game unplayable, some notes on why.

ArtCrusade wrote:
ArtCrusade wrote:

Like i said it was possible, I try to take in everything every league and mistakes can happen, I stand corrected.

But the fact its been 3 pages of this is just over the top, Have you read my OP is it entirely about spectres? Has any of the few last pages even been constructive in regards to any of it?

This is so tiring when i gave specifics and have tried to reply to some of this stuff when allowed to by the other poster demanding it in some cases.

Bummer, really, but you have a large part in that as well since you insisted you are correct, and if you are wrong then they must have changed it, and when it was proven that it wasn't changed you pivoted, and now we're here.

A lot of time wasted when all it took me was google the spectre.

Took me 5 seconds to verify.

And it comes around to the topic. You make large claims such as "game is unplayable" which, it turns out, is also not correct. In fact, I am playing the game right now.

Even if we ignore that hyperbole, like half of your opening post is about how bad the new spectres are. Well, people pointed out how good some of the new spectres are. They are quite viable, and people are having fun with them. I'm actually eyeing Forged Vendigos right now. Will be great. :)

There's no pivot, I don't play those games with people though it is so commonplace here i can see how others might start seeing it where it does not exist.

The insinuation that i am is rather offensive, Please stop speaking for me in this manner.

I'll try to keep this simple, I've played a long time and seen the game change a lot, I don't like where its headed and its no longer a positive experience after 13,000 hours on steam alone im pretty done with the game.

-performance is unplayable almost literally in party play out of the box once you hit maps with any level of juice, i feel guilty for trying to organize group sessions anymore, Your game client cant even handle a normal blight in a high tier map in party play without crashing just about the whole party with quite a lot of regularity.

-performance is terrible and the MTX/etc graphics patches are making it unplayable even in solo play now and your patches which honestly haven't made the game look much better and took a lot of my field of view away only seemed to decrease my fps (because you're zooming us in further causing larger textures to have to be rendered) and then just overall the 20c BUMP in temps for absolutely no benefit, I used to actually hang out in town and chat with people but never again with where you're taking the game, like i can't because my gpu will melt.

-you're deleting builds from the game at an astonishing rate and im honestly tired of theory crafting fixes to problems that should not exist in the first place, Shroud of the lightless rework is a fine example of this, many builds used the 5link body armour as their main link setup and with that chase amulet you added (6link) but you removed the 5th link instead of making a design choice that would enable both one handed and two handed users to utilize this armor effectively seeing especially that most 2 handed builds use their weapon slot as their 6link and this is a non-issue for them literally and honestly you want people to complete endgame content in a janked out 5link? the vision!

-the rare item craze you've been on is really getting old as well, its nice that rares can compete in power with uniques but its gone so far that many uniques are worthless in the end-game because you have no systems to shore-up their stats for example: if a unique item has 90% increased minion damage but a rare can have say 144% increased minion damage then if you added a supplemental system such as runecrafting that would check a base items stats and then only allow you to enchant/craft up to an allowable global limit in this case 54% increased minion damage (with included rng of course) similar to how the crucible system could have worked and this would allow uniques and rares to sit on a somewhat even playing field in the endgame arena.

-New spectres are bad and lack needed insight as to how raise spectre is used as well as the baseline viability of them in any capacity as a main skill, they're too clunky and even if their dps is slightly higher than some others if they can't effectively use those skills (because their model is too large and only 2-3 of them can attack something at once) or they're getting stuck on each other for no reason because they are again.. too large and a lot of the buffs given to them are not great and don't work with endgame setups and honestly some of these monsters make absolutely zero sense coming from someone who has played raise spectre possibly more than most people will play the game and i've spent a fortune testing these things out, they are less effective than most trash mobs if not for them having a bit more HP. (the one you guys added that feeds off the summoners rage was a really nice addition though, many of these are with some modifications to make them viable build) if you wanna knock these things out of the park make them just like cluster jewels where they primarily roll small passives but can occasionally roll a noteable or two which could be an additional skill or a major buff/transformation to how it works similarily to how your reaper spectres work but would allow for them to be obtained WITHOUT that knock back effect they have or a Spider Matriarch that doesn't give me a wither buff or one that has decreased size... or INCREASED SIZE i mean to each their own but at least in that environment there's some potential for them to not only be made viable in the ever changing endgame but enable various builds as well.

There's so much trolling going on in here which is nothing new, for anyone interested this is the OP that for the last 5 pages or so has been entirely ignored by a few posters.

If anyone would like to discuss this please post in a constructive manner and i'd love to return the favor.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Sep 9, 2024, 10:38:35 AM
So disproving false statements, and providing opinions opposite of yours, using specific named examples, is trolling.

Odd way to respond.

You are admitting here you are not interested in any form of open discussion.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Can you define what trolling means to you? It seems we have vastly different understandings of what that word means
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
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