Additional Upcoming Changes

Okay you really need feedback that you gonna ignore from players once again.

We don't like harvest changes. Crafting feels like just a waste of money and you end up having half broken items that are almost unusable.

We don't like what you've done to the league every map feels dry. Once every 3-5 maps you're overflooded with rares that are close to dirt prices or better vendoring. Flask dropping was cool until i've filled my flask tab and there's nothing else left to do with them. Armourer scraps and Whetstone once again good for first week progression but after that I've ended up just hiding them from my filter. Why not have 1-2 more chaos orbs per map than unusable or not useful loot if you really want to go for the most boring way of balancing loot VS progression.

I really feel you should have same dedication to balance the game and add content that really excites players. Artwork, MTX always top notch but somehow you manage to screw up the gameplay is getting worse and worse since Expedition league.

We've left with a promise of returning Ultimatum and we got it after 3 leagues with not even half of the power.

Archnemesis monsters feel super stupid we don't get rewarded for half of the "ass-beating" we get from them. During Archnemesis league at least we had some guaranteed loot that we've could choose to take/use. Most of the Archnemesis monsters are either super op or die instantly and have 10 on death effects and ailments/exposure/curses.

About Kalandra League, I believe it might be just a worse synthesis. The idea is based on the Synthesis 99%. Why was it limited to only jewelry which already you have to somehow sacrifice with attributes/resistances??? It feels weird just clicking the pillar during the map. It just breaks your momentum ending up in dying to some random offscreen stuff. At the end you're left with 30-40 tablets that you'd never run because there's no point. They are almost always not rewarding and not even worth the time.

It's super sad that you still don't have any kind of competition and you can do experiments on the player base every league.

For me, that's what this league was, messing with the loot system was a big mistake, I think.
ShiyoKozuki wrote:
mahayana wrote:
Remove Archnemesis!

No thanks, I like the game not being a cookie clicker.
Arch Nemesis makes rares and champion packs actually interactive and challenging.

It also turns game into an unbalanced loot goblin hunting. You like that? Have fun then.
Last edited by xxanderr on Sep 14, 2022, 3:52:51 PM
i like it. this league

good shock therapy for future loot changes. now people will percieve those as mild changes and not gonna whine that much :)

w/o sarcasm. or with. i cant tell haha
Last edited by old_joe on Sep 14, 2022, 4:13:41 PM
Romulas19 wrote:
So i was wondering how many GGG employees have played the game since all these changes were made, and what are they saying about the state of POE, are they even allowed to comment about all the issues?

this is a point im still wondering after this league! i dont think they play the game enough to feel the pain that most of players are experiencing! i honestly im on hold, i cant log in because i feel so unrewarded and frustrated not to be able to create my own item, my own build! and the casino mentality is really what i hate the most! hope they come back to light, but i cant believe they slipped on such amazing mess from GGG that i was considering the new pinnacle of game developers!

i probably was mistaken! hope they make 3.20 a "really amazing" league! or i guess PoE will end up as a cathedral in the desert! we''ll see
If you read this, you are a noob like me =(
great job im gonna come back for sure .... next league 100%
Yeah.. so I got multiple goblins dropping multiple divines and winged scarabs.. so what? This isn't fun, did you play this version of the game? Does it feel nice? Do you have that.. maybe I drop a Mageblood or HH or Apothecary feeling? No you didn't, cause the drop rates are crap, the chances of droping a big ticket item are extremely low.

What's the purpose of the game.. finding loot goblins? To what... get, 4-5-6 divines.. so what, that's not fun, do alch and go maps, even less fun - me and a lot of other players like to gear up, juice our maps and play them, get a return from the maps so we can sustain the farm, and once in a while get a valuable item... that makes the farm worth it, that makes the farm fun, expecting to get that big drop, and getting it.

You introduced AN mods.. after endless patches and modifications to them, they still don't work, and you still won't change them. You nerfed the loot, and introduced this early 2000's crappy loot goblin mechanic which generated the cull meta and you have no solution for it. You nerfed crafting to the point where it just feels bad to craft anything. You nerfed HH again. You introduced the worst league in years. The whole game is an RNG fiasco, from mapping to crafting to absolutely everything and it's just bad.

And you don't want to fix it.. because of the god damn "vision" which I don't think you understand anymore.

You made an absolutely marvellous game, I spent a lot of time playing it with my friends, had tons of fun, and want to thank you for it... but you managed to break it in just one patch, and, instead of fixing it, you go further and further with this nonsense changes.

I think next patch will be the make or breake for this game... hope you listen to the community, the people who love and support POE, and make it fun again.
Last edited by AngryC00kieZ on Sep 14, 2022, 8:50:36 PM
awful league ever after Bestiary, TY, GGG, no pleasure to play
Hmmm so you just gave up on the league? You might be right though, it feels pretty dead by now...

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