I've changed my mind on XP Penalty

I know how you feel about bossing vs xp, but i dont think losing the xp penalty is the solution.

This is the exact reason i dont play hc anymore. Stacking rare modifiers on revenants and the robot dudes can just insta delete a very powerful character with no warning. Its a shame really.

Bossing specifically, outside of cortex is pretty static. Once you know the fights, with a good build, you shouldnt die. Unless youre being impatient.
askreet wrote:
DarkJen wrote:
Why not just finish current level and then do the risky stuff?

I do, but, at least for me, at level 95 we're talking about days of gameplay. By level 98 (the highest I've achieved) I assume it would be weeks. Weeks between boss attempts, which I generally enjoy, means I'm having less fun than I'd like.

Oh, well.

First, lvl 95 to 96 is about 4-5 hours of gameplay, solo even, without party exp farm rotas.

Second, a good build is doing well and all since about lvl92 or so. And can do top stuff. So, excessive lvls after 92 are really more like a luxury than a necessity. Usually averyone stops in 94-95, so why worry?

Last edited by DarkJen on Aug 28, 2024, 3:02:47 PM
I think this guy means, that those are the days of gameplay for him. which may be 2 hours a day.
Yeah I think this exp penalty is outdated and just not needed with how fast and oneshotty the game has gotten. I got to lvl99 by buying legion 5-ways and doing sanctum all day, because every time I got to like 8% exp I randomly die in a map. I got so tired of it so I grinded to 99 to get all the nodes I wanted, lvl100 would only give me %life and a bit of damage which I don't really need. Like if this -10% exp on death mechanic didn't exist I could just chill, do maps with 3 damage mods,extra proj and crit on them and not care. It's annoying to have to reroll with scour and alch any time I get a singular damage mod if I care about my exp.

I just wanna map and boss and see my exp bar passively go up without being annoyed that I lost exp to a random death lol

And adding to the complaints of some other comments here that it simply sucks to have to avoid doing even normal bosses like sirus or any guardian map if I care about exp, cus I might die.
You know the best part? The penalty is still there in poe 2 but even more severe which is amazing.

+ You die the boss respawns completely
+ You die in any where else ALL mobs respawn
+ You can't TP out of a boss literally that's gone.

You will die a lot in that game and it's going to be glorious.

Instead of listening to the complainers you know what they did? THEY AMPLIFIED IT dam right.

Play better a char.
Play better in general.

That's what they want you to do.

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy on Aug 28, 2024, 7:30:17 PM
Also completing red maps for your atlas and some of them going 8-mod on leaguestart really sucks too, because I die a lot while doing those corrupted red maps. That's why I only get to 92 at most while still doing atlas progression, I can only get to higher levels once I have all 4 voidstones, most favorite slots and I'm farming only my fav t16.
Coconutdoggy wrote:
You know the best part? The penalty is still there in poe 2 but even more severe which is amazing.

+ You die the boss respawns completely
+ You die in any where else ALL mobs respawn
+ You can't TP out of a boss literally that's gone.

You will die a lot in that game and it's going to be glorious.

Instead of listening to the complainers you know what they did? THEY AMPLIFIED IT dam right.

Play better a char.
Play better in general.

That's what they want you to do.

You must be joking about all mobs respawning in a map loooool, and they would have to give no rewards or exp otherwise people would abuse it for infinite loot. Ain't no way a whole map is resetting when you die. As for the boss thing, never touched a "soulslike" game in my life and its gonna stay that way. If I can't make a giga dps build to trivialize and oneshot/instaphase the bosses then I ain't playing Poe 2 that much I guess kek
Toforto wrote:
Coconutdoggy wrote:
You know the best part? The penalty is still there in poe 2 but even more severe which is amazing.

+ You die the boss respawns completely
+ You die in any where else ALL mobs respawn
+ You can't TP out of a boss literally that's gone.

You will die a lot in that game and it's going to be glorious.

Instead of listening to the complainers you know what they did? THEY AMPLIFIED IT dam right.

Play better a char.
Play better in general.

That's what they want you to do.

You must be joking about all mobs respawning in a map loooool, and they would have to give no rewards or exp otherwise people would abuse it for infinite loot. Ain't no way a whole map is resetting when you die. As for the boss thing, never touched a "soulslike" game in my life and its gonna stay that way. If I can't make a giga dps build to trivialize and oneshot/instaphase the bosses then I ain't playing Poe 2 that much I guess kek

Um no they ALL respawn they DO NOT give loot.

It was in gamescom as well

You will die a lot in that game and it's going to be great.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr

Um no they ALL respawn they DO NOT give loot.

It was in gamescom as well

You will die a lot in that game and it's going to be great.

No, I will either copy paste an OP meta build or delete the game to free up space lol, this game ain't gonna be on ruthless mode by default, people will still be able to make powerful builds in the endgame just like in poe 1 or else the steam numbers will plummet within 2 weeks after everyone gets to maps and realizes how boring it is.
Toforto wrote:

Um no they ALL respawn they DO NOT give loot.

It was in gamescom as well

You will die a lot in that game and it's going to be great.

No, I will either copy paste an OP meta build or delete the game to free up space lol, this game ain't gonna be on ruthless mode by default, people will still be able to make powerful builds in the endgame just like in poe 1 or else the steam numbers will plummet within 2 weeks after everyone gets to maps and realizes how boring it is.

''Everyone'' Whos everyone? You and a few people?

Stay in POE 1 then lmao

There's no OR ELSE they want to make the game how they WANT to make the game not to appease people like yourself.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy on Aug 28, 2024, 7:50:58 PM

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