3.20 Balance Manifesto: Jewels and Ailment Mitigation

The only problem I see with making the pool bigger on the jewel draw is that you will have a harder time getting the combo which is useful to you. I already have dozens with mods that will rarely ever be on the same build.
Good changes, except maybe if you wanted to play golems. A lot of people are ignoring the fact that the current universally good unique jewels are already exceedingly rare anyway.
Suspecting it could increase the play time to get endgame viable build. (retention)
Last edited by Universalis on Nov 14, 2022, 10:00:26 PM
we'll see
Wow. Love this change. Seems along the lines of a 'buff' if you can even call it that, definitely a move in the right direction. Hoping new jewel drops aren't too too rare...

I'm now more hopeful for the future balance manifestos. Keep it up, GGG! #MakeWraeclastGreatAgain

So, do you work for GGG or TenCent?

Because other than adding in ailment protection to Jewels, I fail to see how ANY of this is a BUFF.

This is GGG, taking even MORE things away.

If they reworked unique jewels, that's one thing - but nah, "we're too lazy *cough* unique jewels are too 'important' to be changed so instead of making them useful, we'll just make most of them still useless but more rare."

On what planet, for a game as Chris Wilson said is about "loot", does continually taking "loot" away from players make ANY SENSE.

[Removed by Support]

Who works against their own player base and still expects to make something successful???
Last edited by Scott_GGG on Nov 14, 2022, 10:18:56 PM
Diluting the Modpool even more. Great
hyyyben wrote:
lllolll15 wrote:
fix the loot system. cutting on drop pool wont change anything.

Doubt they will change anything...things drop in bulks.
Alot of random crap has been removed, uniques fall less often.
All in all, its better..
even with reduced loot, then 3.19 has been extremely rewarding in loot.
So i dont see why a boot in loot would benefit the game ??

Define rewarding. I dont understand how this is better and rewarding. Spending hours of time a day farming and chasing the goblin? Picking every items and identify them? Nah,this is not rewarding.

Could print mageblood, squire, headhunter, unnatural instinct, etc everyday before 3.19. The player base numbers already reflect the situation. Many didn't like it. Not everybody can nolife and put 10hours a day to play poe.

Maybe for you dropping raw currency is more exciting but not for me and many other people.
#1 AURABOT solo/party POB
Mirror shop: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3261154
Problem: Jewels have modifiers that provide various forms of ailment avoidance or protection. However, because their current values are moderately low, you often need to stack several Jewels in order to have adequate levels of protection. We feel that this is an excessive amount of investment for how necessary ailment mitigation is to a character's build. This issue has been exacerbated by some of these mods being gated behind corruption, making them more expensive and difficult to acquire.

There was a pretty good solution for that: Harvest implicits craft, wich was removed under the "filler craft" flag. I don't think anyone is gonna waste an affix in a jewel to really use that, trading crit mult (assuming suffix) for chance to avoid a specific ailment I don't think so.

And this is another good point, I'm assuming they are gonna be like (or a buffed version) of the current implicit ones e.g: % chance to Avoid being Shocked, % chance to Avoid being Ignited, etc. This is gonna require multiple jewels to get high values on all ailments and at that point, is just kinda useless. At the end the affix pool gonna get inflated and good jewels gets rarer.

Summary: So in the end I consider this a nerf.

Problem: Many unique Jewels are not exciting to find. There are a few reasons for this. In most cases they are simply underpowered, or apply to a too-narrow window of usage, or both. There are also many corruption-only Jewels that don't fulfill a good purpose.

I fear "filler crafts" all over again. I agree that there is a lot of useless jewels, but since I don't know what's gonna be removed I can't be sure if it's gonna be good or not.

Also, since a lot of jewels are gonna be removed and some added and since nothing else was being said, I assume the drop rates still the same? If not, at least on patch notes, I think the changes to drop rate should be mentioned. What makes me particularly afraid of drop changes are this line on the manifesto:
...every unique jewel that drops is very rare and highly desirable.

But if drop rate doesn't change and we only see fewer jewels, everything is about the same except maybe for the new jewels.

Summary: Since we don't have enough information, it's hard to tell if it's good or not. But the deterministic way to find some build-enabling sounds good.

Our goal is that finding a unique Jewel is an exciting experience. The unique Jewels that drop naturally should be those that are very valuable with broad appeal to the average player, either to use in your own build or trade to someone else. We've worked towards this goal by removing uninteresting unique Jewels, adding more chase unique Jewels, and moving Jewels that do appeal to a smaller subset of players to other places so that they can be pursued by choice.

There were useful and actually even a quite valuable jewel, specially if you manage to roll corrupted blood on that (looking at survival instincts and flask jewels), from leveling. You could always pick up something that were at least in line with your build. And this:
some important ones have had their effects preserved in the form of new unique items or by being added to the pool of rollable Jewel modifiers.
Adds more inflation to mod pool.

Now that we are getting random jewels, that's now even worsened due to #1 and #3, the whole scenario is just worse than before. And also, the good/usable stuff is being removed.

Summary: In my opinion, a nerf.
Love the cat fish post, Can't wait for the big nerfs to come.
This was a good way to start with some good news before the bad news lol.

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