Additional Upcoming Changes

Actually enjoing the league and the changes GGG is making to make the league more enjoyable than it already is IMO ofc, im a proud PeepoBuilder! I just wish we could have one more totem to build lakes faster. Would love to see this one going core.
just poop on our faces at this point
It would be nice to know how much lifeforce you have when you are doing a harvest, why not put the horticrafting station back in the grove?
MaxW81 wrote:
Is it GGG problem?

Yes because like build diversity they are reducing the lucrative methods of playing the game.
Some guys will still defend GGG if every class has exactly one working build and everyone farms the one remaining currency strat.

Every build can be good, depends on your investment.
We're returning to currency farm and people don't know how to.
hey it looks you again forgot the fix for the ultra wide monitors. but the upside for me is that I get to get my money :)
i had a loot goblin explode like 5 full stacks of whestones and armo scraps. I alt-F4ed. That one memonet made me go "ugh, fk this" and i haven't logged back in, and i kinda want to play but then i remember that.

Fix the loot please, im this close | | to not caring anymore, there are other arpgs out there i can throw money at, or fk it i'll start buying magic cards again.
trash league and i dont like where this is going overall
Last edited by donion on Sep 14, 2022, 1:51:51 PM
Not much will change. Game is still dying... and everyone knows next league will be awesome because you cannot afford to have two bad leagues in row. But why are you still so stubborn? Lake of Kalandra is the worst league ever.
drakangel92 wrote:
Actually enjoing the league and the changes GGG is making to make the league more enjoyable than it already is IMO ofc, im a proud PeepoBuilder! I just wish we could have one more totem to build lakes faster. Would love to see this one going core.

Good for you, I don't remember any league where its mechanic was so unengaging for me. Personally the only positive thing I found was opening the possibility to make cool jewelry with minus lightning res for Doryani's Prototype, other than that it feels clunky and distracts you from regular gameplay - same as Heist and Delve which I totally avoid.
Too little too late TBH

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