3.20 Balance Manifesto: Jewels and Ailment Mitigation

problem: Cleave has +2 radius in previous league

solution: added +1 to Cleave radius
I have to say you have scared me with this post.
It started off well, unique jewels are mostly trash so you are changing that. Great!
Then I read you are removing most unique jewels... making attribute transformation corruption only... And making unique jewels hard to get.
Honestly that sounds like a nerf to any build that uses a unique jewel.
My 3.20 league starter relies on a unique jewel for 25% of its damage. Please let us know what you have removed exactly, being left in limbo like this is not a good feeling.
I'm worried that:
• a larger pool of mods on gems would mean a more difficult time finding, crafting, or buying a gem that is suitable for my build.
• ailment avoidance will still be easier through Brine King & Flasks than it is through gems.
• unique jewels will be so rare that I won't see any of them
Doesn't that means that we will no longer be able to obtain certain build enabling unique jewels with useful implicits, since they itself will only be obtainable via corruption?
Very Exciting ! Can't Wait for the Reveal!!!
more trash filler mods for jewels. time to remove them from my lootfilter for good even day 1.

less deterministic loot during leveling. Exactly what everyone asked for.

If they dont drop IDed im just not gonna pick em up.
My concern is that this "We've worked towards this goal by removing uninteresting unique Jewels" have the same effect as the "filler crafts" that took away keep suff/pref from harvest

Looks really good change, but what was the criteria for marking a jewel as "uninteresting"?

Purity of Elements: "guys I don't feel so good"

Most people won't have the time to give feedback if they want to play the event. Give people more time than half an hour to read, think and provide feedback.

Players should no longer be burdened with predictable unique Jewel quest rewards but will not entirely miss out on some of the valuable aspects they did have.

[Removed by Support]

This is a game about getting loot and now we will get less. Rare jewels are so insanely hard to craft and get good ones because of the enormous list of modifiers with high weight for them to roll. Several times more than any other item in the game. So getting a statistically better reward could have never been a burden.

Last edited by Kane_GGG on Nov 14, 2022, 3:27:39 PM

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