Crucible FAQ

Does the new elemental mastery "Hits have 25% chance to treat Enemy Monster Elemental Resistance values as inverted" roll for all elemental resistances together or each individually? Particularly for Hexblast.
Does Crucible work on mirrored weapons/shields?
jk omegalul qwon >>> steel LOLW GIGASOY

ethical ruthless gamers rise up Wokege


I have the storng feeling that an independent language is emerging on Twitch.
Arf! Arf! Arf!
Thorinori wrote:
You killed Endless Heist and it was not even intended? Smthng. Care reverting this?

They are saying the use of it for endless heist was not intended, not that killing endless heist wasn't intended. It being removed is perfectly understandable since that wasn't the intended way to interact with Heist.

Since when? How many leagues have we had endless heist? If it was such a dire problem, why wasn't it hotfixed on detection? /smh
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.

Do i understand correctly: spells that has limited number of them existed at the same time( fire/ise storms, glacial cascade, etc) doesn't get the maximum number of existing copies doubled when you use trigger-bots?
"Chests locked by specific game mechanics can't be opened until unlocked." so can you open blight chests or not ?
1009624606 wrote:
Does Crucible work on mirrored weapons/shields?

Was answered in the release video, it doesnt work on mirrored items. Corrupted items do work when you have a special crucible (apparently available via those new league maps)
Thorinori wrote:
You killed Endless Heist and it was not even intended? Smthng. Care reverting this?

They are saying the use of it for endless heist was not intended, not that killing endless heist wasn't intended. It being removed is perfectly understandable since that wasn't the intended way to interact with Heist.

I understand that's what they are saying. What I meant is if the change was not made with the specific intent of killing Endless Heist then perhaps undo it so it can live? What I mean is, if they had the data that Endless Heist somehow hurts the game and they killed it because of that then sure I can understand. But if that is not the case then perhaps do not kill this chance for a few fanatics because certainly it's not being done by a lot of people to make a little currency early.

You still don't understand OMG
YES!It was intended for endless heist to be killed.
NO! It was NOT intended for the book of regresion to let you have endless heist.
You understand now,yes?If you did understand now,then read again with that in mind.
Can the new Saboteur Ascendancy Tree be changed so that the "Explosives Expert" node is linked with the "Pyromaniac" node? Reason being that the "Chain Reaction" node can be activly bad for a lot of trap skills.
You sure do have alot of nerve even saying the word Standard!I hope some one takes your new zeelnd dollars and turns them into rubles or something that is 83% lower and see how you feel.

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