I've changed my mind on XP Penalty

It's already funded.

By Poe1 players, who didn't experience that extra harsh progression loss described in this topic's signature post. And by inclinations of "Poe2 will be an expansion to Poe1".

Comparing poe exp loss to dark souls + elden ring (as posted above by other person) is incorrect, the latter has much less dps variety, much simpler build system without obscure gimmicks turning 100k dps into 100M. And most importantly, an ability to precise control your character, avoiding any dangers with personal skill. In poe you walk to mobs, and you have to tank via rng system, no fine controls. You have no idea what damage a mob can deal, even if running same map hundreds of times before.

Making progression loss more harsh in these circumstances will deter a part of casual players who currently came to terms with poe1's penalty.
Last edited by Echothesis on Sep 1, 2024, 8:00:21 AM
Echothesis wrote:
It's already funded.

By Poe1 players, who didn't experience that extra harsh progression loss described in this topic's signature post. And by inclinations of "Poe2 will be an expansion to Poe1".

Comparing poe exp loss to dark souls + elden ring (as posted above by other person) is incorrect, the latter has much less dps variety, much simpler build system without obscure gimmicks turning 100k dps into 100M. And most importantly, an ability to precise control your character, avoiding any dangers with personal skill. In poe you walk to mobs, and you have to tank via rng system, no fine controls. You have no idea what damage a mob can deal, even if running same map hundreds of times before.

Making progression loss more harsh in these circumstances will deter a part of casual players who currently came to terms with poe1's penalty.

They have long diverted from the "it's an expansion" statement. It's not even recent news that it will be its own game, completely different from PoE1. This was announced in July 2023, so you still talking about it as if it were is just dishonest.

It's a well-known rule in business that a product for everyone is a product for nobody, and I prefer the devs make a game they like instead of catering to everyone. The success of Path of Exile 1 is all the proof you need, and I can only reiterate it's already funded.

If you don't find PoE2 appealing, you can just continue playing Standard in PoE1 like you have. It's not like they'll stop developing it and adding new features and content.

Edit: thanks support for the cleanup. Maybe Echo can stop calling people with different opinions derogatory terms now
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Last edited by ArtCrusade on Sep 1, 2024, 2:25:19 PM
Edit: thanks support for the cleanup. Maybe Echo can stop calling people with different opinions derogatory terms now

Maybe people with different opinions can stop fabricating direct lies about me too, which go ignored by "support".
Where's the lie? Can you point it out and explain it or will you leave it at an unfounded accusation
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
If you really need this, I can tell in DM, to avoid derailing this thread. But honestly I am not interested in trying to explain again, been there already.
probably all those phys one shots that pervade the vertical mechanics causing xp loss.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
I personally get why Echothesis and similar players would like the XP penalty to be removed.

His tankiest character (and this, ladies and gentlemen, is on standard no less) has the defensive layers of a poorly geared map clearer on SC trade league.

But unlike him, there are many of us who likes the incentive that the XP penalty gives us to build well-rounded characters and reap the character levels and power that comes with that approach. And yes, that power is worth more, if it's not given for free.

... and the argument, that the XP penalty should be removed, and we can simply opt-in to the penalty is the equivilant of everyone building their own boats, to instead be giving everyone speedboats, and tell us we can "opt-in" to not starting with a boat.

Not sure I went with boats in this analogy, but I feel it holds water (pun intended lol).
Last edited by FalkenRaiding on Sep 1, 2024, 4:50:39 PM
Just delete xp loss already, its pointless. It literally doesn't exist in hardcore leagues because ha-ha you lose your character anyway so the hc players don't have to worry about this harsh punishment for dying yet they punish sc players?(which is the majority of the playerbase).It makes no sense at all. You shouldn't be punished for playing softcore, because that's what the exp penalty essentially is, same for losing portals to a boss because this game has no practice modes for endgame bosses for some reason.

