Game Mechanics Q&A

Does bloodthirst support and mirage archer support interact? - if the player is low life - does the mirage archer get that added damage bonus?
IGN: Jintoboy
Why does Drought Bringer remove ALL endurance charges with one hit? It kills all the builds based on endurance charges as defense. Please consider rethinking this one. I cannot play :)

Map mod as well, stealing should not steal Everything you have in one hit :/ But i have not been running that mod for a while, maybe you have changed that already?
Last edited by SiegFuse on Jun 3, 2022, 9:32:50 AM
What happens to the wither debuff if there are two different sources applying wither with different duration and effect?

Does the most recent application overwrite the previous one or does it refresh the one with the highest duration/effect?

For example, a build with:
Minions with withering touch support gem (applies a 2 second wither)
Occultist with Withering Presence ascendancy notable and Corruption notable (applies a 15 second wither with 35% increased effect)
Last edited by promind on Jun 3, 2022, 10:31:46 AM
Why does legion interact with ritual, while many other mechanics dont? is this on purpose or just because of the nature or the POE code.

I'm huge blighted map fan,

I have few following questions that bother me for few leagues already and I can't find the answer analyzing the data myself:

Is item rarity impacting loot item quality dropped from chests?
We know item QTY impacts loot. Difference is here when we use silver oil that only increases qty, while item rarity comes with more mods and more risk.

How does golden oil work exactly?

Is ravaged blighted map loot related to a map tier?

We know all ravaged minions have ilvl85 but they vary from T14-T16

Some layouts like Fields, Caldera, Strand spawn very little to none tower slots in range of pump. So two questions -
Is it technically possible to increase range where towers are active and do their job and another thing -
is it really OK to you that those few layouts really stand out from everything else?

What is the correct way to calculate corpse life? Stealing this from a reddit thread -

Based on and thus: 16161 (84 monster base) x 5,76 (auric champion multiplier) x 1,7 (passives) = 158248 (ds lily seems to use this)

Based on and thus: 203299 (base at 84) x 1,7 (passives) = 345608 (ziz seems to use this)
I'm ps4 player

After the 3.18 update, there is no Chinese, when will it be fixed? 3.17 Joining the game because of Chinese, it feels bad to be deceived
Last edited by LDWiuiu on Jun 3, 2022, 9:47:43 AM
When will perandus league or Cadiro Perandus come back?

can you share how Cadiro offer worked and what was the chance of getting hh or a mirror from it?

i farmed perandus league non stop since legion and i came to the realisation that the spawn chance of cadiro was too low. so why did other leagues like legion and atlas buffs from wachstones/notables had suchs a low chance to spawn cadiro?

in ultimatum where every league had there spawn chances set to the same % chance why didnt this effect perandus league? even after this change it was locked begind atlas notes or scarabs

why was perandus league removed before torment, talisman or tempest?

and last question when poe 2 was announced chris said that every league will be supported so does this mean that perandus league will come back when poe2 comes out

Perandus enjoyer
Last edited by Tuonti on Jun 3, 2022, 10:10:20 AM
How does the "Hex reflection" mod on Atziris reflection work exactly? haven't been able to find any info on it.
When you remove archnemesis, it's the worst thing that happened in this game

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