Game Mechanics Q&A

Keystone Passive "The Impaler" states:
"When your Hits Impale Enemies, also Impale other Enemies near them.
Inflict 4 additional Impales on Enemies you Impale.
For 4 seconds after you Impale Enemies, they cannot be Impaled again, and Impales cannot be Called from them."

Notable Passive "Harpooner" states:
"20% chance to Impale enemies on Hit with Two Handed Weapons.
30% increased Effect of Impales you inflict with Two Handed Weapons on Non-Impaled Enemies.
50% increase Impale Duration."

The question focuses on the following lines:
The Impaler:
"Inflict 4 additional Impales on Enemies you Impale."
"30% increased Effect of Impales you inflict with Two Handed Weapons on Non-Impaled Enemies."

The combination of these two lines could be interpreted in 2 different ways when fighting a non-impaled enemy:
1. Your hit inflicts 5 impales on an enemy, with each impale having 30% increased effect.
2. Your hit inflicts 1 impale on an enemy, with 30% increased effect. Then, because the enemy is already impaled, the 4 additional impales from "Harpooner" do NOT receive the 30% increased effect.

Which of these possible interpretations is actually in the game?

If it's #1, then recommend rewording "The Impaler" to the following:
"When your Hits Impale Enemies, also Impale other Enemies near them.
Enemies that you Impale have 5 Impales inflicted simultaneously, instead of 1.
For 4 seconds after you Impale Enemies, they cannot be Impaled again, and Impales cannot be Called from them."

If it's #2, then recommend rewording "The Impaler" to the following:
"When your Hits Impale Enemies, also Impale other Enemies near them.
Enemies that you Impale have 4 additional Impales applied to them after you Impale them.
For 4 seconds after you Impale Enemies, they cannot be Impaled again, and Impales cannot be Called from them."
Does item quantity on maps affect league content, for example how many legion splinters you get from monsters and legion chests?
When using the Harvest craft for gambling stacks of cards, is the type of card weighted or are all cards equally up to RNG?

Explain exactly what the "Less likely" and "more likely" to roll modifiers reforge craft does. Numbers and all.

What limitations are there on recombinators and legacy mods, if any?

Theoretically speaking, if one were to defer everything that popped up in a Ritual over and over what would happen? Explain how the game handles this.

What is the actual % the Aisling bench has a chance to grant veiled mods by tier?

What effect do modifiers in Logbooks have on the boss drops? Specifically, does having more mods on the boss give greater chances of dropping Expedition exclusive uniques or is it a general buff to loot drops? In other words, is the Expedition exclusive unique drop rate for Expedition bosses fixed or quantifiable?
I wonder if Hillock-Senpai will notice me when I go to town??
For the Totem skill tree Mastery: 5% of Damage from Hits is taken from your nearest Totem's Life before you; if the hit is large enough to kill the totem, is the extra damage wasted as overkill damage, or is the extra damage applied to the player? Much appreciated.
Wasn't planning on writing an essay today but let's goooooo

Broad mechanical questions:

I. Is there a rule for when limits on a skill are shared between you and your traps/mines/totems/mirages? E.g. Cremation, Earthshatter, Bladestorm.

As far as I can tell, you and your totems share 3 Cremation Geysers, but every Earthbreaker Earthshatter totem gets their own Maximum 15 Spikes. Mirage Warriors appear to have no Bladestorm limit at all (or possibly per mirage), while the two Mirage Saviours appear to share a maximum with each other, but not with you. It's quite confusing.

II. How do remote skills determine which stats to reference?

When a skill supported by Bloodthirst is used by a Mirage, its Added Physical Damage with Weapons equal to 2% of Maximum Life presumably checks the player's life, not the mirage's. When Forbidden Rite is used by a totem, Deals 12% of your maximum Life as base Chaos Damage checks the totem's life, not the player's.

Can this be derived from the wording?

Related, when a Mirage uses Charged Dash, which movement speed is referenced for Illusion moves at 130% of your Movement Speed? Yours because your skill has your stats, or the Mirage's because they're the object using the skill?

III. When your totem taunts an enemy, is the player considered 'anyone else' and an 'other target' for the purposes of Taunt's less damage multiplier and Champion's Enemies Taunted by you deal 20% less Damage with Hits and Ailments against other targets?

