3.20 Balance Manifesto: Jewels and Ailment Mitigation

So, it looks like GGG has learned nothing after the 3.19 fiasco and is intending more of the same for 3.20. They are still out of touch with the players and doubling down on their delusions. Well, I guess I'll be sitting this one out and see what 3.21 brings. Lots of other good games out there to play and spend my money on. In the mean time GGG won't get another dime out of me until they wake up.
I like most of the changes, but I'm really sad to see the A2 Crypt Jewels go. It was so much QOL for many builds in Acts and even in maps.
finally something positive in a very, very long time, few years of posts - this is the first that made me go "oh yeah can't wait"
now do more like this one )
arc361 wrote:
Wait wait your buffing stuff but at the same time nerfing the drop rate. Why does this seem like your balancing around trade league? Other ARPGS you typically find usuable stuff and trade as a secondary tool. Seems like were nose diving trading unless we put way more hours into the game.

I mean, the point is to be able to be excited about unique jewels if you find them, that's working for SSF too - unless they don't fit your build. On the other hand, if you get unique jewel drops all the time, but only 1/20 is anything to get excited about, that's kinda rubbish for SSF too.

The thing I'm afraid about is that niche jewels might become 20x the price they used to be so build diversity will just decrease because of that..
I think I like this.
The jewels better say "cold ailments" not only "freeze and chill"

Otherwise purity of elements will still be the way to do simulacrum
The only part I don't like is removing quest jewels, these were not useless and made builds much more fluid to play. Especially poacher's aim giving cheap access to pierce, I used that jewel on my main character until early 90's where I was able to afford pierce enchant on the helmet / alternate quality on the VLS gem.

As for ailment mitigation - bring back Harvest implicits please. These crafts were common and cheap sources of ailment mitigation. You removed them in 3.19 which made ailment mitigation noticeably more difficult.
This seems rough overall taking away more from the average drops.
So basically nerfs packed as buffs and polishing? Surely this will get the masses excited for 3.20!
HC balance should be separate from SC I don't care which outdated 1993 game dev philosophy this goes against. youtube/twitch.tv/DESPAIR268

Somehow... I read this post as :
- crit multi jewel nerf by adding more mods to the pool
- ssf frost blades nerf by removing the gems from quests

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