game unplayable, some notes on why.

Mashgesture wrote:
Im not reading your entire OP, noone needs to

If you did not read the OP, how can you comment on it?

Right lol.

If you did not read the entire Chemistry book, how do you understand chemistry?

Good one.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Mashgesture wrote:
Mashgesture wrote:
Im not reading your entire OP, noone needs to

If you did not read the OP, how can you comment on it?

Right lol.

If you did not read the entire Chemistry book, how do you understand chemistry?

Good one.

Again, If you did not read the OP, how can you comment on it?

Please, I'm here to discuss the topic.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Sep 6, 2024, 3:26:33 AM

Again, If you did not read the OP, how can you comment on it?

Please, I'm here to discuss the topic.

Already did post in response to the topic, that you clearly avoided responding to.

For your reference:

Your claim:
Game is unplayable

My response to your claim:
First your title is one of these sensational false, hyperbolic, statements so ... we can move on from that.

Your claim:
New spectres are bad and lack needed insight as to how raise spectre is used as well as the baseline viability of them in any capacity as a main skill

My response to your claim:
They are "bad" is all you said here. You added words after sure, but nothing tangible, no data provided, no specfics, no references. Except only your personal take, and thousands of hours.

I respond with an EXPERT saying the opposite. He has videos, he has a website, he engages with the community. As well as PERSONAL usage of said spectres. And I can even REFERENCE builds that USE said Spectres that are good. Even pure spectre builds.

So congrats on the hours you played and struggles you have, but ... maybe the reason you are struggling with said spectres is not because they are bad, but because you dont know how to play them properly?

Let me know when you can reply, as it seems you have defaulted now to being intentionally obtuse since you ... dont actually know what to say?

"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Mashgesture wrote:

Let me know when you can reply, as it seems you have defaulted now to being intentionally obtuse since you ... dont actually know what to say?

You did not read the section on spectres, Its quite clear from your supplied "response" to the spectres are bad comment.

I did go into specifics
-New spectres are bad and lack needed insight as to how raise spectre is used as well as the baseline viability of them in any capacity as a main skill, they're too clunky and even if their dps is slightly higher than some others if they can't effectively use those skills (because their model is too large and only 2-3 of them can attack something at once) or they're getting stuck on each other for no reason because they are again.. too large and a lot of the buffs given to them are not great and don't work with endgame setups and honestly some of these monsters make absolutely zero sense coming from someone who has played raise spectre possibly more than most people will play the game and i've spent a fortune testing these things out, they are less effective than most trash mobs if not for them having a bit more HP. (the one you guys added that feeds off the summoners rage was a really nice addition though, many of these are with some modifications to make them viable build) if you wanna knock these things out of the park make them just like cluster jewels where they primarily roll small passives but can occasionally roll a noteable or two which could be an additional skill or a major buff/transformation to how it works similarily to how your reaper spectres work but would allow for them to be obtained WITHOUT that knock back effect they have or a Spider Matriarch that doesn't give me a wither buff or one that has decreased size... or INCREASED SIZE i mean to each their own but at least in that environment there's some potential for them to not only be made viable in the ever changing endgame but enable various builds as well.

Not as specific as the thread i made during the actual league they were released however but there it is for you to read and easily quote.

Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Sep 6, 2024, 3:48:59 AM

Again, If you did not read the OP, how can you comment on it?

Please, I'm here to discuss the topic.

Ahh, the good old "I don't recognice you response as valid, so please try again" reponse.

I replied to your two first bullets, by stating I've been running PoE fine on a frekin laptop for the last 4 years, but the concession you have to make is performance over beauty, and thus your title is hyperbole, as the game is in fact playable (I mean, players are playing it, right?).

I replied to your 3rd bullet on build deletion by speaking for GGGs balance philosophy stating that sticking to a build for long time is not realistic (aka your "build deletion"), and why I think it's good.

I replied to your 5th bullet on Spectres, where you seem to have the gospel, and my 2cents is simply, that while you might do, it's subjective, and others may not think that you do (again, myself included).

Yet, all of this was not good enough for you, and you referred to it as "fruitless sidestepping". So guess what, since you're not interested in a debate, but rather yes-men that abide by your made up rules for engagement, I'll gladly leave you to it. Hope you build the echochamber you so desire.