I don't care about "earning" a level or exp by playing "carefully" and building a character with all the stupid checklist things like spell suppression,block,determ,grace etc. etc. its just dumb. Literally deleting exp loss would be a net positive, would feel way better to just let my exp passively build up till I hit 100 instead of dying every time I get to 3% because oh no an influenced mob with attack speed spawned in front of me and auto-attacked me ha-haa.

And the other problem some people discussed here also exists, I am literally not allowed to have fun, or corrupt maps, or run juicy scarabs, or try ANY endgame boss (even quest exarch or eater kill me) UNTIL I level up because of exp loss. Like its so annoying to go "oh cool I have an uber elder set, or a sirus set but oh nooo I'm lvl94 with 40% exp can't go doing those bosses because then I lose exp and all that time I spent mapping and getting that exp gets wasted".

Outdated mechanic. Just delete it already.
i ve been adamant on xp penalty existing.

poe has had a long tradition where reaching 100 is an achievement.

it used to take what? 1 month to get to 100?

i always argued that by taking away the xp penalty we rob older players of their achievements.

today, i feel that its no longer the case.

there are 1001 things that can suddenly cause you to die. zoom zoom meta is the norm.

and if we're being completely honest, getting to 100 now is more of an ingame "P2W" issue where you simply need to keep going for rotas and soak xp.

the monsters in POE right now are simply not balanced and can absolutely wreck players.

for example i encountered a pack the other day which was all ranged with the leader have the invulnerability aura. as a melee i needed to run around waiting for the aura to turn off but even when it turned off it was for a few short seconds, all the while, theres a ton of projectiles constantly spammed in my direction.

i've long given up the idea of reaching to 100, i know all i need is to pay to join xp runs but i dont feel any achievement from doing so.

players even reach 100 in 1-2 days of league launch.

xp penalty has turned into a quit moment rather than anything else. i believe that the loss of a portal is punishment enough.

as for those who say poe is meant to be a punishing game, i would say poe has evolved a huge lot. modernization of the game can be good.

also something a little personal on my side. i m getting old and i have heart issues. dying can cause me to lose a huge amount of progress/effort. i can get affected by it emotionally, and in poe's case theres many ways that we can die a "BS" death. for sure i admit this is a "ME" issue. but one day i might have to decide to quit POE because of health. theres a reason why i dont play asian MMOs like maplestory where 1 death can wipe weeks of progress.

poe started as a slow game. but its evolved a huge lot over the years. i do not know if i ll continue poe1 once poe2 hits. GGG could do a lot to make me stay and it is not an impossible task. one step could be removing the xp penalty.

it is a very dated concept.

on another note. we're no longer in 2010's. theres a ton of entertainment competing for our attention. GGG needs to reduce "quit moments" in the game. losing 10xp at higher levels and especially repeatedly are good ways to make people ragequit. i know some of my friends actually did that mid league. they had 70% and went all the way down to 10%.

i know that GGG is making POE becoming more accessible. this is one way to do it

+1 to this topic.
[Removed by Support]
ArtCrusade wrote:

They have long diverted from the "it's an expansion" statement. It's not even recent news that it will be its own game, completely different from PoE1. This was announced in July 2023, so you still talking about it as if it were is just dishonest.

You say that but they themselves weren't clear about it until the last Exile Con, It was their decision to wait so many years to suddenly shift the focus without telling their supporters that they weren't paying for an expansion anymore.

Idk about you but i sat down at the last exilecon already unhappy with the game but had faith that they were going to finally deliver the thing we were suffering through all of this stuff for only to be told its a separate game and to make matters worse the developers and streamers sat up there and did not address it basically at all which really hurt as i watched on hoping they'd bring it up and at least address it publicly.

And on the Exp penalty, take it or keep it i don't care lol, what's the point now with all the carrys? fought for xp penalty to stay for a long time but im getting too old for this.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Sep 1, 2024, 10:38:46 PM

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