GGG input and communication

tempallo wrote:
i just see a mass of pve fanboys that cant see how an almost perfect game is being ruined by ggg. they just need to hire 2-3 competent ppl to balance/fix/develop pvp, and actually some ppl would even do this for free, so they will gain time and dont lose money.
you can write what you want, i never calculated ppl that just want to kill monsters to get items to kill monsters faster, makes no sense to me.
so when you will have a pvp character maybe you will understand why im writing this, meanwhile keep thinking that ggg works hard for you.

I don't mean to offend you, but your attitude is just ignorant.
The plan for POE always was to get about 9 acts of gameplay so you don't have to replay the same stuff over and over and I'm pretty sure they are working hard to achieve this goal.

Also they communicate alot with the community and obviously the die-hard-pvp-fans like you are kind of a minority. I think you just have to accept that. Also game development and especially balancing is a lot harder than you seem to imagine --> it's not possible to "easily" get 1 or 2 guys who design the whole pvp and balance it.

Please stay fair towards the developers and take everything with a grain of salt.
Also look how far the game has come already, I think it is in a pretty good state and still improving a lot each patch.

Last edited by ryogan on Jun 23, 2014, 10:21:54 AM
Technically speaking, this game was released on October 23, 2013. They released a "big patch" in March and have another "big patch" planned for August. That's 2 "big patches" in less than a year with a large amount of content. I haven't even completed the content in the last big patch yet. I feel like it is more than enough. And I feel like their communication is pretty good. I don't get the hate-posts that appear here.

My parents gave my a Honda Civic for my 16th birthday! But I wanted one with RIMS!
My parents got me rims for my 17th birthday but I NEED a huge subwoofer!
My parents got me a huge subwoofer for my 18th birthday but they suck because they didn't get me that sweet ass exhaust that sounds like a whistle!
My parents got me a sweet ass exhaust that sounds like a whistle for my 19th birthday but they're terrible people because they didn't get that bad ass aluminum spoiler!
Why won't my parents buy me a new car? This one is so old and it sucks.
people talk about pvp balancing and fixing like it's so easy...

nearly every mmo will rebalance, and then rerebalance and then rererebalance and then rerererebalance and then rererererebalance and then rerererererebalance, ad infinitum

it's a never ending cycle and to be honest, something that should be focused on once the core aspect of the mmo (PVE) is completed or is nearly completed.
GGG knows better then you what to do with THEIR game.
There's a lot of random people chiming in here and saying "wow you guys are so demanding, look at everything GGG has released, and you still want more?", but the players complaints here are about the total lack of PvP support. Everyone talking about how GGG "does nothing" here is referring to the fact that in the last 18 months, nothing of significant value or interest has come out for people who want to do serious PvP.

A large part of the frustration is that, yes GGG works hard on other aspects of the game and they're even very responsive and communicative to players about them, but in the realm of PvP they totally neglect it and never say a word. It causes a negative feedback loop where people don't play PvP because GGG doesn't support it, and then they continue not supporting it because no one plays.
GGGs current (developing) pvp is ladder racing - competing against others in cut-throat and other challenge leagues. they haven't really ever said they are developing arena pvp so much as still working on their original manifesto promises (you all should be looking at these to see where GGGs focus lies).

PvP was developed and specifically left how it is because their original goals have not been fulfilled yet.

when desync is at an acceptable level, when they've produced a sufficient level of pve content, when the private leagues are implemented, when the closed beta/open beta (paid for) uniques are complete, THEN you'll hear more about PvP.

remember, there are crowd-funded investors that are waiting for their compensation in the form of their unique making it into the game. even moreso, people have a $10,000 unique monster awaiting implementation (I velieve last I checked, 3 of them).

If you're expecting that the free aspect of the pvp will come before those that paid %1000 for their unique to be made, you've got some priority expectation issues.
arsonall wrote:
GGGs current (developing) pvp is ladder racing - competing against others in cut-throat and other challenge leagues. they haven't really ever said they are developing arena pvp so much as still working on their original manifesto promises (you all should be looking at these to see where GGGs focus lies).

PvP was developed and specifically left how it is because their original goals have not been fulfilled yet.

when desync is at an acceptable level, when they've produced a sufficient level of pve content, when the private leagues are implemented, when the closed beta/open beta (paid for) uniques are complete, THEN you'll hear more about PvP.

remember, there are crowd-funded investors that are waiting for their compensation in the form of their unique making it into the game. even moreso, people have a $10,000 unique monster awaiting implementation (I velieve last I checked, 3 of them).

If you're expecting that the free aspect of the pvp will come before those that paid %1000 for their unique to be made, you've got some priority expectation issues.

Ok this post is getting on my nerve, because it was linked to reddit all the PvE fanboys are there talking without even reading, the purpose of this post is not about the lack of content but the lack of COMMUNICATION and transparency.

While what you said is not false, people in the PvP feedback subforum did a LOT of feedback with absolutely ZERO answers from GGG, just look at the subforum and inform yourself before answering me, you'll just realize then that GGG absolutely have no clue about what's going on in PvP and that they usually don't even care enough to answer feedbacks (again not talking about implementing pvp content)
IGN: DullahanTheHeadless
Meh. Another 1 of those :
"I want I want I want I wantttttttttttt..."
"didn't get it? well fuck all of you, im right to be mad"

Reclaiming a pvp aspect in a hack n slash is like calling McDonalt to say exactly this :
"Its about time you do some change in your food so I can eat it everyday without being sick or fat"

There's a logic that apply in both case, if you really wanna eat healty, avoid McDonalt.
If you want some extremely well put-together pvp, go play a game that is made for it...

Its okay to ask for something. But honnestly, if you cry when you don't get it, you're not better than a 6years old that cry in the store because daddy said no to buy some candy.

I wish I could add that GiF where a little girl cry out loud and her sister look at her like "oooh geez, shutup already or kill me"

Last edited by demi1god on Jun 23, 2014, 6:50:49 PM
Congratulations, Rhys.

You are the first GGG Staff Member to post something in these forums that wasn't related to "No Flaming" in probably a year if not longer.
IGN: BaiBhai | BhaiBhai | Bhailo

tempallo wrote:
Freakopat wrote:

huge patches with a shitstrom of content

sorry? having fashon armor is a big patch with shitload of content?
ah no, u are right, my bad, maybe u are referring to that 1 patch in 1,5 year that has added 1 boss and 2 areas. y this is shitload of things.

id rather have payed for this game than hear obtuse ppl liek you that say that is game is free and they dont make profit over it so they are the pallys working hard for us making sacrifices. pls man, you really didnt understand anything on what there is behind this.

Well, at least you win a medal. It's the dumbest person on the internet award, but you still won it.

Since when you're talking about they've added tons of uniques, new maps and then there is the shit storm of content we all got in Sacrifice of the Vaal. Not to mention this game literally costs nothing, so no one is in a position to demand a god damn thing from the devs.

I actually feel bad because you honestly must have some sort of handicap.
Ign - Nef_Reave

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