I've changed my mind on XP Penalty

ArtCrusade wrote:

They have long diverted from the "it's an expansion" statement. It's not even recent news that it will be its own game, completely different from PoE1. This was announced in July 2023, so you still talking about it as if it were is just dishonest.

if we're digging up this old horse. dishonesty comes in many forms. with holding information can be seen as dishonesty.

if talk about the announcement of the game being separate being announced in 2023, you're downplaying all the hype a lot of us had for POE2's FIRST announcement in 2019.

me personally i sank A LOT OF MONEY into POE with the idea that my money will help POE2 come to fruition faster and that i will get to enjoy all the new stuff faster.

i also sank TONS of hours into the game thinking that all my efforts would carry over to POE2.

i ll be real, i got sick and tired of POE's progression for a long time back. i hated fixing sockets making links, colouring etc. i hated how MELEE was for the longest time, but i grit my teeth thinking that fuckit. when poe2 hits i ll get to play this new game with new ascendencies with good melee combat and all my godlike gear.

GGG already had 1-2 acts done by exilecon 2023. it is like this decision to separate could have been made 1-2 years before then.

i ll be real. i HATED GGG for the separation. all my effort for what? nothing.

i can tell you despite all that hatred. today, i m back to supporting them. why? because in the recent interviews Jon took a lot of effort conveying WHY they made the decision and how melee is so fucked in poe1 that they're forced to just make poe2.

i think if they let us know earlier and gave all these info to us early. i wouldnt have been pissed.

i still am pissed at them for not letting us know earlier. had i known earlier i would have probably skipped many leagues and even not purchased as many supporter packs as i did before.

despite supporting them now, i would still say they were being downright dishonest about the entire thing.

i do realize it was a tough position as they kept their lips sealed for so long, but announcing it the way they did in the last exilecon really was a slap to my face.

i m sure you do not feel this way but there are a lot of poe1 players who share my sentiment somewhat.

it was dishonest.
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exsea wrote:
ArtCrusade wrote:

They have long diverted from the "it's an expansion" statement. It's not even recent news that it will be its own game, completely different from PoE1. This was announced in July 2023, so you still talking about it as if it were is just dishonest.

if we're digging up this old horse. dishonesty comes in many forms. with holding information can be seen as dishonesty.

if talk about the announcement of the game being separate being announced in 2023, you're downplaying all the hype a lot of us had for POE2's FIRST announcement in 2019.

me personally i sank A LOT OF MONEY into POE with the idea that my money will help POE2 come to fruition faster and that i will get to enjoy all the new stuff faster.

i also sank TONS of hours into the game thinking that all my efforts would carry over to POE2.

i ll be real, i got sick and tired of POE's progression for a long time back. i hated fixing sockets making links, colouring etc. i hated how MELEE was for the longest time, but i grit my teeth thinking that fuckit. when poe2 hits i ll get to play this new game with new ascendencies with good melee combat and all my godlike gear.

GGG already had 1-2 acts done by exilecon 2023. it is like this decision to separate could have been made 1-2 years before then.

i ll be real. i HATED GGG for the separation. all my effort for what? nothing.

i can tell you despite all that hatred. today, i m back to supporting them. why? because in the recent interviews Jon took a lot of effort conveying WHY they made the decision and how melee is so fucked in poe1 that they're forced to just make poe2.

i think if they let us know earlier and gave all these info to us early. i wouldnt have been pissed.

i still am pissed at them for not letting us know earlier. had i known earlier i would have probably skipped many leagues and even not purchased as many supporter packs as i did before.

despite supporting them now, i would still say they were being downright dishonest about the entire thing.

i do realize it was a tough position as they kept their lips sealed for so long, but announcing it the way they did in the last exilecon really was a slap to my face.

i m sure you do not feel this way but there are a lot of poe1 players who share my sentiment somewhat.

it was dishonest.


Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Sep 1, 2024, 11:19:10 PM
exsea wrote:
ArtCrusade wrote:

They have long diverted from the "it's an expansion" statement. It's not even recent news that it will be its own game, completely different from PoE1. This was announced in July 2023, so you still talking about it as if it were is just dishonest.

if we're digging up this old horse. dishonesty comes in many forms. with holding information can be seen as dishonesty.

if talk about the announcement of the game being separate being announced in 2023, you're downplaying all the hype a lot of us had for POE2's FIRST announcement in 2019.

me personally i sank A LOT OF MONEY into POE with the idea that my money will help POE2 come to fruition faster and that i will get to enjoy all the new stuff faster.

i also sank TONS of hours into the game thinking that all my efforts would carry over to POE2.

i ll be real, i got sick and tired of POE's progression for a long time back. i hated fixing sockets making links, colouring etc. i hated how MELEE was for the longest time, but i grit my teeth thinking that fuckit. when poe2 hits i ll get to play this new game with new ascendencies with good melee combat and all my godlike gear.

