3.20 Balance Manifesto: Jewels and Ailment Mitigation

ffs, the unique jew rewards are not exciting because you removed all the excitement. For example, First Snow and Frozen Trail, many builds can't start and run campaign without it. The only option is to link it with a support gem which lessen the power of the build (which some builds already loss through Blastchain mine / High-impact mine/ Spell totem support) and make it worse to progress campaign further than other builds.
Last edited by HoangBoss on Nov 14, 2022, 9:26:31 PM
Deonbekende wrote:
What if i wanted to play frost blade and need the frost blade jewel while leveling ?

I guess you lose unless you play standard. It is just terrible.
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
It's Nerf.
Oh look more nerfs. Yep hate getting a useful unique deterministically, thanks for unburdening me of that, you aren't condescending at all. Well it looks like I have even less reason to care about the next league, or any others, including 2.0.
Fans need to stop blowing smoke up GGGs skirt. This is a weak manifesto even for starter manifestos. Don't pretend like this is good stuff then get mad later when you don't like the game anymore.
That's gonna be a yikes from me.
~ Seph
We know that aliments are deadly. You get frozen and you die. So on all characters you must have a source of anti freeze. Why don't you nerf enemey aliment abilities?

The Uniq Jewels part sounds to me that you now kill Golem Builds because Necro is not dead enough, sry... Not a good start for the final league
My negative comment was removed. And surely not only my. So, it seems like I have no other choice to just say that changes are sad again imho. The opportunity of joking or rough opinion seems to become forbidden on the forum. Like it happend in any game that begins its final state of existance.
so no improvements to unique jewels ? they were cheap and undesirable not because they were common but because they were useless.

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