I've changed my mind on XP Penalty

askreet wrote:
It's that I'm incentivized to hoard or trade away all my hard content rather than giving it a try. T17 maps? Got 4 of them, but I'm at 25% XP! Exarch invitations? Got 2, but I'm at 25% XP!

That's the thought process and planning, use the level to stockpile all the insane content, get the level then see if your character is strong enough for the hard content.... if not, go back to leveling, hoarding all the hard content.
Get a level and repeat the process, keep going until you're strong enough for the hard content.

It can take time to level and even longer if you're not using the most optimal build, but you can build a specific atlas+scarab combo that gives you at least 5% exp per map.
Works out to be about 20 maps per level, it's just about optomising the map.
That's why we have multiple atlas now, so you can have one for leveling and two for different content until you don't need leveling anymore.
Coconutdoggy wrote:
There's no OR ELSE they want to make the game how they WANT to make the game not to appease people like yourself.

I'm keen to see how the playerbase reacts to this new methodology or whether defensive layering is easier to acquire in poe2.
But there is a line, if it's fun for 200 people that doesn't pay wages or do the business any favours.
They'll tune it so that enough playerbase can fund the project whilst sticking to the original idea.
It's quite punishing which may appeal to more but if it comes at the cost of their revenue then i'd expect they pivot.
Coconutdoggy wrote:
You know the best part? The penalty is still there in poe 2 but even more severe which is amazing.

+ You die the boss respawns completely
+ You die in any where else ALL mobs respawn
+ You can't TP out of a boss literally that's gone.

You will die a lot in that game and it's going to be glorious.

Instead of listening to the complainers you know what they did? THEY AMPLIFIED IT dam right.

Play better a char.
Play better in general.

That's what they want you to do.

Don't think that's quite the fair outlook - I think POE 2 will be a completely different game, so this kind of setup will look much better in it because it will fit the game.

You're making it sound like it's gonna be a POE 1 copy but with all these things in it, which would be an absolute disaster. Put all this in POE1 and I guarantee it's gonna drop to 100 players in less than a day. In POE2 however all these things would be balanced with how the game appears to be.

POE2 seems more strategical, where even trash mob kills matter, not the spamfest that's POE 1 (I love the game don't get me wrong but the visual clutter makes it impossible to dodge everything or play anything other than the 1 button playstyle).

That said, I'm not sure how many POE 1 fans are gonna enjoy the POE 2 playstyle and honestly can't tell if they're hoping for a good chunk of the audience to be POE 1 players, or trying to cater to a different audience altogether. I'm definitely gonna give it a go if only for the amazingly crisp visuals, but I'm not really sure if it's gonna be my kind of game.
Last edited by Felix44 on Aug 29, 2024, 4:46:37 AM
You can buy an omen that reduces the exp loss to just 2.5%. That’s like 1 map loss of exp at level 97. And the omen is fairly cheap
Jaikai wrote:
You can buy an omen that reduces the exp loss to just 2.5%. That’s like 1 map loss of exp at level 97. And the omen is fairly cheap

I die like every other map to random influenced mobs spawning and auto-attacking me. At lvl99 even the omen won't offset the exp loss enough and I'm still gonna be at 0 because every time I die I'm not even at 2% exp lol, this game is just designed for glass cannon builds to pay for legion 5way carries or live in sanctum till their desired level.
Also that omen is like 59c what a scam, I'd have to be paying what 1 div per 3 deaths? so 1 div every 6 maps(or even more often for 8-mod ones). Leveling is just cringe again since they deleted the exp scarab, last league it was actually fun to get to 100 by only doing 30 dunes maps with breach and shrine stacking, even I was able to do it on my 0 defenses build. But now its back to the sanctum or 5ways kek

I have no idea why they deleted that scarab, it wasn't broken or op. It simply made leveling fun.
I guess it's all about goals, if you wanna go for 100, you have to pay attention to the mods. I rolled t16 and removed the 1 mod that was troublesome for my build and have not died and hit the lvl 100 from 99 to 100 solo by doing maps and some breach stones.

if all they should set amount of xp of a monster based on contribution (like amount of aura's means this much xp, this many damage means this much xp, no dps or just the standard 3-4 aura's means 0 xp. Get rid of paid lvl's/challenges

The XP loss would make much more sense if lvl 100 actually would mean something.
Last edited by Shadeless01 on Aug 29, 2024, 6:11:53 AM
Coconutdoggy wrote:
You know the best part? The penalty is still there in poe 2 but even more severe which is amazing.

+ You die the boss respawns completely
+ You die in any where else ALL mobs respawn
+ You can't TP out of a boss literally that's gone.

You will die a lot in that game and it's going to be glorious.

Instead of listening to the complainers you know what they did? THEY AMPLIFIED IT dam right.

Play better a char.
Play better in general.

That's what they want you to do.

GGG must be feeling pretty confident that PoE2 will retain the slow and tactical gameplay experience all the way to mapping and beyond to be that punishing with their deaths.

If that happens to be the case, I don't see a problem with this at face value. Instead of being punished with 1shots from off-screen or from attacks buried under particle vomit, your deaths may be more attributed to lack of skill. There may even be less emphasis on buying overpriced gear to compensate for the abundance of 1shots in the game which would be nice. Would certainly help encourage build diversity.

Unfortunately, GGG has been very quiet about what the endgame experience is going to be like.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
Hold out! Collect the things you find while leveling and do the dangerous things in the next level. It's also much more fun. I know the conflict.
askreet wrote:

It's not that I can't reach level 100, even. It's that I'm incentivized to hoard or trade away all my hard content rather than giving it a try. T17 maps? Got 4 of them, but I'm at 25% XP! Exarch invitations? Got 2, but I'm at 25% XP!

...I don't know what the 'right' answer is here...

I have the same behavior while levelling.

Either in tandem with some possible changes to omens of amelioration, or as a standalone consideration, I think the following change could be made: The closer you get to the next level, the less xp should be lost due to death...starting around 14% loss at up to the 14% progress mark and diminishing linearly to 1% at the 99% mark, rounded down. For example, this equates to 14% loss at 14% progress, 10% loss at 40% progress, 6% loss at 60% progress, 3% loss at 80% progress, and 2% loss at 90% progress.

Rationale for functional application of the above suggestion: Players who have just levelled can rely on the level lock to prevent excessive loss of xp due to challenging unknown or difficult content, and characters that are closing in on the next level can do so with greater confidence (knowing their progress won't be absolutely demolished if they fail).

Rationale for realism in application of the above suggestion: Characters that have recently levelled have only just begun to take in the lessons necessary for further progression, and those lessons can be easily forgotten due to death...whereas characters that have progressed considerably through a level have taken in, practiced, and partially mastered the lessons necessary for further progression, and are more likely to hold on to the key points of those lessons through death.

I think GGG has made some headway with the Omen of Amelioration, though they need to be made more common as drops. They could also be made to allow for use of 1 for each portal used rather than 1 per map, but in that case, they would probably need a most costly tradeoff, such as making them larger...turn them into 6-slot objects so there is an added cost to using them (space taken up in the pack).

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