How to get out from Developers shadow ban reduced loot?


If you used a stricter loot filter your luck would be more emphasized though XD
Last edited by Strickl3r on Aug 20, 2024, 2:02:51 PM
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
Bigwilleh wrote:
Turbochad mass farmer: literally shows us exactly what hes doing to obtain many currency like a sir.

Forum dwellers: "But whats his secret, it must be in here"

what? he didnt show anything just posted a graph to show how much money he has,and most of it came from scarabs

if you look at his challenges he didnt touch the league mech at all, 0 scarabs. didnt touch most things at all. only big challenge he has done is the atlas and invitation one. it just looks weird, so its fine for people to be curious.

if my challenges looked like that and i had that much money, ppl would probably accuse me of botting

No one cares about challenges outside of people who do challenges. We have no interest in doing content we don't like to check a box and get a cosmetic.
Strickl3r wrote:

If you used a stricter loot filter your luck would be more emphasized though XD

I don't want to, that's why I have multiple 5k stacks of smaller currency for when I decide to craft. Or to fill disenchanter with uniques. Filled to the brim! And I like the effect of 600 cards! Hoho!
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
I don't get this T17 hype. I mean I like it when they drop, got 30 in the span of 3 days which is nice currency, but I don't see the point of bothering with something hard when you can be lazy.
I found like one. And it is Delirious.

In prev league ive found 3. During all league.

Strickl3r wrote:
There is a keystone in the atlas tree that trades of the ability to use scarabs for 20 passive points and i have also skipped the league mechanic entirely several times already in past leagues. So i don't come to the same conclusion as you^^

This guy gets it ;)
Pizzarugi wrote:

This was after I spent 50+ divines on both buying gear for my fiance as well as getting myself relics for Sanctum after recently completing all of the town related challenges. This was all earned from mapping and experimenting with what leagues were the most profitable.

Ground loot is fine. Let go of the MF brainrot and join the rest of the players who've gotten by just fine without it.

You clearly don't see the big picture here. That currency of yours is pocket change.
Since the introduction of t17 game became exponentially harder.
You don't even see that base game difficulty has been raised firstly with mandatory Necropolis league mobs that made mapping twice as hard. That difficulty got baked in now into base monsters and mods. Have you tried Simulacrums maybe? Well monsters are substantially harder with new mods like steal charges, flask charges, extra extra damage, new resistances etc.
New scarabs? Just extra extra steps to get the same loot you were getting before without them.
Gold? Converted drops.
Uber boss drops, 10x harder to get.
Currency drops got nerfed and spread instead across 3x more numerous scarabs than before, that you have to invest atlas points on top.
We were farming like 3 invested league mechanics per map before. You can't do that now.
Sure your Wealthy Exile shows that you're gaining income, you just have to sell 100 types of different items to get divines.

Game got harder. Much much harder in various ways and currency is one of it.
Last edited by TorsteinTheFallen on Aug 21, 2024, 1:40:41 AM

Game got harder. Much much harder in various ways and currency is one of it.

The game is not any harder as before, if anything all the recent changes made the game even easier with more player power, better items and the change of easier t17 maps.

Even while Necropolis did had some harder base game moments with the extra monster mods it didn't changed much cause everyone and their grandparents had easy access to 6x t1 mod items and even semi mirror tier gear early on which pretty much trivialized the slightly higher difficulty instantly.

This league comes without a league mechanic that boosts the map drops in crazy ways like the last two did but even the not boosted vanilla core loot is throwing plenty of stuff at you for free while you even get the additional currency and player power via the current league mechanic as well. lol
Game still supplies you with more player power and items to just crush whatever goals you have easily.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Aug 21, 2024, 2:01:47 AM
Pashid wrote:

Game got harder. Much much harder in various ways and currency is one of it.

The game is not any harder as before, if anything all the recent changes made the game even easier with more player power, better items and the change of easier t17 maps.

Even while Necropolis did had some harder base game moments with the extra monster mods it didn't changed much cause everyone and their grandparents had easy access to 6x t1 mod items and even semi mirror tier gear early on which pretty much trivialized the slightly higher difficulty instantly.

This league comes without a league mechanic that boosts the map drops in crazy ways like the last two did but even the not boosted vanilla core loot is throwing plenty of stuff at you for free while you even get the additional currency and player power via the current league mechanic as well. lol
Game still supplies you with more player power and items to just crush whatever goals you have easily.

You have no idea what you're talking about. There's nothing free in this game.
Is the loot gained from unidentified unboosted maps free? Cause I am getting plenty of it.

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