Game Mechanics Q&A

How exactly does Alva's Gift buff, the one Alva occasionally casts in the Temple of Atzoatl, work? Is it tied to a timer, or triggered by killing a certain number of monsters, or a different mechanic altogether?
SewingChaos wrote:
There is plans to nerf the degen zones/dot zones (fire ones, caustic, cold snap witches, etc etc) or at least give us more ways to deal with them?

they buffed regen stats a while ago... not GGGs fault you don't use it.
Some monsters have more "more" multipliers than others, particularly influence monsters that convert most of their physical damage to elemental. Are these monsters affected equally by "Gains % of physical as extra ---- damage" mods? Or is there some balancing done to ensure they aren't hitting multiple times harder than every other monster type.
Does Spell Suppression interact with DoT or Ailments?
Loot filters are able to determine if an identified rare item has a specific mod notably incursion, delve, and essence mods. Things like "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Topotante's" "of Puhuarte" etc...

However the stash tab search is unable to identify these item mods. Is this intended behavior?

With all of this however the loot filter can't identify what the enchant is on an item. This goes for annoints on talismans, helm enchants, and the new eater and exarch implicits, only whether or not it is enchanted. I would love to be on the lookout for talismans with powerful annoints on them, but if I have to mouse over every one while remembering what annoints are good, I'd rather leave them hidden on the ground. It has only been 4 months and I no longer look at items to see what eater/exarch implicit was rolled when dropped in maps because it is too time consuming. If I could identify the implicit with the loot filter then it becomes an issue of what the base type is and that is something I could maybe find excitement in.

While I am here writing this, the first point also goes for veiled modifiers. My loot filter can determine if an item has a Hillock's Veil mod on it, but not in the stash tab. More than this though before the recent change to advanced mod descriptions, you used to be able to hold alt to determine if a veiled mod was one of the specific ones. The loot filter knows it is a Hillock's Veiled body armor but I still dont until I pick it up and look in my inventory, what if it was Gravicius' veiled? It feels bad when Elreon drops 2 veiled jewelry items and I have to pick them both up to see if one is Elreon's Veiled. Do I "really" need to color code special veiled modifiers in my loot filter to be able to differentiate them across the 17 Syndicate members?
Do different sources of '%increased damage taken' on enemies stack additively or multiplicatively? For example in an instance where enemy is both shocked and has stacks of withered applied to them and then take chaos damage, or if an enemy is both shocked and intimidated and then take attack damage.
Two questions that are related to eachother.

How or why aren't mouse clicks prioritized on key elements such as Shrines? In a fully juiced map it is incredibly difficult to click on a Shrine that's surrounded by mobs. If this is intentional to force you to clear the mobs before you take the shrine buff why is there an invulnerability shrine that needs to be clicked before the mobs are killable? I've had several very frustrating deaths dealing with that since my build can't afford to put on Phasing.

During Breach league the game was a lot slower and the quant wasn't nearly as big. Nowadays people rely on leech a lot more than they did then to stay alive, do you not think Clasped Hands are a relic of old design philosophy that needs to be dealt with in some way? I can understand the rewarding feeling of clicking one of the big hands but there are between 4-8 small ones every Breach with Flash Breach it's unrealistic to be able to click even a fraction of them. Would you ever consider creating another notable for Breach on the Map Atlas that automatically opened them? If that's too rewarding maybe having the drawback of halving their rewards? - Feel free to ignore this one, this is more design related, I'd still like answer for the first one.
Last edited by iAxX on Jun 3, 2022, 8:49:05 AM
Is item rarity threshold a thing in PoE?
Why are you so stuck on very dangerous on death effects?
Almost every monster in this game is more dangerous dead than alive.
Wat da hek
Why do Essences only stack to 9? is there some lore behind why they can't stack to 10 ?

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