Ultimatum Launch: Server Issues and Streamer Priority

Streamers ONLY ARPG: Path of Exile

Terrapiaaa wrote:
I understand the concerns about it, I also understand the problems that arise at the launch of a new season.
I don't care whether the big streamers have priority or not, I just care about playing the season and having fun. 12 hours after launch, you can't even play for 10 minutes continuously and there are people who are already at the map stage. the troubling thing is this, how do they never get kicked off the servers, while 99% of people just enter the game, get kicked out and have to redo a layout at least 3 times before progressing? this is sad, the fact that you cannot play for more than 10 consecutive minutes !! I understand it's tough, I understand that there is a lot of work to do and problems to solve. Yet please keep us updated kindly. otherwise I will have to start the season that I have waited so long with at least 1 week late!


it's unaccetable

Last edited by xDarkillx on Apr 17, 2021, 4:50:52 AM
They've already angered enough people, don't anger more by doing a complete reset.

"You're my Sword's canvas."
~Totes Adorbs.
having something going this wrong on release must have been and still is the biggest nightmare of developers, QA and community managers. And as a fellow developer who has experienced this kind of suffocating moments on release(way smaller scale),lets hope all get fixed sooner then later and all of you can get some much needed rest, these things can have major mental health consequences (speaking out of experience again here)

as for the streamer priority i hope lessons were learned i always bring PoE up in conversations about how to have a non predatory free to play model as lots of things you guys do is genuinely great and yes content creators are a big part of the community and most deserve to get rewarded for the effort. still seeing them as a marketing tool foremost is a slippery slope and i feel it was kind of mismanaged. my advice not as a developer but as someone who enjoys games would be that if you want to incorporate streamers as marketing you need to make sure it does not damage the integrity of the game, the streamer and the studio. all of these failed this time by giving them a clear game advantage over other players, a bad selection process of what kind of people you would like to have in this system so some great streamers got lots of hate while not even having priority while some truly toxic and out of touch people did, and not benign upfront about payed promotional to begin with.

ps: sorry i don't speak much on the internets and dyslexia among other things don't help either so i hope it al make scene.
If this has just occurred for a short while without streamer que skip. then i would be all for soldiering on. However given the sheer volume of crashes and subsequent time wasted of so many of your players. I think the best course of action is to relaunch the league fullstop. From almost every online social media source i see nothing but calls for a league reset to put it right.
any lost drops or currency gained during this period is no where near as valuable as all of the players massive amount of wasted and lost time.
What money you spent on the high level streamers is going to cost you a bunch on the people the really support the game. It was one of worse PR moves that you could of made.
Fix it and restart the league ffs.
jure cringe will son tu m'as cassé les couilles zeubi
so what Chris is saying it is pay to win now. So how much money do you want next league to skip the queue and not get disconnected like everyone else ?? $$$$$
Thanks for the honest & transparent update, Chris.

Letting streamers (and their acquaintances) have priority was indeed a bad decision. One of the things that make communities work is "sharing"; both the good and the bad. The pain of this launch should've been shared between all.

The decision made may be very impactful on PoE's (great) community for a long time to come. I'm afraid the best option now will also be the most difficult choice: to reset the league and let everyone start again at 0. Painful for all (some more than others, ofc), but at least equality is regained and the pain of a refresh is shared within the community.

I wish you and the dev team all the best. Hope you can make the right decision now, with the best possible outcome, whatever that decision may be.

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