GGG input and communication

Bhaisabh wrote:
Congratulations, Rhys.

You are the first GGG Staff Member to post something in these forums that wasn't related to "No Flaming" in probably a year if not longer.

There's a good reason for that. A lot of feedback here is repeated, passive aggressive, or just straight up blatant anger like this thread.

I assure you they probably do read a lot of interesting ideas all over, but there's no need to take every suggestion that may be worth a damn and praise it. This is because may deter people, give away hidden content, or other things.
I find it funny how many people claim to be knowledgeable about how the pvp development is coming along when I never see them post here about anything, even simple bugs. Some of us posting our frustrations here have been trying to give the feedback it takes to develop a game, and we have been doing it since alpha/closed beta. Its ok if you guys dont understand the lack of communication GGG has provided in the pvp feedback forum but don't act like you have been here the whole time putting in work to get some competitive movement going like the rest of us have. Many of these frustrations are repeated over and over because they have sort of legitimacy.

GGG can be busy and take as long as they want but at the same time dont give us headlines with dates for us to be expecting some feature and then when that date comes they talk about everything thats being released and then try to stealth past the pvp progress or delay. Communication is all many of us have been asking for. Its kinda funny because GGG pats themselves on the back about communication, I agree they do a good job communicating about pve features.
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre,
I'm sorry if I angered anyone with my previous post. It was late and I was tired...

I don't have any news to offer on the PvP front right now, but I would be very interested in hearing what you all think are the most important issues with PvP as it stands. What aspects do you enjoy? What aspects do you not enjoy? Are there any simple tweaks or quality-of-life fixes that could be made? Is there anything utterly game-breaking for you?

I'm currently more interested in mechanics and functionality than numbers balance, btw, though balance feedback is always welcome, of course.
Code warrior
*Tongue slightly in cheek.*

Rhys wrote:
I would be very interested in hearing what you all think are the most important issues with PvP as it stands.

That the pvp season is nowhere to be found. That the perma cutthroat league is nowhere to be found.

What aspects do you not enjoy?

That pvp seasons and perma cutthroat still aren't in the game.
Character archive: view-thread/963707
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Rhys wrote:
I'm sorry if I angered anyone with my previous post. It was late and I was tired...

I don't have any news to offer on the PvP front right now, but I would be very interested in hearing what you all think are the most important issues with PvP as it stands. What aspects do you enjoy? What aspects do you not enjoy? Are there any simple tweaks or quality-of-life fixes that could be made? Is there anything utterly game-breaking for you?

I'm currently more interested in mechanics and functionality than numbers balance, btw, though balance feedback is always welcome, of course.

All good. I think your responses alone serve as an indication that we of the PvP community are making progress in getting GGG's attention. Of course, there's a lot to be done and I think all of us here hope that we can maintain communication between GGG and the players regarding PvP improvements.

I think everyone here enjoys PvP. I think there are plenty of others who also would enjoy PvP. The problem right now is getting people interested or even aware that there is a low-level dueling (LLD) community that is growing. Right now PvP has accessibility limitations; even with the Dueling option most people decline. When people queue up in Forest Encampment, there are issues of being in the same instance, selecting the same queue (1v1 low-level, 1v1 open lvl, etc.), and partying up in separate parties to do team matches. I think there needs to be a more streamlined approach for allowing people to PvP. And we also need to remind players that they don't die permanently in HC if they die in the arena. That's probably a big reason why a lot of people shy away from PvP; they just aren't familiar with it because GGG hasn't really mentioned anything about it in a long time. Once accessibility is improved, there's almost definitely going to be more involvement from a wider player base, which means better feedback for actual improvements for mechanics/function/balance.

There are a lot of other issues I'd like to mention too, but I'm running out of time at the moment and I'm sure there are others here who'd like to chime in. Thanks Rhys for giving us some of your time, it's refreshing after seeing solely "[Removed by Support]" edits in everyone's posts in this subforum.
Last edited by mimivirus on Jun 23, 2014, 11:54:00 PM
That pvp seasons and perma cutthroat still aren't in the game.

What do you expect would happen?

PVP Seasons = RMT Wins.

CT = Empty after 5 hours.

Guess why private PVP Servers had been created for Diablo 2 after 1.10?

Rhys wrote:
I'm sorry if I angered anyone with my previous post. It was late and I was tired...

I don't have any news to offer on the PvP front right now, but I would be very interested in hearing what you all think are the most important issues with PvP as it stands. What aspects do you enjoy? What aspects do you not enjoy? Are there any simple tweaks or quality-of-life fixes that could be made? Is there anything utterly game-breaking for you?

I'm currently more interested in mechanics and functionality than numbers balance, btw, though balance feedback is always welcome, of course.

