Additional Upcoming Changes

arome1 wrote:
Never used TFT. This League you "remove" TFT power. Well guess what, im using it more then ever now. Sometimes i feel that if you do the exact opposite to what you planned that would be a great and healthy change for a game.

Dudeeee, same. I can't find anything just by playing like I normally do so now I have to go and find people who do have what I need. The worst thing is that this made TFT more relevant cos having a place to just go a check for multiple people having that one thing you were hunting for (which is rare and insanely rng when using) is what made it easier. I never used TFT till this league and I even sold my gear twice on it this league.

It funny how when things are done without thinking through, the repercussions of what is being changed makes it so that what they intended to avoid happens more than it used to happen.
Last edited by ZylrX on Sep 13, 2022, 1:50:01 AM
Loot, give some loot plz. Thnkx in advance.
We don't need "meaningful battles with rare mobs". That is what Bosses are for.

Archnem was made to be assembled, not thrown into the game randomly. Maybe by the 10th archnem nerf they will be the same as old rares, and they'll add more rares to the map, and we'll have the fun rare monster system again, before all this archnem game destruction.
lol fractured flask most ppl dont care about but the 0.00001% who own mageblood which most ppl in the game cant even afford with this crappy drop rate of most stuff.i have skipped few leagues to come back get mage blood on 2nd week on this league to find out i dont even have any goal which can motivate me to even playing this league so sad lmao.
Last edited by tiberian17585 on Sep 13, 2022, 1:54:59 AM
Appreciate the communication, even though it still sounds like rearranging the chairs on the Titanic.

3.19 fundamentally changed several core aspects of the game (rare monster difficulty/reward spikes, general loot and crafting), most of which was not even mentioned in the manifesto/reveal/patchnotes/post-release posts.

Will it be possible to get a general post about the vision for these things, so reddit can stop spiraling with crazy conspiracy theories? Was it intentional? Is it part of the vision? Is it changing? Tell us please!
This is all the end of week 4?

This is nothing at this point, not to mention, loot goblins are staying.
Loot distribution is broken; 1.7M kills here, 11 goblins, 179% IIR, 3 divine orbs from them so far.

These changes doing actually noting with what are the huge problems with the game at the moment.
Reduced after death effect from 25 (!?!) to 10 seconds? Oh yeah, just 10 seconds wait for looting!
Trialmaster fragment drop rate adjustment just now? It took almost full four week for this too?
Further buffing the topend with now fractured flasks, You know, the mageblood users, again?

This post clearly shows again how bad this patch is, and most importatntly, how bad it remains.
I had big SSF plans this league for my full-3-month league play, but I am leaving latest this Friday.
All-time non-streamer luckless dropless rewardless tons-of-time-playing non-TFT-er 100% solo player.
So, it just turns out, we were lied to for years with the promises of a two-storied one PoE 4.0.
All these worse and worse beta leagues, all these braindead changes, all lead to this.
I waited to start the league, guess I dont have to start 3.19 at all :/
Let's hope the discussions lead to some good changes for 3.20 or it will be the same.
i still think it is wrong to adhere to the whiny people
c8die wrote:
PurpleChakra wrote:
fractured flasks kinda pog. all the rest is more bandaid fixes on an ill-planned archnem intergration. cool.

Would be more interesting if they became rare or gained a +suffix or +prefix implicit.

That wouldn't be interesting, that would be straight up broken and flasks would be 90% of our defenses again.
Please just remove the monster item drop conversion system it is way to toxic of a game play loop. I personally think AN is a way better rare system then the old one minus a few growing pains but it felt way less lame last league then it does this one.

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