I've changed my mind on XP Penalty

Pashid wrote:
exsea wrote:

mass playerbase: melee bad

With mass playerbase you mean the small minority that always lets out complaints about litteraly everything?

as opposed to players who like the way things are and defend everything because it doesnt effect them.

its 2024. this game is 10 years old. even ggg has moved with the times.

theyre making the game more accessible. for sure theres 1001 complaints that are whiny. but its up to ggg to decide whether or not that feedback is valuable or not.

like it or hate it. i find the feedback given by the top 1%ers as less valuable than the rest.

i do respect the 1%ers for your time/dedication to the game which allowed you to excel. but it's like wat jon mentioned about poe2. he felt the bosses in the poe2 was getting easy and wanted to crank it up. then he realized, he gitten gud.

his experience no longer reflects an average player. he had the wisdom to recognize that. and actually rescind his idea of making it harder.

i see many who do not have such wisdom in this forum.
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Last edited by exsea on Sep 2, 2024, 1:46:13 AM
exsea wrote:

theyre making the game more accessible. for sure theres 1001 complaints that are whiny. but its up to ggg to decide whether or not that feedback is valuable or not.

They are making the game more accessible? More like they haven't really changed much about their get good and deal with it stance since the last decade.

That's why the same minority of players comes up with the same complaints and whiny uproar topics about loot, player power, XP penalty, league content being unrewarding or overturned,yada yada with every new league.
Luckily GGG does know their target audience well and the minority of complainers are most obviously not part of the desired target audience of the game they create.
Even less with Poe2 if you already look at all the aspects they changed to make the game harsh lol.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Sep 2, 2024, 2:12:36 AM
exsea wrote:

as opposed to players who like the way things are and defend everything because it doesnt effect them.

These arent correlated in the slightest.... good god the Strawman here. Barahroth if you are reading this, what Exsea just posted, is what a Strawman is, take note;

Just because there is pushback on the forums from people against complaints or feedback about certain things, WITH DATA nonetheless, does not mean they are "defending the company"

Like cmon..... what is that leap...

exsea wrote:

theyre making the game more accessible. for sure theres 1001 complaints that are whiny. but its up to ggg to decide whether or not that feedback is valuable or not.


exsea wrote:

like it or hate it. i find the feedback given by the top 1%ers as less valuable than the rest.

I mean its arbitrary what you consider the top 1% in this game. And relative. Like I dont know who you are even referencing when you say top 1% honestly. People use this as an excuse for everything as well. So ....


Ill take experienced players feedback for appropriate feedback just like I will take less experienced players feedback appropriate for what they have.

For newer players they really should be going to another place first. Most dont go to the gameplay/help section, but rather post some complaint with no data and an bunch of assumptions on "why this mechanic sucks, why loot sucks, melee changes suck, melee the problems..." and throw out the same "ah man its only made for 1%er..." excuse that we see every league.

Some just straight up dont know what they are talking about, so you cant just look at everything from the inexperienced players perspective. For example, someone made a thread about Marauder having no access to early leech at the start of their tree, and 2h axes being hard to craft... all complete bull. Just no.

exsea wrote:

i see many who do not have such wisdom in this forum.

Ah so we are now making... movie quotes to.... grandstand and ....

yeah honestly dude. Dont talk about who does and doesnt have wisdom lol.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Last edited by Mashgesture on Sep 2, 2024, 2:18:23 AM
I love how you constructed all that from me pointing out Echothesis' dishonesty when he talked about PoE2 as if it was an expansion to PoE1 when they already announced over a year ago that it will be its own game.

The only reason I made the effort to point this out is that when you want to have a sensible discussion about a topic, you have to agree on the facts. If one side brings up irrelevant bullshit and personal attacks, well, you got a dumpsterfire in the making.

Anyway, as much as I love side adventures, wasn't this this topic is about the XP penalty?
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Last edited by ArtCrusade on Sep 2, 2024, 4:11:20 AM
ArtCrusade wrote:
I love how you constructed all that from me pointing out Echothesis' dishonesty when he talked about PoE2 as if it was an expansion to PoE1 when they already announced over a year ago that it will be its own game.

The only reason I made the effort to point this out is that when you want to have a sensible discussion about a topic, you have to agree on the facts. If one side brings up irrelevant bullshit and personal attacks, well, you got a dumpsterfire in the making.

Anyway, as much as I love side adventures, wasn't this this topic is about the XP penalty?

you did bring up a hot topic. you mentioned echothesis being dishonest? your statement is only correct if you disregard the past.

i dont see him being dishonest in this case. tho i see the way you frame him as being dishonest really does not do him justice.

as i said, you're right if and only if you view the exilecon 2023 announcement.

but failing to consider the announcment in exilecon 2019 is also cherry picking your info.

if you've watched the office, what you did is the same as the Ryan 2.0 skit. ryan 2.0 shouldnt be held accountable for what the old ryan 1.0 did. lets all forget ryan 1.0 did what he did and just focus on the latest iteration.

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Looking at the calendar, we notice it's 2024, 5 years after that ExileCon. 5 years ago I was working in a completely different line of business. In the span of those 5 years I moved towns 3 times.

Point is, many things change in unforeseen ways. When working on large projects you start out with an idea, make plans, and go from there. Over that long course of time they likely learned a lot about what they think Path of Exile 2 should be like, challenged a lot of original concepts from PoE1 and ultimately decided that PoE2 would be too different to just be an expansion.

And they should be commended for it. But people like you and Echo hold that like a Damokles sword over their heads and it's cumbersome and tiring to discuss over and over and over and over and over and over again, because you just can't let go.

I'm a realist. I work with what we have. I didn't cherrypick anything. Echo said this when I said "the game is already funded":

By Poe1 players, who didn't experience that extra harsh progression loss described in this topic's signature post. And by inclinations of "Poe2 will be an expansion to Poe1".

So you could argue he meant the period between the initial announcement for PoE2 and when they decided to make it its own game. With that reading it'd only be reductive and not intentionally dishonest, I agree. Fine!

But I didn't "bring up this hot topic", that was Echo conjuring it yet again. So, can we move on and back to why y'all dislike the XP penalty? Because that is the actual topic.

And on my end i would be supportive of PoE2 right now had it been transparent that they were making another game.

They have been transparent on this. You just assume ill intent that they knew from the start and told us it'd be an expansion anyway. Are you aware of what you are saying here?
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Last edited by ArtCrusade on Sep 2, 2024, 7:59:30 AM
You have a point.

However, I still say the dmg spikes and unpredictability of mods generating one-shot AND the poor risk vs reward is what makes it bad, not the penalty.

One (somewhat flawed) solution(all of them are) would be to have a "1-death protection" when doing content that is deemed special by GGG.

How I understand:

Game devs want to put something in the game that is dangerous and gives good rewards and is not found often. That's a good idea, it spices up the game/combat.

Torchlight 2 also had random portals that would lead you to some very hard encounters. I never entered them when playing hardcore.

The devs idea is good but it goes against the(also good idea) of punishing the player for playing carellessly.

Hence why I think a death penalty "prevention"(or heavy mitigation) would be good in content that is harder than normal maps.
Last edited by Gordyne on Sep 2, 2024, 10:25:04 AM
The devs agree with you actually Gordyne. They added Omen of Amelioration which works exactly 1 time, and only once per map. It‘s a failsafe that lifts some of the burden of the occasional death but doesn‘t allow you to play carelessly. In that, I think it‘s balanced
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.

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