Ps. Ohh, and since I skipped your 4th bullet:

I do think there are enough uniques that are BiS (either because they're just powerful, or because they enable a build defining interaction), for us to not call it a "rare item craze". But in reality it comes down to this: do we want uniques to be BiS in msot cases? Or are we ok with uniques being 50-75% (as they are sit and forget with 0 crafting), and in the end-game be able to craft something better? I'm personally in favour of the latter. There might be an argument for the balance not being spot on, but it's far from a "craze" (again, hyperbole on OPs side).
Last edited by FalkenRaiding on Sep 6, 2024, 3:54:19 AM
FalkenRaiding wrote:

Again, If you did not read the OP, how can you comment on it?

Please, I'm here to discuss the topic.

Ahh, the good old "I don't recognice you response as valid, so please try again" reponse.

I replied to your two first bullets, by stating I've been running PoE fine on a frekin laptop for the last 4 years, but the concession you have to make is performance over beauty, and thus your title is hyperbole, as the game is in fact playable (I mean, players are playing it, right?).

I replied to your 3rd bullet on build deletion by speaking for GGGs balance philosophy stating that sticking to a build for long time is not realistic (aka your "build deletion"), and why I think it's good.

I replied to your 5th bullet on Spectres, where you seem to have the gospel, and my 2cents is simply, that while you might do, it's subjective, and others may not think that you do (again, myself included).

Yet, all of this was not good enough for you, and you referred to it as "fruitless sidestepping". So guess what, since you're not interested in a debate, but rather yes-men that abide by your made up rules for engagement, I'll gladly leave you to it. Hope you build the echochamber you so desire.

Ps. Ohh, and since I skipped your 4th bullet:

I do think there are enough uniques that are BiS (either because they're just powerful, or because they enable a build defining interaction), for us to not call it a "rare item craze". But in reality it comes down to this: do we want uniques to be BiS in msot cases? Or are we ok with uniques being 50-75% (as they are sit and forget with 0 crafting), and in the end-game be able to craft something better? I'm personally in favour of the latter. There might be an argument for the balance not being spot on, but it's far from a "craze" (again, hyperbole on OPs side).

That quote was me replying to a differient user, Not you.

If you feel i have ignored you then its not intentional, But again why are you replying to a reply to someone else?

That individual did not as i said read the OP by their own admission even going as far as stating that nobody needs to read it, I was asking them to do so.

I'm not interested in these forum games however with gotcha moments and analogy's that go nowhere, If you want me to reply ill do so just give me a minute to go back and read your post.

FalkenRaiding wrote:

Just because you have a lot of experience with spectres, doesn't mean that your prefered balance point is "what the facts are" as you state.

Personal preference differ a lot, so try being a little humble in your proclaimations.

Speaking of, the game being "unplayable" is per your title is hyperbole; it is literally playable.
Been running PoE on a laptop for the last 4 years - yes my settings are set for performance not beauty, but that's a small concession for smooth gameplay.

As for class balance, GGG are (and needs to) make shifts in build power, this is good for the replayability of new leagues and seems to be very desired in general (melee, anyone?). So if you're up for trying a new build every league, you'll have a great time; but if you want to stick to one/a few builds forever, yes, you're gonna struggle. You may not like it, but I promise you others do (myself included).

#1 I don't really get the point you're trying to make with the first one, I'm not saying my opinion is the only valid one, I'm just saying i've put in the work and tested all of these and a lot of them are lacking in various ways to such an extend i will dare say its factual that they need to be fixed, feel free to disagree but i will maintain my confidence in this particular area.

#2 The humble thing, I am not allowed to be proud of the time spent and knowledge gained from my years in PoE? I don't get the angle here perhaps you're projecting as you do not know me and my true intentions, I'll tell you i just want a balanced game with a healthy amount of options for everyone both new and experience and you can choose to believe me or not.

#3 of course things change but sometimes they change things without realizing the consequences, The new buffs are neat but they did very little to address socket limitations for one handed weapons and rares are still so stupidly overpowered compared to most uniques that build variety is making me fall asleep when it comes to endgame viable options that aren't a single shade of grey off from every other metabuild out there which is fine once in a while to play a build with 2 rare one handed weapons with xyz mods but sometimes i wanna use a one handed unique and still stand a chance in the endgame.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Sep 6, 2024, 4:27:49 AM
FalkenRaiding wrote:

Again, If you did not read the OP, how can you comment on it?

Please, I'm here to discuss the topic.

Ahh, the good old "I don't recognice you response as valid, so please try again" reponse.

