3.20 Balance Manifesto: Jewels and Ailment Mitigation

1) dilutes rare jewel desirable mods, takes up explicit. let me guess it will be specifit ailment not all, it will need to be maxable with like 2 jewel otherwise shit.
2) no impicits on uniq jewels that survived the purge, shit
3) new chase jewels are to be seen, i think there are a lot of room for jewels on the power level of unnatural instincts and above. you wont drop them, but pretty easy to grind for purchase.
General idea is fine. How GGG will do it its kinda scary.

If i dont want to see jewels i just hide them in my filter - simple AF.


And remember - DO NOT BUY SUPPORTER PACKS on livestream. Wait 2 weeks if league is fine. Vote with your wallet for better game for us.
Last edited by dark_elvis on Nov 14, 2022, 5:41:49 PM
so running metamorph for jewels might be worth it, hmmm
I didn't even know that I wanted this, and now I can't wait for this to be in the game. Nice work. Keep it coming, GGG!
With regards to unique jewels - it reads like you want to remove some of them and decrease the rests' drop chance... The way you set this out doesn't bode well looking at track record from 3.15 "nerf style" manifestos. I hope this isn't the case

Golem players just want to have fun, no one really wants to work out weird stuff that wastes time. Its just increasing the amount of time that no one wants to spend, in order to play their build. To add to this, most minion players play minions because they are easy, cheap and accessible. Now players will have to wait until week 2 in order to even get 1 of these jewels if the rates are super low or the process is super complicated and time intensive.

The manifesto seems very bare bones and this will lead many people to get heated - but it doesn't look good seeing as it seems we will need a lot more investment in terms of veal orbs for corruption to get needed jewels, jewel slots to compensate for dilution of mod pool and time needed in order to farm more currency for jewels or the time needed for these jewels to even drop if playing SSF (personal opinion)
Last edited by Bracks_ZA on Nov 14, 2022, 6:26:34 PM
There is no benefit to making something that has very little to no use rarer to drop.

It becomes more valueable based on it's ability to be used in a variety of applications.

Simply making it rarer is simply the "lazy attempt" to try and make something that is useless or very rarely used more valueable. Something valueable is only valuable given it can be used in many applications that produce powerful or effective things such as defense or offence perks.

Nice try.

I mean sometimes reworking is the only way.

Why we have a plethera of junk and then time wasted to try and make them valueable by making them drop less does not accomplish any valueable or desired effect other then waste time on projects that don't amount to valueable results. People want good defence and good power. Changes that do neither result in poor products that no one wants.

Hope this can help.


dark_elvis wrote:
And remember - DO NOT BUY SUPPORTER PACKS on livestream. Wait 2 weeks if league is fine. Vote with your wallet for better game for us.

I feel like this is good advice for any "live service" game, just in general, but honesty forces me to admit that I'm unlikely to actually do this.
Poor necromancers, on 3.20 will be even harder to have a decent build. Bye Golem builds and Skeleton Mages.
Sound like bad changes, but we'll see.
You nerfed 90% of jewels just to make them obsolete. Then you go around and tell us they aren't impactful? Most of the useable unique jewels are already hard to obtain without an endless currency pool - Triple stat watchers eye, crimson flesh, Grand spectrums, Voices, inspired learning unnatural instinct. There are plenty of chase unique jewels in the game... The bottom end needs to be brought up to an adequate level and not have nerfed drop rates.

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