Additional Upcoming Changes

Everyone want more reward and drops so the game will be fun again and rewarding or noone will play it
So i was wondering how many GGG employees have played the game since all these changes were made, and what are they saying about the state of POE, are they even allowed to comment about all the issues?
IGN RighteousRom LvL-100 Juggernaut
Mirror Drop T-14 Shrine
Since youve stated youll be fighting TFT, can we now have NPC char ★MF Culler★, we can lvl up and feed with rarity stuff and option for ingame price to call this NPC when we see loot hm.. goblin, pls?


Would be nice!
Thank you!
Last edited by DarkJen on Sep 13, 2022, 6:44:49 PM
At this point GGG not caring or fixing this loot piñata issue is just meme worthy.
remove archnemesis please!

Archnemesis = caca
DarkJen wrote:
Since youve stated youll be fighting TFT, can we now have NPC char MF Culler, we can lvl ut and feed with rarity stuff and option for ingame price to call this NPC when we see loot hm.. goblin, pls?


I died... You mean like EINHAR? We can pay him in nets.
Centralizing the loot on a small number of mobs was a foolish decision. Your customer's don't like it by and large. My Friends list and guild has dwindled to almost nobody.

Anecdotal? Perhaps.

As a developer, you need to decide what you want. Your vision or your players.

It's your choice. Perhaps your artistic expression is worth more to you than keeping you game growing.

Many many artists made the same choice.

Of course, most died very poor men. And then others came along and sold their art for enormous sums.

What I do know is that all but two of the regulars I chat with while running my PoE Stash-Tab "Store" are history. They're playing things like Diablo and even Titan's Quest.

You're burning goodwill. Your plan to roll out PoE II on the PoE I players is not going well, especially since you're jack-hammering them with unpleasantness, and saving all of the "fun perks" for some nebulous point in the future when the sequel launches.

If you strangle your current game, PoE II will perish before it's even born.

Don't follow your vision off a cliff.

Or do.

I'm fast reaching the point of apathy. And that's where a product truly perishes.

100% Agree

Proverbs 16:18 comes to mind @ChrisWilson
I think gem chests would be fine if they could drop alternate quality gems instead, and on average gems had quality on them when they drop. Even if the gems are not good, you can vendor them for GCP, and at least an alternate quality gem has some value, as you can't just buy them from Lilly.

However pretty much no one is going to be doing the league mechanic. The fact that many rewards do not scale well into higher difficulty in the lake is a problem ( 1 more drop per difficulty is not worth it ). It is kind of odd that the difficulty of the lake scales higher than anything else in the entire game. It is like going back to the roots of poe, and its end game system before Maps, and seeing players complain about dying because they went to floor 20 and instantly died. However the difference is the game has now been designed to where that happens to most players, even those with really good meta builds (due to spell suppression or lack there of, the increase in likelihood of seeing chaos damage, and the fact that every build is required to stack at least 2 or 3 aura's just for defense).

[Removed by Support] You have completely unbalanced mob difficulty across the entire game. Very specific monsters are strictly OP when AN mods are added onto them. If you want to fix the real problem, you need to adjust mobs skills and base damage across the board. A single mob should not have a skill with a base damage of 3000 - 12000. Enemies should not be able to off screen attack you, like Rhoa's or any ranged enemy. CHaos resistance needs to be made easier to obtain if chaos damage AN mods are going to stay, they increase the chances of seeing this damage type substantially which was never the case. Defenses need to be worked on. You are butchering defenses, forcing people in SC environments to play as if they are in a HC environment, or risk dying every second. Full ES builds are practically impossible without extremely expensive gear and very specific interactions. Melee of course is always trash. They need built in inherent increases to mobility and area of effect. Being melee has no benefits in PoE, not even for survivability, because every build is made to be tanky or have high survivability.

I don't know whats going on lately. It is pretty discouraging to play the game every single day since league start and make no progress, and see others are dropping multiple divines or mirrors like candy. The disparity between what others are getting and what I am getting in the same period of time with high investment at red maps is just confusing. How many millions of monsters must I kill to get rewarded for my time? How much currency am I expected to be investing in every single map I run? Why am I forced into playing only specific league mechanics. For changes that are supposed to benefit the average player, and hurt the top 1%, I am not really seeing that to be the case at all. While most players quit in the 1st week, and have not come back since, I have at least tried. I hope the next patch is better, because at this point you are not on a good streak, and players are not happy.

Your source for quality honest reviews to save you time and money!
Last edited by Kane_GGG on Sep 13, 2022, 7:05:54 PM
Gotta get rid of loot goblins guys they do not feel good :(
One simple Chi, thats all I ever asked for!
Thanks for your hard work on 3.19 GGG

I think a lot of players have burnt out now though

If you launch some events I will come back to play them (Endless delve etc)

If not, see you in 3.20

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