Additional Upcoming Changes

We don't need "meaningful battles with rare mobs". That is what Bosses are for.

Archnem was made to be assembled, not thrown into the game randomly. Maybe by the 10th archnem nerf they will be the same as old rares, and they'll add more rares to the map, and we'll have the fun rare monster system again, before all this archnem game destruction.
Yeah, Archnemesis was legitimately a waste of game resources and I have always said this not to be hyperbolic, I think it's true: they probably spent development resources on something that in the end will be roughly equal to what was there before but we also lost what was actually a decent league mechanic for challenging encounters as well to it trying to be a core system.
The majority of the streamers summarized the issues with this direction in week one, including Ziggy. Your playerbase gave similar feedback. Why do game devs always conclude the players are wrong? What kind of hostile arrogance is this? I get that you dont wanna give players everything for free on a platter but gradually removing every dish is something else entirely.

We've had nerf league after nerf league after nerf league for a while now. You've done the nerfing. Just stop. Nothing left like this.
Nice patch thanks for the Heads-up about the loot changes being dealt with at a later date :).
Any chance we can revise that eldritch chaos / Annul / Exalt drop rate a little bit more? I would LOVE to craft my gear :)

If you want annul and exalt, spec into harbingers. They drop plenty enough and it's very deterministic way to get these.
How about making the ethereal reflecting mist more common instead of encountering it twice in about 400 hours playtime.

And maybe its just me but whats the point of adding all this stuff to the game when you never get to use it, like the reliquary keys etc.
Last edited by ufGlenn on Sep 13, 2022, 2:02:35 AM
still nothing about loot fixes? lmao
"Now all that's left is for you getting on your knees."
if you know thanks me:) i'm dying to find out x'D
Just remove this BS nemesis and let us have fun ... Havent played the game since u added this stuff its too tedious
Look at them. They continue to turn a blind eye to the main problems and take us for fools. Water in messages, that's all.

- harvest?
- loot goblins?
- defence?
- player damage?
- AN mods?
major issues arent being addressed. Not even talking about them. I guess i'll need to get used to the idea that this game is no longer for me.
Thank you~!
You are not a wave, you're part of the ocean
Updated are always appreciated, but have to agree, way too late.
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