @GreenDude
Last edited by GreenDude on Aug 7, 2014, 12:14:46 AM

hmm that armour mod is better than a tier 1(Lobstered 47 to 64)
i wonder if that is only for a higher requirement chest or for lvl 28 chest also
GreenDude wrote:

@Firebrand: are u thinking of Lordsibro's ek? His is strong too.

Might be. Someone was mentioning it the pvp forum here a week or two ago.
IGN: _Firebitch
Maybe there should be a general discussion PvP thread for cross league group communication. While I love the talks, I feel I have to point out we are no longer on topic.

As for what Firebrand and Enzyme said, I cannot count the number of times I've recruited a player who ended up going inactive simply due to lack of progress and skillful competition in PvP. I can only think that gear barriers only serve to compound any imbalance in the game at the moment.
This is so classic. Grind to the top and no one has the energy or time to do the same so the developers listen to the majority and change the game so its easier for them to compete with the most hardcore players going after the #1 spot. People here complaining about it being too hard to break into LLD imo are lazy. Fightgarr and johnny_annihilation are great examples of how its possible to break into LLD in a short period of time. They joined with very littler lvl 28 oriented gear and grinded for a few months and now are very competitive members of the HC LLD arena. Everyone else acting like its impossible to be competitive is focusing on many other things than pvp, like lord for example.

Lord is constantly talking about how hard gear is to get but his focus is always mixed between different aspects of the game; HC LLD, Sc HLD, HC farming, HC HLD, and so on. People keep quoting that I have great grear... It took me quite a bit of focus to get. LvL 28 PvP isnt about gear being soooooo easy to get so everyone can be competitive. Its suppose to be easier, yes, but this isnt guild wars where u can randomly generate a new char when ever u want and just loosely build shit. LvL 28 is suppose to simplify the arena by making builds way more limited. It ends up being more balanced but I still wouldnt say LvL 28 is about being more balanced than HLD, its much easier to experiment with and thats the beauty of it. I like that LLD still takes a lot of investment, I hope this doesnt change with benches. I hope benches make it easier to get into LLD but please dont make it a cake walk.


Lord why the hell is there screen shot upload and not just linked through your forum account?
Lordsidro wrote:

is this T1?

Just trying to let john_nova here know what's up

kinda fishy to me man.
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre,
Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL on Aug 7, 2014, 4:37:39 AM
Instead of throwing insults at us, maybe you could actually read our posts and start a discussion based on what we've already talked about. Otherwise, I can't really appreciate your "contributions," GrindcoreTHRALL.
Instead of throwing insults at us, maybe you could actually read our posts and start a discussion based on what we've already talked about. Otherwise, I can't really appreciate your "contributions," GrindcoreTHRALL.

insults? Get a hide dude. I would hardly call those insults and if you are offended you are soft bro. I commended a few players who I witnessed put in effort. Andkamen deserve recognition too, GJ with the new ARC build. Let me make it clear too, I am not dissing you lord. What I say is true. You do focus on many different aspects of the game ; )
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre,
Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL on Aug 7, 2014, 5:03:39 AM

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