Brace Yourselves: Imbalance May Be Coming

john_nova wrote:
greendude was right, you cant have a discussion with mrenzyme because he puts words in your mouth.
@Firebrand76 i didnt say you didnt need skill in pvp. its just that gear matters more
and i saw mrenzymes youtube videos. it was the most boring thing ever. please dont show those videos to any potential new LLDers, because thats a really bad show case of what LLD is. he spams conversion trap. nothing unique about it. his build will NOT work if you take out conversion trap. i have no respect for that kind of gameplay. he relies on that single skill and take that away and his whole build falls apart. you wont be using that build any longer when conversion trap gets nerfed buddy.

Lol, clarify yourself then. You said ridiculous things, so I mocked them. Also amusing that you say my character is boring and have "no respect" for me playing the kind of character I want (which is sort of the point of this game). I have videos of other characters I could put up, but you seem like a person that would insult those too for not running at the enemy and holding 1 button until they die.
MrEnzyme wrote:
Lol, clarify yourself then. You said ridiculous things, so I mocked them. Also amusing that you say my character is boring and have "no respect" for me playing the kind of character I want (which is sort of the point of this game). I have videos of other characters I could put up, but you seem like a person that would insult those too for not running at the enemy and holding 1 button until they die.

clarify myself? i would actually try if you didnt puts words in my mouth or conveniently leave things out when you quote people. so no, im done on that part :)
oh you have videos of other characters you can put up? please do, i would love to see some matches where you dont use conversion trap. i seem like a person that would insult those who dont hold down right click? no, no insult from me. no respect and insult are two different things. look it up :) like firebrand76 said there are ways to pvp without holding down right click.
Bear trap
Cold snap
Temp chains
Smoke mine
now i respect those but not conversion trap, especially a build that falls apart without it.

p.s let me know when your video is up :)
john_nova wrote:
clarify myself? i would actually try if you didnt puts words in my mouth or conveniently leave things out when you quote people. so no, im done on that part :)
oh you have videos of other characters you can put up? please do, i would love to see some matches where you dont use conversion trap. i seem like a person that would insult those who dont hold down right click? no, no insult from me. no respect and insult are two different things. look it up :) like firebrand76 said there are ways to pvp without holding down right click.
Bear trap
Cold snap
Temp chains
Smoke mine
now i respect those but not conversion trap, especially a build that falls apart without it.

p.s let me know when your video is up :)

You are generally given a chance to clarify yourself when you first make the statement. When people respond negatively, you complain you have no chance to clarify yourself because he responds negatively to your first statement. I think I'm seeing something here....
VZ58 wrote:
Yup, Grinding Gear Games.

This. This made me laugh. You think company names actually mean something other than being for decoration and as an image? You do realize they have an opener in which they actually show gears grinding right? Or do you think Blizzard likes to work in Blizzards and Valve uses valves to communicate? I don't think you can actually pull any significant meaning other than "Games" from that title.
so dont down play my ability to comprehend this section.

If you read what i said:

This. This made me laugh. You think company names actually mean something other than being for decoration and as an image? You do realize they have an opener in which they actually show gears grinding right? Or do you think Blizzard likes to work in Blizzards and Valve uses valves to communicate? I don't think you can actually pull any significant meaning other than "Games" from that title.

serves to discount the point VZ58 made that the very company name of GGG serves to attest to the intentions of every aspect of PoE when designing this game

You are generally given a chance to clarify yourself when you first make the statement. When people respond negatively, you complain you have no chance to clarify yourself because he responds negatively to your first statement. I think I'm seeing something here....

was to call out the fact that he was complaining about something he already had

In conjunction with your failure to address any previous points made in the thread, I'm starting to doubt your ability to comprehend this section.

[Post Edited by Support]
Last edited by Yeran_GGG on Aug 8, 2014, 1:22:36 AM
I think this thread has run its course friends
how long will it take put up your gameplay of these other builds that are not conversion trap builds? i would genuinely watch them. i like seeing matches that dont abuse conversion. we need more LLD videos.
john_nova wrote:
how long will it take put up your gameplay of these other builds that are not conversion trap builds? i would genuinely watch them. i like seeing matches that dont abuse conversion. we need more LLD videos.

I'll do it tomorrow. Probably just the raging spirit summoner because that/viper are mostly what I recorded.
john_nova wrote:
how long will it take put up your gameplay of these other builds that are not conversion trap builds? i would genuinely watch them. i like seeing matches that dont abuse conversion. we need more LLD videos.

Abuse conversion? Just counter it. Bow from afar or use arc or similar to destroy the traps.

Any good melee should be able to get around it.

Conversion trap isn't OP, it's just annoying if everyone uses it in 3v3's.
IGN: _Firebitch
Firebrand76 wrote:
john_nova wrote:
how long will it take put up your gameplay of these other builds that are not conversion trap builds? i would genuinely watch them. i like seeing matches that dont abuse conversion. we need more LLD videos.

Abuse conversion? Just counter it. Bow from afar or use arc or similar to destroy the traps.

Any good melee should be able to get around it.

Conversion trap isn't OP, it's just annoying if everyone uses it in 3v3's.

this is for another discussion, there is no end when debating conversion trap. i guess i should be blamed for bringing it up. plus there is a thread specifically for conversion.
Last edited by john_nova on Aug 8, 2014, 1:59:58 AM

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