IV. Is there a rule for when projectiles create an aoe when they pierce/fork/chain/etc. (e.g. Ice Shot) and when they don't (e.g. Fireball)?

V. PoE usually discards decimals - how does this interact with stacks of the same (de)buff? Hypothetically, if you apply 2 stacks of Withered with 10% increased effect, would that apply 6x2=12% increased damage taken, or 6.6x2=13%?

VI. Cannot roll Caster Modifiers and Cannot roll Attack modifiers appear to prevent the removal of Caster or Attack modifiers with Orbs of Annulment. Is this interaction intended? Has it always worked this way?

Specific gems:

1. How does Voltaxic Burst's Enemies killed by this damage, or shortly after, will explode work? Does it leave a debuff on enemies that reminds them to explode, even when it isn't Voltaxic Burst that kills them?

2. Does 'Hits' in Lancing Steel's Hits after the first on each Enemy deal 60% less Damage include ailments?

3. Is there a mechanical reason Rolling Magma can't overlap ground AoE with multiple projectiles?

4. Can minions gain Innervate? The support says 'Supports any skill you use to hit enemies yourself', suggesting no, but it does come up as a valid support for minion skills like Raise Zombie. Minions don't appear to get Innervate's visual effect though.

Specific items:

1. Mantra of Flames counts each set of Fortification stacks as one buff, even inactive sets. Is this intended behaviour?

2. Can Witchfire Brew's level 21 Despair curse aura be scaled? Flask effect, curse effect?


1. With the new Atlas, does stacking % chance to be 1 tier higher past 100% still give a chance to upgrade maps by 2 tiers? Is this the only stat in PoE where stacking more than 100% chance is meaningful?

2. Can Mirages gain Rage (for movement speed)?

3. What are the minimum thresholds for the alternative elemental ailments? 1%?

4. Is there a mechanical reason why the stats on Trickster's Harness the Void need to specify 'with hits' when other non-chaos as extra chaos effects don't? ("% chance to gain % of Non-Chaos Damage with Hits as Extra Chaos Damage")

5. What number is the stun threshold based on when you have 0 ES, but also have effects like Stun Threshold is based on 50% of your Energy Shield instead of Life or the similar mod on Valyrium? Just life?
I'm playing a minion build and confused about what impacts summons. For example, curse on hit. Sometimes I think it's only my hits, how do I know if my minions hits count as well? I see sometimes "your hits" or "your minions" or just a generic "hits". Also, if anything related to "Global" impact your minions?

Thank you.
Why wont dots shatter already frozen enemies?
why is it when i run some juiced map, full of mobs and stuff and using skill such as ball lighting, or kinetic blast my graphic card handles it with relative ease, not even warming up too much, but when i am in an empty space and dare to use skills such as volatile dead, or creeping frost that same graphic card launches all the wrrrromish cooling available to keep itself unfried?

...edit: ooh game mechanics, not game engine mechanics. Well then, how is empower of sentinels calculated?

is it possible for those incorporated rares and magic modifiers in conjunction with other mechanics and map modifiers to create a mob with 100% damage mitigation? Or above?
Last edited by HatreT on Jun 3, 2022, 12:11:56 PM
How do the Increased chance for a breach to belong to X stack?

If it's 100% Xoph and 100% Esh is that just 50/50? If I get 30% Chayula and 100% Esh what is the chance of it being Chayula? Is there then a 0% chance that it'll be any other?
- I think its the case after 3weeks of farming this way ( and also many ppl said of similar results )
- Can you please clarify if and how does the extra +%quantity from sentinels interact with Expedition monsters ?
The issue is that is REALLY obvius and not only my personal expirience ( or chance i guess ) that when you use a sentinel with +% quantity on expedition mobs in a map, they will drop LESS artifacts ... even though they become much harder than Sirus in some cases ^^
- Can you plz check or clarify about this since i know many ppl that use it as a main means of farming including my self for a big chunk of thees past first league weeks
Thanks in advance !

PS : I was one of ppl who were crying about the HH issue ( and also the person who asked Chris Wilson the same question on the Live of Sentinel league via chat ) , so i just wanted to say; very nicely done in bringing Headhunter to old levels and with a new feeling as well !

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