Adding a 2v2 queue would be nice; we've played it a lot through challenging but we always have to make teams manually. Another good fix will be the spectator bug, but you already said youd try to fix that in 1.2.0. As for the rest of the stuff:

Enjoy (this is all for 28 pvp)
-When a match is even in terms of gear, and the builds are closely balanced enough for playing skill to decide the winner
-The customization provided by passive trees and gear choices
-Utility skills like smoke mine, curses, bear trap vary the gameplay so its not just "1 button"
Don't Enjoy
-The massive desync caused by knockback, stun, and things like multistrike-cyclone. If you could alter the networking system just for PvP in some way to deal with this, that would be huge.
-Melee characters perma-stunning anyone without unwavering or chayula while killing them incredibly quickly. They also have every mobility skill so escaping or keeping distance is extremely hard.
-Puncture in general does a huge amount of damage and can be used on swap for any character with a good bow, regardless of build. This might be just a symptom of the real problem though, which is that physical damage is by far the strongest damage type in PvP.
-Temporal chains being the best curse by a ridiculous margin
Game Breaking
-New players have literally 0 chance vs established people because of gear. They will never, ever win until their gear is comparable, which could take months and months. Prevents newcomers from even playing PvP.
-Damage in general seems too high; at a pretty high gear level people can be killed in 1-2 seconds which removes most of the strategy/skill and makes matches end too quickly
Last edited by MrEnzyme on Jun 24, 2014, 2:58:41 AM
MrEnzyme wrote:
Rhys wrote:
I'm sorry if I angered anyone with my previous post. It was late and I was tired...

I don't have any news to offer on the PvP front right now, but I would be very interested in hearing what you all think are the most important issues with PvP as it stands. What aspects do you enjoy? What aspects do you not enjoy? Are there any simple tweaks or quality-of-life fixes that could be made? Is there anything utterly game-breaking for you?

I'm currently more interested in mechanics and functionality than numbers balance, btw, though balance feedback is always welcome, of course.

Adding a 2v2 queue would be nice; we've played it a lot through challenging but we always have to make teams manually. Another good fix will be the spectator bug, but you already said youd try to fix that in 1.2.0. As for the rest of the stuff:

-When a match is even in terms of gear, and the builds are closely balanced enough for playing skill to decide the winner
-Utility skills like smoke mine, curses, bear trap
Don't Enjoy-
-The massive desync caused by knockback, stun, and things like multistrike-cyclone
Game Breaking-
-New players have literally 0 chance vs established people because of gear. They will never, ever win until their gear is comparable, which could take months and months. Prevents newcomers from even playing PvP.

agreed. 2v2 queue needs to be a thing. Spectator is definitely the first thing that needs to be addressed. It would be awesome also if the DEV team could sticky a comprehensive thread which displays the aspects and buggs which should receive priority for fixing. The doors in sarn arena need to be fixed. Flasks Not Refilling when challenging within an arena needs to be fixed. Fix the gateway queue issues. Add a tool tip for loading screens talking about arena mode pvp not sending players to default league. Fix Conversion, bleed, and curse continuation from death to a new life in CTF mode, this is really really really BAD. CTF is unplayable atm because of the above. Many of us would like to play something more Goal oriented but cant because players refuse to operate within the functional aspects of CTF and like to troll by exploiting the bugs. Also consider removing the cool down on /oos re-synch command while in arenas (the desynch is so bad, this is one of the only quick fixes we can think of). Many of these things have been brought up in the past but are just lost in the PvP feedback beneath balance, and rage posts.
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre,
Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL on Jun 24, 2014, 2:05:42 AM
NefariousJosh wrote:
tempallo wrote:
Freakopat wrote:

huge patches with a shitstrom of content

sorry? having fashon armor is a big patch with shitload of content?
ah no, u are right, my bad, maybe u are referring to that 1 patch in 1,5 year that has added 1 boss and 2 areas. y this is shitload of things.

id rather have payed for this game than hear obtuse ppl liek you that say that is game is free and they dont make profit over it so they are the pallys working hard for us making sacrifices. pls man, you really didnt understand anything on what there is behind this.

Well, at least you win a medal. It's the dumbest person on the internet award, but you still won it.

Since when you're talking about they've added tons of uniques, new maps and then there is the shit storm of content we all got in Sacrifice of the Vaal. Not to mention this game literally costs nothing, so no one is in a position to demand a god damn thing from the devs.

I actually feel bad because you honestly must have some sort of handicap.

thanks, but ill give you that medal, cause we are in the PVP forum section, but you cant still realize it. ill rewrite it very simple for you:
since the game was released, we got 1 gem for pvp in like 2 years, thats it. maybe instead of releasing graphic things for items, they should focus on gameplay and balance first?
its like if on League of legends they keep releasing new skins every patch without balancing champions. you can understand now or you need a picture?

btw ggg keep trolling us, we made tons of posts with feedbacks and balance suggestions, and now you keep asking us the same thing? we already done it, WE WASTED LOT OF TIME AND CURRENCIES RESPECCING to try to see if a thing was balanced or not, and you absolutely DID NOTHING. now pls, stop asking for feedbacks when you already have 5 forum pages to look at and working on.

and ofc dullah is right. post on reddit ---> massive pve fanboys that dont even know how to go in queue for pvp matches posting in PVP SECTION.
PvP Team Omniscient

IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow

[quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote]
Last edited by tempallo on Jun 24, 2014, 9:40:25 AM

NefariousJosh wrote:

tempallo wrote:

Freakopat wrote:

huge patches with a shitstrom of content

sorry? having fashon armor is a big patch with shitload of content?
ah no, u are right, my bad, maybe u are referring to that 1 patch in 1,5 year that has added 1 boss and 2 areas. y this is shitload of things.

id rather have payed for this game than hear obtuse ppl liek you that say that is game is free and they dont make profit over it so they are the pallys working hard for us making sacrifices. pls man, you really didnt understand anything on what there is behind this.

The game is completely free to play, if you're not a supporter then I suggest you quit the game. Or simply put, gtfo pls we don't need you here.

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