3.18.0d Patch Notes Preview

What's the point of the Trickster modifier?

It's pretty fun to fight things that want to kill your character, why is this one designed specifically to waste our time?
What still baffles me is the evident total lack of sense of proportion... mostly.

I didn't actually think much about hearing 'AN mods going core' - was like, ah well, fine I guess.

Why? Because me, silly me just thought these mods should replace the old Nemesis mods.

Which would've meant they should show up under the same circumstances and with the same frequency.

I really, really just didn't think anyone in Auckland could've been doing the bottoms-up without shoes and their heads so deep in the barrel that they'd just go and replace every mod everywhere with this.

And I've seriously given up on trying to wrap my head around the question just how anyone of'em still could stick to that [REDACTED] [CENSORED] of an idea the next sober morning - ok, without keeling over laughing and yelling 'got ya!' after two seconds max at least.

If they'd just done that - strictly replace Nemesis with it and nothing more - I think it would actually have been a minimum fine, at the very least. I daresay even fun at times - even the occasional Trickster or Effigy.

That would still have required some 'minor' balancing - like, 'THOU SHALT NOT EVER MAKE A BLIGHT PORTAL SPAWN AN INVULNERABLE, REJUVENATING JUGGERNAUT' and stuff - but that would've been manageable and no biggie.

Apart from everything else lots of people have already said over and over, another aspect hasn't been brought up enough yet:

The current state of things not only kills build diversity, but also monster diversity.
The exact nature of your opponent becomes close to irrelevant when all of it's innate, basic abilities completely pale in comparison and are plain lost to the overshadowing AN mod it has.
You're no longer fighting Shield Crabs, Porcupines or Skeleton Archers but Storm Striders, Chaosweavers or Mana Siphoners.

And this is even more ridiculous - might as well replace all monster models with one generic 'ranged' and another generic 'melee' model then.

...could go on, oh yes, but I had to promise someone I would stop caring. Darn. ;)

So, as a constructive-feedback-type last word, I hereby encourage all interested readers to think about what I thought initially -

why not just replace only Nemesis with the Archversion and nothing else, hmm?
"Boah, is echt lächerlich, wie schnell das hier lädt, wenn nich irgendwelche Penner mit MTX hier rumhängen."
Just revert this Archnemesis garbage already. It's obvious most people hate it and no amount of balancing is going to fix it. You also have killed your most iconic unique item in the process of forcing this horrible addition on us.

I've been here since beta and have played every single league since Breach but if Archnemesis is staying in the game the way it is I won't be back for future leagues.
Thanks for listening to community feedback and continuing fine tuning the difficulty of archnemesis mods GGG.
I know it's not a easy task implementing major changes to monsters and all the hate coming from reddit lately is not justifiable.

Kudos for acknowledging the concerns of the player base and attempting to adjust the game inline with your own design philosphies.

I am going to buy a supporter pack this league to show my support.
I really thought this league was extensively tested.
So why all these changes and nerfs, which will continue after this patch, when it was extensively tested? Why? Or was it a lie? Did Chris lie straight to our faces during the live stream?
Last edited by Kleinriese on May 25, 2022, 12:42:39 PM
i really hate this league. no fun. yes.. its just like beta tester.

im quit.
Corpse life fix when? DD needed to be fixed before the launch. A bug fix is not the same as a balance change when it was always bugged.

My only issue with the current state - and I don't see it addressed - is the quantity of on death affects and explosion one shots.

I've been using Sentinel on mildly juicy T16s with Deli and while they are very, very hard (8 mod essences with Deli and empowerment are true pinnacle bosses) the rewards are noticeably improved. I think that aspect is really good. If it's too hard, I skip Deli or don't press F2. You can control the difficulty and the rewards which is amazing, and seriously kudos for that, that's the main reason I've put in so many hours this league.

I don't mind it being harder, I think the actual monster difficulty should be hard at the top, but the number of on death mechanics (not variety, quantity) is absurd, and I don't see what value it brings to the game with no counter play. Can't they have a max range that isn't 3 laps of the map or something? I don't know, they just don't really need to be that strong.

I understand you need something to be able to one shot even tanky players to keep the game interesting. But now there's some random thing exploding that has no visual indicator? I think crystal skin? It just feels really bad. While the on death poison or flame balls are apparent, you make one miss-click and in less than a second you are dead. Twice I clicked a chest or on a syndicate members name on accident after an encounter, while aimlessly running around knowing there are on-death mechanics following me or on the ground that I can't see, and because I stood still for almost a full second I died. Even after the patches it's never less than 4 balls per type. I could be wrong but I don't think it is GGG's intent to make you feel like you need to be constantly moving, and that's how it feels right now. You are never safe to stand still, and when many of the mechanics require reading and interaction it feels very bad. By far the worst offender is Delve where every encounter has screen wide cold snap you can't see that degens for 800hp/sec through 80 max cold res so you have to guess where you can stand while spamming your health flask, dodging insane projectiles, ice walls, poison balls, fire balls, and still trying to do damage. I feel like I am one of the last few people who casually Delves for fun - which is probably why few people have said anything - but now it's gotten to the point where it's hard to find a reason to do it. I guess my main point is, why do enemies that can barely damage you on their own have on death mechanics that can easily kill you? It doesn't make sense. It should chunk at most, not obliterate, except in cases where it is known and can be counter played.
Last edited by cfg3 on May 25, 2022, 1:06:48 PM
Wait, maybe NEXT WEEK?
It takes TWO WEEKS to fix this? Seriously?
Very well said mate. I couldn't pick a better words myself. Ta
ShowUs wrote:
Thanks for listening to community feedback and continuing fine tuning the difficulty of archnemesis mods GGG.
I know it's not a easy task implementing major changes to monsters and all the hate coming from reddit lately is not justifiable.

Kudos for acknowledging the concerns of the player base and attempting to adjust the game inline with your own design philosphies.

I am going to buy a supporter pack this league to show my support.

And you have supported the game in what way exactly??? Oh you gonna buy one supporter pack? Lol real game changer...
Last edited by MrMelmac on May 25, 2022, 12:59:49 PM

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