Buff difficulty of regular content

Was this all a troll post?

Heard of Ruthless? Not zoom zoom enough? What do you want... fast game play but still progressing? Choose one

Or start your own private league?
Nomancs wrote:
It is boring when we finish campaign and can nuke red maps instantly.

Dude, when you actually goes to the specifics of how much time is needed to accomplish stuff in this game, it actually isn't that "easy" honestly.

Let's go over some examples, people like jungroan can get the first two voidstones in 6-7 hours with variety of builds. Pepehand like me ~12 hours with the most meta build and stolen strategies (and that's after ~2weeks of practicing). That's still no-life non-stop playing for quite a long time you know, which is not the norm at all.

Is getting two stone the end of game? No! It is just the start, now if your goal is to get 40/40 all solo, even if you are literally the best player, let's be real, that's still like a week of playing non-stop, when you actually breakdown the time, you will see it's actually not that little of time spent isn't it.

But, you still wants to be challenged more, but you don't want to consider hardcore or ssf or ruthless right, here's some idea for you:

1) be even faster than what you obviously is already fast at (this is literally what does super-top player are doing)
2) try a diff playstyle, like make your own build, not just copy-pasta from guide (which is what most do TBH, but since you wants to be challenged, why not)
3) if non of those sounds fun or you just don't think they are "real" challenge, idk man, take some rest, come back next league?
1. Poe Ninja numbers are inaccurate. Only those who connected their account to poe ninja are shown.

2. There are over a million different players playing POE. The percentage of those who have a mageblood is less than 1%, even less than 0.1% in league, and def. not 13%.

3. Your idea of the game being simple, is completely skewed by looking at poe ninja that showcases the most dedicated players.

4. I bet only 10% who finished the campaign has 4 voidstones.

5. Before asking for a buff in difficulty, you first showcase us a video where you take down all ubers with heavy strike.
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.
Nomancs wrote:

What I suspect is, that league content (whisp empowered maps) are desired difficulty by GGG

Okay lol. This is really off the deep end now OP

Wisp empowered mobs are not the intended difficulty lol. These are harder hitting and more tanky than AN mobs were on day one of rares being changed and everyone knows how that went.

Difficulty will never be scaled to that level again. It’s pointless to ask for that.

You need to start restricting yourself on trade because that’s what’s making it so easy and unenjoyable for you (what I do I don’t buy gear) and maybe move onto SSF, that includes your perfect unique rolls and level 6 awakened gems and clusters you are just buying them; along with easy 6 link access. This is what’s ruining your gameplay, this is why it’s easy and over quickly for you.

Speccing into blight and getting your own annoit etc… this is all stuff you skip because you just buy everything. You say you “enjoy trade” but you really don’t it’s ruining your progression. Even Ubers are as easy for you as they are for streamers that play this game —->as job on HCSSF<—-.

There already are several modes that will make the game harder for you, up to you to play it. They are 100% not changing difficulty to wisp empowered mobs though lol.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Reinhart wrote:

2. There are over a million different players playing POE. The percentage of those who have a mageblood is less than 1%, even less than 0.1% in league, and def. not 13%.

Literally close to every active serious playing player and even the players grand parents have a mageblood or hh this league with the prices being so ridiculous low hoho
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho

that includes your perfect unique rolls and level 6 awakened gems and clusters you are just buying them; along with easy 6 link access. This is what’s ruining your gameplay, this is why it’s easy and over quickly for you.

You really think I had level 6 awakened gems on day one of fresh league when I hit red maps? You don't need level 6 awakened gems to do red maps. You can do all content without them, trust me.

I craft my own gear - every rare I wear was self made, that is really simple, if you're curious check crafting basics on YT, it will help your progression by days (and help your gear by A LOT - sorry, checked your character).
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Dec 31, 2023, 2:32:21 AM
Nomancs wrote:

that includes your perfect unique rolls and level 6 awakened gems and clusters you are just buying them; along with easy 6 link access. This is what’s ruining your gameplay, this is why it’s easy and over quickly for you.

You really think I had level 6 awakened gems on day one of fresh league when I hit red maps? You don't need level 6 awakened gems to do red maps. You can do all content without them, trust me.

I craft my own gear - every rare I wear was self made, that is really simple, if you're curious check crafting basics on YT, it will help your progression by days (and help your gear by A LOT - sorry, checked your character).

What does my gear have anything to do with this conversation lol.

Im fully aware what and how to craft, I just dont purchase anything on trade like you do, unless I make some terrible mistake (like respeccing my atlas with unmakings). Slowly I am going complete SSF.

Since we want to talk about my gear:
1) Wand found the fracture rolled +fire spell with alts and then mutlimodded damage and trigger. Exa slammed phys
2) Helm, found the base, rolled greed essences and got lucky with +1 minion
3) Both rings rolled chaos harvest on still doing that
4) Chest found fracture, perfect fossil spammed to 30%, rolled greed on it. 6 link benched.
5) Gloves found rolled chaos reroll harvest on it.
6) Boots found fractured rolled speed essence
7) Belt found second darkness enthroned, first one was 56% this one is 83
8) Ammy found rerolled harvest life still working on this one
9) Shield energy shield essence spam got lucky with high minion damage and an open prefix
10) Found the 4 slot cluster, scour/alched spammed to blessed rebirth renewal
11) All abyss jewels rolled with what I had from fossils/harvest. Either fire reroll harvest or fire/lightning fossil combo

Theres some exa slams in there to fill out the items but not much else.

Feel free to critique what I can do in a SSF manner I dont purchase stuff and dont plan on it. Be sure to show the steps if you can


Edit: Using Perfect turtle/forest warrior/spirit of fortune btw
AG: Leercast/dying breath (other items are just tank)
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Last edited by Mashgesture on Dec 31, 2023, 3:17:09 AM
Nomancs wrote:

Some people will always struggle. Question is to GGG, do they want a casual game to compete directly with diablo 4, or a game that is challenging for veteran arpg gamers. I have my own entertainment as priority here, so I would want game for arpg veterans.

They want both which is why they are railroading PoE1 to no balance town and railroading PoE2 to reset with controls on power town.
Just ask GGG to nerf your RNG, they can set it specifically per-player.
Innocence forgives you
Yea OP is trolling the forums. He tried to tell me in game that they hit 20 minion essences on their gloves and hit, t1 life t1 suppress, open suffix with 0 res or stats for even more crazy damage, almost as if its perfect for their build for aspect. A perfect item he says he rolled it with 20 essences.

Asked how they rolled their near perfect +2minion helmet with t2 life, life/armor combo, x2 t1 res', and ... you guessed it another open suffix. This time they wouldn't say anything. And instead started telling me I dont craft and my items are as worse as unid's off the ground.

Clearly the OP does not craft and plays trade at a very high level and thats fine. They understand trade at a level so high that no matter what, the game will never be difficult. They blast content and make a bunch of currency. Thats fine, but the game is going to be silly easy. This is why I stopped playing trade so much and slowly moving to SSF. Cause its really just, find a currency strat, farm, become overpowered.

So OP,

Again stop playing trade so much and you will appreciate the games difficulty. And dont ask TFT how to craft the helmet and post it in here. You had your chance to say anything, and said nothing.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Last edited by Mashgesture on Dec 31, 2023, 4:09:00 AM

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