3.20 Balance Manifesto: Jewels and Ailment Mitigation

This is a massive nerf to builds using the attribute converting jewels.

The reason is, that it is now pretty much impossible to get them with corrupt implicit mods.

Will there be a second source besides Alva double corruption?
My verdict is mostly negative, but I do admit there are some good things in this manifesto.

Ailment immunity
These sound good and were much needed changes.

Unique Jewels removed
This worries me a bit. A good chunk of the jewels were borderline useless, but I hope they don't include some jewels that were actually useful in some scenarios.

Lowered drop rates
This is a bad change in my opinion, if you remove the bad jewels every jewel dropped will be exciting by default, no need to lower their drop rates.

Corruption only jewels
Depending on the success rates of these corruptions this sounds like a very bad change, potentially increasing the value of meta gems several-fold.

Vendor recipe for build enabling jewels
This one is definitely a W.
This is one of the biggest hidden nerfes i have read since 3.19. GGG does not even grasp, that their stacking of RNG is the worst Vision™ they have.

Let's take a look what these changes mean.
Rare jewels will have a largely increased mod pool and the chance to get a decent roll will be even lower. The decent "bonus" stats from corruption will be less accessible. Especially if they remove the current "Ailment" corruptions. Additionally you have to lower the damage potential or defense potential of a jewel, just to get the last percentages to ailment immunity.

Although I totally agree with the improvements of unique jewels and the decreased number of unique jewels, this will have a high impact of the prices of important jewels. If a unique jewel is becoming more and more of a chase item, the number of player who will corrupt them and get "free ailment avoidance" etc. will be far less.
The change of the stat changing jewels to be only corrupted jewels will result in a far less accessibility and usability: 1. you don't want to risk your chase jewel 2. you won't get easy and cheap quest jewels to corrupt 3. you won't get a useful corruption on them.

Overall this change is a big nerf to player power over all.
sidtherat wrote:

ailments - most people here dont understand the effect of this change:

'reduced duration/effect' is ~USELESS stat. you need FAR more than 100% for it to WORK. 100% reduced shock effect is NOT the same as 'unaffected by shock'

i bet youll need THREE rolls on a jewel to reduce ONE ailment fully.
same stuff for duration. chill duration = 0 != unaffected by chill
people happy for this change wont ever use it.

the only stat that matters is 100%+ AVOIDANCE. and this is one of 145 mods on an abyss jewel with weight of 5 :) good luck.

that was the first thought that came to mind when reading the news... let's add like 3 tiers for each ailment so the only usable affixes with AVOIDANCE get even more rare and sell it as an improvement!!!

Good read, waiting for final numbers, while your work load was high for this task the summary is underwhelming.

Lower drop rate yey so amazing /sarcasm
I believe in you GGG but adding all these mods is going to make anyone running a jewel heavy build's life harder for sure, I've ran 16-24+ jewel builds and it was already a pain to find remotely good and consistent jewels with crafting + farming + market.

We already have flasks that cover just about everything that can ail us with proper usage even automatic-use via instilling orbs, I hope to see more than just what flasks provide if not this will feel like nothing more than a punch in the gut.

Looking forward to the future releases.
Innocence forgives you
Sounds good!
I'll wait to see the complete list of jewels to be removed from the game before passing full judgement, but I suspect this is going to be pretty bad for players.
Absolute missed the awful state of the game changes that nobody asked about.

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