I replied to your two first bullets, by stating I've been running PoE fine on a frekin laptop for the last 4 years, but the concession you have to make is performance over beauty, and thus your title is hyperbole, as the game is in fact playable (I mean, players are playing it, right?).

I replied to your 3rd bullet on build deletion by speaking for GGGs balance philosophy stating that sticking to a build for long time is not realistic (aka your "build deletion"), and why I think it's good.

I replied to your 5th bullet on Spectres, where you seem to have the gospel, and my 2cents is simply, that while you might do, it's subjective, and others may not think that you do (again, myself included).

Yet, all of this was not good enough for you, and you referred to it as "fruitless sidestepping". So guess what, since you're not interested in a debate, but rather yes-men that abide by your made up rules for engagement, I'll gladly leave you to it. Hope you build the echochamber you so desire.

Ps. Ohh, and since I skipped your 4th bullet:

I do think there are enough uniques that are BiS (either because they're just powerful, or because they enable a build defining interaction), for us to not call it a "rare item craze". But in reality it comes down to this: do we want uniques to be BiS in msot cases? Or are we ok with uniques being 50-75% (as they are sit and forget with 0 crafting), and in the end-game be able to craft something better? I'm personally in favour of the latter. There might be an argument for the balance not being spot on, but it's far from a "craze" (again, hyperbole on OPs side).

That quote was me replying to a differient user, Not you.

If you feel i have ignored you then its not intentional, But again why are you replying to a reply to someone else?

That individual did not as i said read the OP by their own admission even going as far as stating that nobody needs to read it, I was asking them to do so.

Your reply to my post:

"I ask as a human being for no more of this fruitless sidestepping, Please address any of the things i stated and offer constructive discussion if you disagree otherwise what are you doing here?"

TL;DR: "your reply didn't meet my criteria for a discussion, care to try again?", which is essentially what you keep writing to that guy, because he didn't address all your bullets with a novel.

Anyways, enjoy invaldiating our feedback. You're clearly not here for a "constructive discussion", but just to voice and be confirmed in your dissatifaction towards GGG.
Mashgesture wrote:

Let me know when you can reply, as it seems you have defaulted now to being intentionally obtuse since you ... dont actually know what to say?

You did not read the section on spectres, Its quite clear from your supplied "response" to the spectres are bad comment.

I did go into specifics
-New spectres are bad and lack needed insight as to how raise spectre is used as well as the baseline viability of them in any capacity as a main skill, they're too clunky and even if their dps is slightly higher than some others if they can't effectively use those skills (because their model is too large and only 2-3 of them can attack something at once) or they're getting stuck on each other for no reason because they are again.. too large and a lot of the buffs given to them are not great and don't work with endgame setups and honestly some of these monsters make absolutely zero sense coming from someone who has played raise spectre possibly more than most people will play the game and i've spent a fortune testing these things out, they are less effective than most trash mobs if not for them having a bit more HP. (the one you guys added that feeds off the summoners rage was a really nice addition though, many of these are with some modifications to make them viable build) if you wanna knock these things out of the park make them just like cluster jewels where they primarily roll small passives but can occasionally roll a noteable or two which could be an additional skill or a major buff/transformation to how it works similarily to how your reaper spectres work but would allow for them to be obtained WITHOUT that knock back effect they have or a Spider Matriarch that doesn't give me a wither buff or one that has decreased size... or INCREASED SIZE i mean to each their own but at least in that environment there's some potential for them to not only be made viable in the ever changing endgame but enable various builds as well.

Not as specific as the thread i made during the actual league they were released however but there it is for you to read and easily quote.

Thats not specific thats not detail, everything in that run on sentence is just broad, 0 quanitifiable data, 0 references, 0 actionable statements, all broad repetitive statements. And it all comes down to personal issues rather than anything defined by the actual spectres.

"They are bad" can be substituted in for THAT ENTIRE THING you wrote, and nothing would have changed. Which is why I did not read all this and noone should.

•They are big? Great. That means nothing.
•Their buffs are bad and dont work with most endgame setups? What setups, post them, link them. What spectres specifically?
You said new spectres after all, and are grouping them all into the same category of "bad".
•They are less effective than most trash mobs. Still saying "bad" and this one is just false as well.
•The rest of it is almost unrelated, you go into jewels, talk about their size again...

Again, this entire thing you put, because of your lack of anything actionable and keeping things so broad, can be summed up in this instead.

"I think new spectres are bad"

Its about all the substance there is to what you put throughout all of that thing you posted.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
FalkenRaiding wrote:

Just because you have a lot of experience with spectres, doesn't mean that your prefered balance point is "what the facts are" as you state.