GGG already had 1-2 acts done by exilecon 2023. it is like this decision to separate could have been made 1-2 years before then.

i ll be real. i HATED GGG for the separation. all my effort for what? nothing.

i can tell you despite all that hatred. today, i m back to supporting them. why? because in the recent interviews Jon took a lot of effort conveying WHY they made the decision and how melee is so fucked in poe1 that they're forced to just make poe2.

i think if they let us know earlier and gave all these info to us early. i wouldnt have been pissed.

i still am pissed at them for not letting us know earlier. had i known earlier i would have probably skipped many leagues and even not purchased as many supporter packs as i did before.

despite supporting them now, i would still say they were being downright dishonest about the entire thing.

i do realize it was a tough position as they kept their lips sealed for so long, but announcing it the way they did in the last exilecon really was a slap to my face.

i m sure you do not feel this way but there are a lot of poe1 players who share my sentiment somewhat.

it was dishonest.

Every single league announcement, on the supporter pack portion of the stream, Chris would specifically say "your support directly contributes to the ongoing development of POE2 and POE1..."

And we got and are getting that, so there is no lie there... there's no dishonesty...

If you are pissed that it is no longer and expansion but an entirely new game than idk what to say. You want less content, less growth, less gameplay, old engine, old susceptibility to bugs... Those are all the reasons that it evolved from its initial exilecon 2019 expansion announcement to what we are getting now.

You're essentially complaining that someone said they would be at your house in 10 minutes but they arrived 5 minutes late; but have first class tickets for both of you to go to Italy and eat at a 3 star restaurant and pay for time off work and an expenses paid for spa to decompress. They were 5 minutes late though so man were they dishonest.

Melee is in the best state its ever been in; This league is an example of that so your gripes on its archetype are a non-issue now. Would be down to personal build mistakes and/or skill/knowledge issue at this point.

"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Mashgesture wrote:

Every single league announcement, on the supporter pack portion of the stream, Chris would specifically say "your support directly contributes to the ongoing development of POE2 and POE1..."

And we got and are getting that, so there is no lie there... there's no dishonesty...

If you are pissed that it is no longer and expansion but an entirely new game than idk what to say. You want less content, less growth, less gameplay, old engine, old susceptibility to bugs... Those are all the reasons that it evolved from its initial exilecon 2019 expansion announcement to what we are getting now.

You're essentially complaining that someone said they would be at your house in 10 minutes but they arrived 5 minutes late; but have first class tickets for both of you to go to Italy and eat at a 3 star restaurant and pay for time off work and an expenses paid for spa to decompress. They were 5 minutes late though so man were they dishonest.

Melee is in the best state its ever been in; This league is an example of that so your gripes on its archetype are a non-issue now. Would be down to personal build mistakes and/or skill/knowledge issue at this point.

They could have told everyone a long time before they did, they could have addressed it at the con but really did not.

You don't have to care but some people around here really believed in GGG once upon a time and on top of that some have been playing here and investing in GGG for over a decade and for a lot of that time GGG could be trusted on their word when it came to a great deal of things.

There's been so many things to erode trust over the years, The streamers getting head starts, The delve deal if we reached xyz depth they would buy the game back from tencent and then the whopper PoE2 being an entirely separate game.

And on my end i would be supportive of PoE2 right now had it been transparent that they were making another game.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Sep 1, 2024, 11:47:54 PM

They could have told everyone a long time before they did, they could have addressed it at the con but really did not.

You don't have to care but some people around here really believed in GGG once upon a time and on top of that some have been playing here and investing in GGG for over a decade and for a lot of that time GGG could be trusted on their word when it came to a great deal of things.

melee is in the best state it ever has been "now", but for many years? heck even with jon outright saying how bad melee was, some people just cant stop convincing themselves how things are great for some reason.

i've learned that this guys is one of em. i learned to not to put too much effort into replying to him as he already is dead set on his opinions, even when the devs themselves say in countless recent interviews on how bad melee is he insists melee has always been good.

not gonna waste time on that one
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exsea wrote:

melee is in the best state it ever has been "now", but for many years? heck even with jon outright saying how bad melee was, some people just cant stop convincing themselves how things are great for some reason.

All just marketing wording to trick players brain and get them to try out melee instead of having the biased "melee bad" mindset. And I'd say it worked well.

Melee was fine even before the patch but just a lot easier now. Probably even too easy to the point that I can see them tone down one or another thing again with the next league.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Sep 2, 2024, 12:21:09 AM

They could have told everyone a long time before they did, they could have addressed it at the con but really did not.


The announcement for it as an expansion was at 2019 exilecon. How would they know it would evolve into what they are doing now?


