3.20 Balance Manifesto: Jewels and Ailment Mitigation

Basically "unique jewels are now 20,000% rarer which is a buff! Good luck finding the jewel you want/need for your build, 200 hrs and RNG might bend you over but that is a buff because of how rare it is, which is fun, right?!"

How about get rid of the useless jewels that are never used, by anyone which increases the chance of a usable jewel dropping, then increase the rarity by 15% to balance it out.

I know, I know, ReReRe doesn't apply logic so of course the best course solution that players might hope for isn't what we are going to get. Can't wait to see the hate posts by the end of the first week of the next league.

I would say, at least we have better mitigation but nah, the mod pool is now more polluted with possible rolls and of course various tiers and you know the weighting for aliment mitigation is going to be dumpster tier so good luck rolling decent jewels amiright. Buffed.
while this change is good, I personally feel that many build enabling jewels (for example like spark) are very important and should definitely preserved. On top of that, this change was not nescesarry whatsoever. There are HUGE problems with the state of the game and jewels are most definiftely not part of that.

GGG pls do not quadruple down on the loot goblins or the game will literally crash.
btw they are removing most comments that arent "pog" or "hype". that says enough about how well intentioned this balance manifesto is. hopefully some big dick streamer will say on youtube what i said here and got deleted

It comes across as bot comments to me. It doesn't make their announcements look good (as well as the game) because I'd rather read more than one word responses. I like reading what actual players think.
...suddenly feeling really good about being super lazy about getting jewels priced and outta my dump tabs.
Awakened Combustion Support when?
remove Archnemesis please!!!
Love this change. Having more ways to mitigate ailments is a big plus. About how many jewels would it take, on average, to completely mitigate ailments, either through effect reduction or avoidance with the new mods, if the user doesn't have any other means of mitigation?
So more time cost sink...that's expected

Why not bring harvest implicit crafts back?
would have loved to read a beaming: "we are experimenting with some formulas on lightening how modifiers are distributed as rares are rolled; and for this development of that blossoming we are replacing, thorns, flat-regen, life-gain-on-kill affixes into "% immune to _ ailment modifiers" on X gear slots

loving the idea of BUFFING modifier values on jewels

&& build unlocking uniques are zoo purr amazing

-.- blatant tho : is how increasing the rarity AND value of you-name-it creates a smaller-farther carrot fore the adoring - hopeful power-fantasy-embodiers who - amidst that value and rarity - do not have a streamlined auto-exchange crafting-currency-orb-for-desired-rare-or-unique-or-any-other-item docking

all ways considering : a jewel rework i would enjoy the breadth-width allocation-geometry fore the value of each loot and reroll is the sequestering of dexterity-values-on-viridian jewels; intelligence-on-sapphire; strength-on-crimson; > as the sheer-daunt of allocating-currency-to-craft-jewels is not that the modifiers are not phat enough - its that there is already a breadth and width of seemingly nearly-global largely-unweighted-modifiers midst jewels; thus making hyper-valuble the uncorrupted-or-corrupted decent jewels

honoring the appreciativity that both unique-jewels and rare-jewels are scarce - perhaps even as asymptotic as divining a correct or applicable enchantment via the DIVINE FONT

so - all for more abundant determinism basis afore our avataring empowering : fantasmagoria fantasmica



agreeing (particularly) with:


"We already had a working solution for ailment immunity: harvest implicits.

With this change the mod pool on normal jewels just becomes more deluted."


\\\ What Follows Here is Some Grasshoppering from moi


problem : the flask changes expose each playstylings proactiveness to react jarringly to ailments of elements : example : drink flask "while frozen"

solution: bringing a need to revert this inverted logic : we release mageblood


problem: reacting to elemental-ailments is literally an unsavory gameplay loop

solution: arc to make space for creative & empowering adventures via buffing purity of elements now grants immunity to elemental-ailment & resistances at 35% mana reservation entrance

all about the grassroots greenhouse blueprings brainstorm////

^^ thanks fore share ring !MUAH!
Last edited by Hulluhbuhloo on Nov 14, 2022, 6:01:25 PM
hahaha oh well...
Lord of steel worth 20 divines incoming boys :D

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