3.20 Balance Manifesto: Jewels and Ailment Mitigation

So far so good now lets hope 3.19 won't repeat
Hold on. Not long ago there were three jewels introduced to the game as a quest reward that existed solely to help gather flask charges in early game. To help new players. Possibly fix a build or two. Now you getting rid of it?
Also in later game there were a bunch of threshold jewels as a reward, linked to some rather basic builds. I guess it will also go down the drain?
ALSO, 3.19 reduced overall droprate of stuff, and now this? What else will get reductions?
Those are some major shifts out there GGG, are you still at the steering wheel?
Dude, please tell me you aren't removing threshold jewels from quest rewards... The sole purpose of some of these jewels is to fix bad mechanics on some of your subpar skills. I mean seriously, think of who plays galvanic arrow. Three people?

Making these threshold jewels more RNG gated doesn't do anything positive for build diversity. Some of them are mandatory if you want to play hipster builds. Please consider leaving threshold jewels as quest rewards or better yet, incorporate threshold jewels into the skill gems. It's about time for the latter.
making them more expensive and difficult to acquire

and now you make all good jewels more expensive to acquire

If ailment mitigation is expensive and you care about your users, then why nerfing flasks to the ground? It is the easier source to get ailment mitigation.

My suggestion: remove freeze (it's suck), lower the cap of chill and shock (may be at 15% max). Then ailment mitigation is still important, but not something you must have to survive.
The disapointments have started.
Horrible approach, every change mentioned is just absolutely absurd.
horsepowerhsu wrote:
It's Nerf.

I guess we will see how good the changes are, but I like the ideas . . . its just I don't feel like even in a world without the loot or arch nem conversation, no one was clamoring for this.
Still sounds like good direction.

This of course is contingent(for me) on what the arch nem changes are as to whether I try this or not.
Wait wait your buffing stuff but at the same time nerfing the drop rate. Why does this seem like your balancing around trade league? Other ARPGS you typically find usuable stuff and trade as a secondary tool. Seems like were nose diving trading unless we put way more hours into the game.
Last edited by arc361 on Nov 14, 2022, 11:45:20 PM
Major and unwarranted nerfs right from the jump? 3.20 already looking like a skip league.
With that said, there were some unique Jewels that were still useful for a subset of players because they had build-enabling modifiers or other very niche uses (like the Brute Force Solution or other attribute-transformation Jewels). Instead of getting rid of these, we've made them corruption-only unique Jewels. We feel this has benefits for both players who want them and players who don't, as generally players who don't want them won't come across them as core drops and players who do want them can still actively pursue them.

Best way to get these jewels now might be doing rogue exiles strategy, with the sextant for dropping +2 jewels, and unique monsters drop corrupted items, especially if the map device has rogue exiles on them this time (its been 2 leagues since we've had it on map device, and it is usually on a 2 league cycle). You'll be able to have 5-35 rogue exiles (if ruckus procs, and pair procs can happen too) meaning that you on average would be able to get 10-70 corrupted jewels a map, hoping that they convert especially since people don't traditionally farm rare jewels to corrupt them into unique jewels (and depending on the price of the sextants, might be cheaper than corrupting 10 jewels yourself with vaal orbs.

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