You don't have to care but some people around here really believed in GGG once upon a time and on top of that some have been playing here and investing in GGG for over a decade and for a lot of that time GGG could be trusted on their word when it came to a great deal of things.

There's been so many things to erode trust over the years, The streamers getting head starts, The delve deal if we reached xyz depth they would buy the game back from tencent and then the whopper PoE2 being an entirely separate game.

What x2?

Streamers getting a head start at league launch ONE TIME, and they acknowledged it being a mistake. As well as the streamers saying it was a mistake.

Your joke or rumor about "delve buy back" means nothing, not entertaining it...


And on my end i would be supportive of PoE2 right now had it been transparent that they were making another game.

Refer to the analogy about your "dishonesty" claims I made above. You are complaining you are getting something better.

Just a piece of advice for you. If you play, any single video game made by these developers/publishers;

Sq Enix
Xbox Game Studios
Rockstar Games
WB Games/Rocksteady

Pretty much any single game you could ever pick up...

You need to just stop playing video games is the point. ALL of them are dishonest, even Nintendo is... Your "dishonesty" gripe really holds no weight.

exsea wrote:

melee is in the best state it ever has been "now", but for many years? heck even with jon outright saying how bad melee was, some people just cant stop convincing themselves how things are great for some reason.

So this is another complaint about something that has been fixed. Like what even is this kind of mindset?

"Man GGG all those years of melee struggling and being bad, now it isnt, jeez this is so unfair... I cant stand that you made it a non-issue now"


exsea wrote:

i've learned that this guys is one of em. i learned to not to put too much effort into replying to him as he already is dead set on his opinions, even when the devs themselves say in countless recent interviews on how bad melee is he insists melee has always been good.

not gonna waste time on that one

Okay really quick.

If you are going to say someone is deadset on opinions. You have most of the community against you already on how the league isnt casual friendly in a seperate opinion you are deadset on in another thread you made.

You are free to think that it isnt, despite being in the vast minority of people that think this, im not trying to take that away from you.

Just realize the dead set and opinion thing is two directional and in this case, you are standing alone in most of these complaints. And this goes for melee too.

You have thousands of players, actual build makers, actual hardcoreSSF champions of gauntlets, the best players in the game; that say melee is in a great state now.

You are free to think that it isnt, despite being in the vast minority of people that think this, im not trying to take that away from you.

But just realize the person who is
dead set on his opinions

Is two directional here.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
lol i m just going to ignore those replies. i m too lazy to deal with it.

mass playerbase: melee bad
"elite few": no melee is fine
ggg: silence

repeats for years

one day

devs : aw man we fucked up melee so bad that the best way to fix it would require making the entire game be balanced around melee. we're even forced to go back against our word and may get negative backlash but theres no other choice, we have to separate poe2 from 1 so we can make a good game that is balanced for melee

mass playerbase: SEEEE
"elite few": naaaaah you guys overreacting, melee has always been fine.
[Removed by Support]
FalkenRaiding wrote:
I personally get why Echothesis and similar players would like the XP penalty to be removed.

His tankiest character (and this, ladies and gentlemen, is on standard no less) has the defensive layers of a poorly geared map clearer on SC trade league.

But unlike him, there are many of us who likes the incentive that the XP penalty gives us to build well-rounded characters and reap the character levels and power that comes with that approach. And yes, that power is worth more, if it's not given for free.

... and the argument, that the XP penalty should be removed, and we can simply opt-in to the penalty is the equivilant of everyone building their own boats, to instead be giving everyone speedboats, and tell us we can "opt-in" to not starting with a boat.

Not sure I went with boats in this analogy, but I feel it holds water (pun intended lol).

I appreciate you being polite and reserved, but no, you don't get it. As a game developer I never base my opinion about game design on my personal progression through this game. (Concept that certain people here find impossible to believe to the point it is funny:)). I never had goals of grinding a mirrors of wealth or making 200M dps character oneshotting everything, which you've noticed yourself in my profile (have better things to do with my time). Seeing a piece of content once is enough to have a personal opinion about it.

As for exp penalty, I disliked it the moment I first saw it at levels 60-70 or whatever, with my first character 3 years ago. Way before a penalty actually become restrictive at levels 95+. Poe1 ultra-fast combat resolution is not equipped to support such penalty, penalty teaches player nothing. In 99% cases average player will just think "bah some random oneshot, I will just ignore it and resume without bothering to alter my character".

You can cheese through the penalty by overstacking defenses against every possible damage type and debuff type in the game, but that further shrinks already not-impressive build variety.

"Professional" players here who grind this game for 10 years and are determined to break through at any cost may and will find my position invalid, which is perfectly fine, they have different optics and priorities altogether. They naturally care only about win for themselves, without considering things like retention and revenue.
exsea wrote:

mass playerbase: melee bad

With mass playerbase you mean the small minority that always lets out complaints about litteraly everything?
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho

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