Personal preference differ a lot, so try being a little humble in your proclaimations.

Speaking of, the game being "unplayable" is per your title is hyperbole; it is literally playable.
Been running PoE on a laptop for the last 4 years - yes my settings are set for performance not beauty, but that's a small concession for smooth gameplay.

As for class balance, GGG are (and needs to) make shifts in build power, this is good for the replayability of new leagues and seems to be very desired in general (melee, anyone?). So if you're up for trying a new build every league, you'll have a great time; but if you want to stick to one/a few builds forever, yes, you're gonna struggle. You may not like it, but I promise you others do (myself included).

Hold ur horses lol, i edited in my reply.

Mashgesture wrote:

Thats not specific thats not detail, everything in that run on sentence is just broad, 0 quanitifiable data, 0 references, 0 actionable statements, all broad repetitive statements. And it all comes down to personal issues rather than anything defined by the actual spectres.

"They are bad" can be substituted in for THAT ENTIRE THING you wrote, and nothing would have changed. Which is why I did not read all this and noone should.

•They are big? Great. That means nothing.
•Their buffs are bad and dont work with most endgame setups? What setups, post them, link them. What spectres specifically?
You said new spectres after all, and are grouping them all into the same category of "bad".
•They are less effective than most trash mobs. Still saying "bad" and this one is just false as well.
•The rest of it is almost unrelated, you go into jewels, talk about their size again...

Again, this entire thing you put, because of your lack of anything actionable and keeping things so broad, can be summed up in this instead.

"I think new spectres are bad"

Its about all the substance there is to what you put throughout all of that thing you posted.

I don't know what to tell you, Do you want me to prove to you that the sun is real and not a projection?

Even if i supply you with information you just say it does not matter which is not a discussion at all.

FalkenRaiding wrote:

Your reply to my post:

"I ask as a human being for no more of this fruitless sidestepping, Please address any of the things i stated and offer constructive discussion if you disagree otherwise what are you doing here?"

TL;DR: "your reply didn't meet my criteria for a discussion, care to try again?", which is essentially what you keep writing to that guy, because he didn't address all your bullets with a novel.

Anyways, enjoy invaldiating our feedback. You're clearly not here for a "constructive discussion", but just to voice and be confirmed in your dissatifaction towards GGG.

I'm not participating in the invalidation of other peoples feedback, I have a firm history of in fact supporting other feedbacks and encouraging even conflicting opinions not only in this game but others to achieve a shared desirable outcome.

If someone would like to try this again this time perhaps with some basic human decency i would actually love to share my experiences and thoughts on a number of the things mentioned in the OP.

Spider matriarchs for example need increased melee range by a small amount to be effective as an endgame pet for if too many of them aren't attacking(they get stuck on eachother) it's really not worth their damage increase and you would be better off using some spiders from 8 years ago which no longer have enough HP to scale well in the current endgame arena's which is its own other issue to get into.
^This is the bulk of the "size" problems but as i did say in my OP some people may in fact enjoy this feature and even want to seek it out so i asked that it not be removed but kept as a feature and smaller variants or ones with increased melee range just for example could be potentially added to shore up the usefulness and general build diversity for that spectre.

Just to start, I tested ALL of them again in many configurations, The league this came out i was permanently broke because of that and i've spent a lot more than i'd like this league too just testing some of them that were modified.

Most of the troubles with each individual spectre were easy to diagnose especially when it came to the melee types given i primarily run a non-focussed extremely high minion damage build first to get a good impression of all of their abilitys.

cluster-jewels are also severely lacking in diversity to allow very deep progression into very unique builds, chance for double damage, crit? woo and some hp/dmg for the last node on large clusters its pretty lackluster and needs 2-3 more passives added to the pool that support a slightly wider playing field.

The list is endless, I would go through the entire database if i could and shore up the whole damned monster list, We have monsters from years ago that would make amazing builds today if they were just slightly modified.

Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Sep 6, 2024, 5:20:21 AM
Just balance the game around character identity. There are 7. Much more square, much more Strong.

Make new client for a PvP mode in-house, from scratch, LAN, don't go for graphics and go full engineer mode. Research project. Test every change to code. Low level optimize at some point but test every change.
1-2 months for a very playable state. Controller support.

There is no other practical solution.
Last edited by Dylan_Schreiner on Sep 6, 2024, 5:38:38 AM

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