Ultimatum Launch: Server Issues and Streamer Priority

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Restart the league. Your empty apologies have no weight if you're not going to change anything.
This was so fucking scummy, I wanted to try at least hang with the racers for a while and see how far I could get. My streamer of choice was Quin69, I wait in que for 2 hours to get in. I got around 4900 ish which is okay.

I get to play 10 minutes, then I DC:s and gets 128 K in que. Meanwhile, my favorite streamer is 60 K and just gets in. He is completing the first act with me still being in que. He DC:s also, but gets indirect and says "Just log in faster chat..".

This is just utter bullshit if this is a race then who should all have an equal start. I'm not saying that I'm going to win I just wanted to see how long I could hang with the big boys before sleeping. But this just ended with me sleep-deprived and frustrated. Instead of spending it on influencers who will drop the game on the mark 2 hours, spend it on rewards for people who win the race.

This was so scummy and severely reduced my confidence in PoE as a company.
Last edited by Lostis on Apr 17, 2021, 4:51:17 AM
You're actually destoying your reputation with this shit. I didn't believe it the first time i heard a streamer say that he had prio. I thought there just was no chance you would be that stupid. but here are... dont have a ladder if you wanna give prio. even thoug it's usually streamers who dominate the leaderboards everyone should get a fair chance to compete, and sitting in queue watching them play and give their shit takes on the prio is so fucking stupid. People are pissed and they should be...
RESTART THE LEAGUE - Give players the "fair playing field" start that is core to a PoE league. Giving players like Empyrian and his friends a head start so much so that they are going to be 30-40 levels ahead of the competition. A group that even when we have a normal fair start are able to control the entire market and economy. A economy that you so desperatly try to ensure remains pure.
A lot of players like the economy of PoE. This is completely broken this time and you have to give us a fresh start. Bypassing economy for streamers is the worst idea you ever had (says a player who played the gane from release).
You didnt intend this, but now we want to see consequences. Talking is not a solution.
Last edited by Chinaski22 on Apr 17, 2021, 4:50:26 AM
Soooo, restarting the league for the very fairness you mention in your post orrrr?
Last edited by joshato on Apr 17, 2021, 4:50:22 AM
problem is not that streamers get priority, problem is game is race in first few hours who will get what first.
what about people who duped hundreds of ex due to disconnects??? You should reset the realm thats ridiculous....
So let me get this straight. You say whoops sorry some play got an unfair advantage. And that's that? I'm sure you don't care what a nobody like me says but honestly this is just by far the worst treatment of a dedicated community I can recall in a while... I get you guys are over worked and I'm sure some of you are on overtime to fix this but could we at least get an apology that sounds a little more genuine? Opps sorry guys my bad We let a handful of players reap the rewards well 76,000 of you plus waited. Smh not like they read these forums anyways.

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