3.18.0d Patch Notes Preview

VernerHolt wrote:
Wait, maybe NEXT WEEK?
It takes TWO WEEKS to fix this? Seriously?

Because they need to test the "already extensilvely tested"(tm) AN mods going core...

Unless they remove some of the mods and tune down their occurence, the game will still be unplayable for some and not fun at all dureing leveling.
Path of Exile is a Casino for gambling addicts.
Gambling is not fun nor a game mechanic...
KopaKabana wrote:
AN mods should be completely removed from the game, not "reworked'!

+++ 1
Please not Nerf More !!! its too easy now =D
Please just delete archnemmesis from the game, i know nobody that enjoys the "new" rares and it suckes
Skytip_ wrote:
Delete on-death effects

naah ^^ could be a bit harder :)

Shapemyst wrote:
Please just delete archnemmesis from the game, i know nobody that enjoys the "new" rares and it suckes

Not Delete! just modified it i dont want a complete Easy Game, we are here not in Diablo =D
Last edited by Syinea on May 25, 2022, 1:12:00 PM
MrMelmac wrote:
ShowUs wrote:
Thanks for listening to community feedback and continuing fine tuning the difficulty of archnemesis mods GGG.
I know it's not a easy task implementing major changes to monsters and all the hate coming from reddit lately is not justifiable.

Kudos for acknowledging the concerns of the player base and attempting to adjust the game inline with your own design philosphies.

I am going to buy a supporter pack this league to show my support.

And you have supported the game in what way exactly??? Oh you gonna buy one supporter pack? Lol real game changer...

Giving someone flak over supporting the game because they aren't throwing a thousand dollars at the devs is kinda poor manners. Let the dude buy his supporter pack and give the devs his money if he feels like it, don't be an arse over it.
Good that the immunity is gone, although 80% immune is still way too high. Does GGG want us to stop using elemental damage and use only physical or chaos???

Repeating my post from before:
Nice that changes are done, but there are combinations that should NOT exist together i.m.h.o.; there are quite a few rares now that have no vulnerability; like immunity (or super high resists) and huge damage and speed (so you cannot kill them quickly, or run away from, or tank damage from and thus decide whether to fight, kite, wait for a vulnerable phase etc.).

In archnemesis you could choose which mods you would end up with (and there was soo much less of them {arch nem rare occurance}) which resulted in the ability to make sure certain combinations of mods that would be (near) build breaking would not appear.

The rares can be challenging, but i think it's wrong that the rares are more difficult than the unique bosses, that have telegraphed attacks and vulnerable phases and such; while the rares do not; so they SHOULD be easier i think and never have (combinations of ) mods that are near- un-doable for builds; they should have vulnerabilities that EVERY build should be able to exploit in some way.

(and i don't mean like for me now with spectral helix.. taking like several minutes to kill the one rare with bs mods. I had to take frost bomb to jut be able to kill some.
(high resists + healing -> means it's near impossible to kill without using FB to stop the healing).

Rares can be more challenging, but this track is a very bad track chosen.
Build selection should NOT be dependent on having to kill rares.
When you're in POE2 and you can have multiple 6 links and have more than 1 option to do damage, then it may work, although might still be weird.

ANY BUILD should be able to kill any rare.
Not every build can kill bosses and such; some builds can do delve real well, others bossing, others farming maps.. etc. BUT every build, no matter what areas you decide to focus on should be able to kill rares.
Last edited by Care_Less on May 25, 2022, 1:37:20 PM
Just delete all sentinel changes. Awesome fuck-up:)
This is something at least, but im still not going to continue this game. Playing since closed beta and this 3.18 patch is pretty much the worst ever thing ever in PoE. Did GGG even test anything at all? Archnemesis needs to be removed COMLETELY. I dont care for Headhunter, actually leave it this way, but please remove archnemesis. The screen clutter, about a thousand ground effects, even more on death effects, not having a clue what is going on AT ALL except dying all the time, this game is unplayable.. Wanted to play all summer but im saddened by this, its NO FUN at all.
Probably already been asked but why don't you just remove the archnem mods from the game until you can balance them to the point where the game is actually fun? Having to do pass after pass on this just feels like you are choosing to go down with the ship.

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