Ultimatum Launch: Server Issues and Streamer Priority

So this [Removed by Support] will be repaired or is it not worth waiting for ???
Last edited by Natasha on Apr 22, 2021, 7:06:12 AM
I am not really super bothered by the whole streamer priority thing.

Don't get me wrong! I get why other people are upset. I do. It's unfair. It kind of fucks the economy in the short term...experienced players (especially streamers) know how fast the economy moves in the first few days. And forget racing.

But they apologized and said they won't do that again...so yeah, they fucked up. But if they learn from it, well...I can forgive. It's a great game, after all.

All of that said...an apology is nice but a free MTX might make me feel less like it's just "spin"...just sayin'
RMcCants wrote:
spaceace7373 wrote:
RMcCants wrote:
I just started playing Path of Exile a bit before the "Ritual" league ended, and now I feel like I need to start over. Does every league basically force a restart to get the new continent? My characters now say standard league since Ritual ended, but will that also happen once Ultimatum ends? I want a game that will allow an existing character to have full access to new content as continually restarting after putting in a ton of work is pointless.

Please advise if Ultimatum League is going to basically leave your characters converted to Standard League when you choose to add a different league...

all league characters go to standard after league end and you have to start over every time unless you play in standard where casual players can actually finish a build. GGG does stand for Grinding Gear Games where the grind never ends

You constantly grind in most MMO's the big thing here is that you have to start from scratch every time there is new content in order to enjoy the new content. I guess I can just chalk that up to poor game design...

When I first started playing PoE, I had the same opinion that you did. "It took me so freakin' long to get this character to a good point, why do I have to start a new character just to play the new game mechanism?"

But having played for several years, I now actually look forward to the new temporary leagues. Yes, I have to start a new character but that allows me to challenge myself to see if I can get to maps ("end game") faster than I did last league. And, since I don't have a stash full of great gear that I can crush the new content with, I have to be cautious while I learn the new content. Also, when I first started, it would take me the full league to "level" a character and while I'm still a filthy casual (it still takes me about "24 playing hours" to get a character to end game) and I usually end with one (maybe two) characters in the low 90s, I find it fun.

I also enjoy watching others go from nothing to end game in a handful of hours and get to level 100 in a week or so. So while I understand your frustration, I do not agree that it's "poor game design". In fact, it's probably the key to why I and the majority of people continue to play PoE year, after year, after year.

I hope you hang in there and look at the temporary leagues as an opportunity to challenge yourself, gauge your improvement and enjoy playing.
I am one of those, who hates rat races. Pppl farm on groups, a huge disadvantage for solo players who at best could be a random and ignored player at somebody's game.

Also many rat racers play like um 12 hour in a row, total nolifer even more from the first minute at the season. All this is, again something what casual palyers can't afford to.

At standard leagues this disparity is even bigger, at least at the seasonal league all starts from a zero.

Last edited by ruubel on Apr 23, 2021, 4:44:38 PM
It never happened and now again.
✨ Beta tester Path of Nerf 👀
You have lost my faith GGG, I would rather throw my money into the dumpster fire that is blizzard before you get another cent from me.

d2r coming out, I can just play that instead.
Good luck with your game, don't know that you can convince me to come back after this shit.

Goodbye beta fellow testers times up.
so sad to see this game gone in the wrong direction, for the first time since 2013 i lost the faith in you guys, you really let me down :( this league in unplayable, not funny! and i want to play to have fun, not despair
i want to subscribe
dont forget...

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