GGG input and communication

I think they've realized PvP is going to take a hell of a lot of work to clean up before it's something even close to acceptable. I was a huge PvPer in Diablo II: LoD for 10+ years, but I would rather they drop the idea of PvP altogether at this point; I don't believe it will ever flourish in this game, unfortunately. The mechanics aren't there and will probably never be as balanced as some of you may want. It's just like with the high maps: so few people actually want the change that it doesn't really matter to them at this point in time and doesn't warrant expenditure of labor. Keep up with the new content, items, gems, and the like. PvP mechanics and tournaments can wait. GGG always keeps things under wraps, they don't have to be vocal about everything. Let the hype build up when the time is right for them, this is a small team making a free game (and their first game) don't expect the world. They are just as human as you are, mistakes are natural.
IGN - Unhost
Last edited by Unhost on Jun 23, 2014, 5:11:01 AM
Freakopat wrote:

huge patches with a shitstrom of content

sorry? having fashon armor is a big patch with shitload of content?
ah no, u are right, my bad, maybe u are referring to that 1 patch in 1,5 year that has added 1 boss and 2 areas. y this is shitload of things.

id rather have payed for this game than hear obtuse ppl liek you that say that is game is free and they dont make profit over it so they are the pallys working hard for us making sacrifices. pls man, you really didnt understand anything on what there is behind this.

PvP Team Omniscient

IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow

[quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote]
tempallo wrote:
Freakopat wrote:

huge patches with a shitstrom of content

sorry? having fashon armor is a big patch with shitload of content?
ah no, u are right, my bad, maybe u are referring to that 1 patch in 1,5 year that has added 1 boss and 2 areas. y this is shitload of things.

You really want graphic artists to make you working PvP -system?

Sacrifice of the Vaal, items, uniques, gems, balancing the game and fixing the bugs count as nothing? If so, yeah, I guess you can have your money back.
tempallo wrote:
Freakopat wrote:

huge patches with a shitstrom of content

sorry? having fashon armor is a big patch with shitload of content?
ah no, u are right, my bad, maybe u are referring to that 1 patch in 1,5 year that has added 1 boss and 2 areas. y this is shitload of things.

id rather have payed for this game than hear obtuse ppl liek you that say that is game is free and they dont make profit over it so they are the pallys working hard for us making sacrifices. pls man, you really didnt understand anything on what there is behind this.

Go back to World of Warcraft forums.
tempallo wrote:

...patch in 1,5 year that has added 1 boss and 2 areas

Big patches are still big patches and they take time. You expect that they should release one every month/week/day - who are you, a retard?
By judging your line of logic, you probably are. Sorry about that. (No offence but wow)

tempallo wrote:

id rather have payed for this game than hear obtuse ppl liek you that say that is game is free and they dont make profit over it so they are the pallys working hard for us making sacrifices

I understood a proximity of 20% from this... (Obvious troll is obvious? I do hope you are one)

tempallo wrote:

id rather have payed for this game than hear obtuse ppl liek you that say that is game is free and they dont make profit over it

I don't realy know where you're going with this, or how it's even relevant, but who have said that they haven't made profit from it? The success of the game is due to it, why do you think League of Legends/DoTA2 became so big in the first place. F2P encourage more players to test the game and become a potential income to it. I doubt that many wouldn't even tried League of Legends if they had a set price on it from the start, same with PoE.

tempallo wrote: they are the pallys working hard for us making sacrifices

This... I don't even man. What?

Last edited by Freakopat on Jun 23, 2014, 8:19:08 AM
Rhys wrote:
Not a SINGLE response from GGG.


Juggling a lot of balls right now.

Not playing Team Fortress 2?
tempallo wrote:

sorry? having fashon armor is a big patch with shitload of content?
ah no, u are right, my bad, maybe u are referring to that 1 patch in 1,5 year that has added 1 boss and 2 areas. y this is shitload of things.

id rather have payed for this game than hear obtuse ppl liek you that say that is game is free and they dont make profit over it so they are the pallys working hard for us making sacrifices. pls man, you really didnt understand anything on what there is behind this.

IGN : @Morgoth
i just see a mass of pve fanboys that cant see how an almost perfect game is being ruined by ggg. they just need to hire 2-3 competent ppl to balance/fix/develop pvp, and actually some ppl would even do this for free, so they will gain time and dont lose money.
you can write what you want, i never calculated ppl that just want to kill monsters to get items to kill monsters faster, makes no sense to me.
so when you will have a pvp character maybe you will understand why im writing this, meanwhile keep thinking that ggg works hard for you.
PvP Team Omniscient

IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow

[quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote]
Last edited by tempallo on Jun 23, 2014, 8:18:18 AM
Tempallo, how can you claim to know how GGG operates, or how any developer operates, when you complain about cosmetic armor sets holding up development of PvP?

Further, are you sure that people would develop a PvP system completely for free? Why would they? Do you understand how complicated game development is?
Rhys wrote:
Not a SINGLE response from GGG.


Juggling a lot of balls right now.

This is all I waited for. We never expected much, and realize you're busy, but the least we want is recognition, for all the effort we put into trying to improve PvP in the game anyways. Will we be hearing at least acknowledgements? Maybe goals set by GGG to try and add features by a certain time? We in no way expect you to always actually meet them exactly on time, but would like to know that our work into the game has not just been a big waste of time at least. Feedback and updates on efforts put into PvP would certainly be nice, but for the most part we just want communication.
Last edited by AleronDescends on Jun 23, 2014, 10:09:10 AM

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